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Super Science Sheets

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Clear and concise lesson resources for busy science teachers. I am Head of Biology at a large secondary school - A Level Biology - AQA GCSE Science - KS3 science




Clear and concise lesson resources for busy science teachers. I am Head of Biology at a large secondary school - A Level Biology - AQA GCSE Science - KS3 science
Positive and negative feedback in biology

Positive and negative feedback in biology

This exercise describes examples of positive and negative feedback loops in biology. Students look at each example and: a) decide if it describes positive or negative feedback b) summarise the process in a flow diagram
A level Biology Unit 1 Longer answer practice

A level Biology Unit 1 Longer answer practice

I've taken each of the longer (5/6 mark) questions from aqa papers and put them into this PowerPoint. Students practice each question under timed conditions (timer on each slide - click on the box to activate. Give 5 mins for each question). Then use the mark scheme to mark/feedback.
Electron Structure Cut & Stick

Electron Structure Cut & Stick

Instead of drawing hundreds of electrons, this resource presents the electron arrangements for the first 20 elements which students first identify, then arrange onto their periodic table. Much neater, and less chance of mistakes. Print out SINGLE SIDED so students can cut out the cards on page 1 and arrange them into the periodic table on page 2.
OCR B4 Developing ideas about photosynthesis

OCR B4 Developing ideas about photosynthesis

A useful starter for B4 created for an interview lesson (hence the AfL) - how scientists' ideas about photosynthesis have developed. Get three students to read the pieces about each scientist and the class fill in their sheets after each one.
Virtual photosynthesis experiment

Virtual photosynthesis experiment

This is an ICT based investigation using Multimedia Science School (http://mss.lgfl.org.uk/BL612/ls.html) - ignore the comment below, you don't need a username. Students record results on the Word document and can do data analysis on the Excel document.
Breaking Bad percentage yield investigation

Breaking Bad percentage yield investigation

This investigation is based around Breaking Bad. Students complete a practical making magnesium sulphate (I've called it 'white') and calculate the percentage yield. The group with the highest yield wins but watch out for cheating!
Edexcel SNAB Unit 1 Examiners report activity

Edexcel SNAB Unit 1 Examiners report activity

This activity uses the Edexcel examiners report to help develop exam technique. In pairs, students should be given a copy of the June 2015 exam paper and markscheme, and the activity sheets. They should go through the sample answers, and decide how many marks to award each one. The ppt should be used to show students what the examiners decided. Examiners' tips and commentary are also highlighted
Command word exam technique practice

Command word exam technique practice

This is aimed at edexcel A level biology but may be relevant to other boards/subjects. I've taken common command words from exams and have attempted to explain their meaning through this activity.
Euglena - Plant or Animal?

Euglena - Plant or Animal?

This activity is adapted from a Kings' College resource and develops argumentation skills. It is also a good summary of the differences between plant and animal cells and an introduction to classification.