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Rainbow Room Learning

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Hi, welcome to my shop. I have been a primary teacher for 34 years and have a wide range of experience in different roles. I have been a senior leader in schools and most recently a SENDCO for 10 years. I am posting resources that I think will be helpful for SENDCOs, class teachers or even parents and home educators. I am new to this - so please do send reviews to help me improve - or requests if there is something you think I might be able to create that you would find helpful.




Hi, welcome to my shop. I have been a primary teacher for 34 years and have a wide range of experience in different roles. I have been a senior leader in schools and most recently a SENDCO for 10 years. I am posting resources that I think will be helpful for SENDCOs, class teachers or even parents and home educators. I am new to this - so please do send reviews to help me improve - or requests if there is something you think I might be able to create that you would find helpful.
Sensory circuit and arrival planners

Sensory circuit and arrival planners

This resource has all of the sensory circuits and arrival planners in one document for ease. It includes the set and blank plans for adults to use with students who need support with transition into school or sensory processing throughout the school day.
Now and next board

Now and next board

This now and next board can be used to plan with a student what activities they will do. It is designed to be used with the plan-do-review approach and includes a prompt to review the learning that happened as a result of the activities undertaken. It is particularly appropriate for use with neurologically atypical students or those who struggle to engage with adult directed learning.
Valentines Day PSHE reflections

Valentines Day PSHE reflections

A simple worksheet for students to think about friendship and love linked to Valentines Day. Gives them space to draw a friend and a person they love e.g family member. They are asked to write about their friend and select words beginning with the letters to create an acrostic style piece of writing about the person they drew in the heart shape.
Sensory circuit blank - low sensory

Sensory circuit blank - low sensory

This resource is a blank simple visual plan for a sensory circuit with alerting, organising and calming phases that can be personalised for a particular student. This version of the resource has been presented in grayscale with a neutral background to help avoid sensory overload. Sensory circuits can be used at the start of a day or session with students who need this kind of activity to transition into the learning environment. Sensory circuits can also provide a useful refocus and reset break for students at any point in the school day. They are often recommended by occupational therapists for students with neurologically typical development such as ASD or ADHD or a sensory processing disorder.
Student plan for start of the day

Student plan for start of the day

These resources help make the transition from starting the day with a sensory circuit to a simple arrival routine. They follow the same format to help provide continuity whilst introducing activities that are part of usual arrival routines in schools. They will be helpful for students who need a planner or checklist to follow a multi-step routine.
Student start of the day plan- low sensory

Student start of the day plan- low sensory

These resources help make the transition from starting the day with a sensory circuit to a simple arrival routine. They follow the same format to help provide continuity whilst introducing activities that are part of usual arrival routines in schools. They will be helpful for students who need a planner or checklist to follow a multi-step routine. This version of the resource has been presented in grayscale with a neutral background to help avoid sensory overload.
Cross Curricular Recall Rainbow Route

Cross Curricular Recall Rainbow Route

This set of cards can be used to review recent learning in a range of foundation subjects with a student. Each card has a task that will provide an opportunity focus discussion on one subject area. There are 3 prompts that adults can use to initiate discussion. The cards have been made as open as possible so that they can be used with a range of students. Rainbow Routes are designed to be displayed at a series of locations within or beyond the classroom. The student then travels from one card to the next and engages with the activity. They are particularly useful for students who find the classroom environment challenging and need a structured approach to being out of class for a period of time. This route allows the focus to be on reviewing some wider learning whilst also giving the student time out of an overwhelming environment to process things or reset. However, the cards could also be out into a display book and used in one location whether that is in class or beyond. These kinds of activities can be very appropriate for neurologically atypical students for example with ASD or ADHD or students suffering from anxiety.
KS2 generic cover pages

KS2 generic cover pages

Schools often carry out practice tests with Year 6 students and the children needing adapted provision as a result of special educational needs often cannot access the same booklets as their peers. These covers can be put on the front of booklets of work these students are using at the same time as their peers to help them feel included. Each cover also includes a self-assessment box for students to share how they felt doing the activity. They can also be put on a range of work across the school year to help those students who feel anxious about tests to normalise the presentation and help them to feel more confident tackling tasks presented with this kind of cover. There are covers for a range of English and Maths activities. Science and Humanities covers have also been included in case these might be helpful for end of unit assessments. I like things to look consistent!
Daily Reading Intervention Pack

Daily Reading Intervention Pack

Everything you need to set up daily reading as a formal intervention for students in your class or school who are early readers. This pack includes: • A training presentation that you can share with adults supporting early readers to ensure that they are well prepared. • A detailed guide that you can give to adults hearing children read daily to help them support the development of decoding, fluency and comprehension skills. • A simple record keeping sheet that adults supporting early readers daily can complete – with an example of how this might be filled in. • A choice of assessments that you can use to measure impact, particularly on decoding ability. Check these pre and post a period of structured daily reading to see how much progress has been made. • An evaluation form that can be used at the end of the programme to summarise information and make recommendations about whether ongoing support is needed. I have used this approach across the school as SENDCO to help ensure that early readers are getting regular and well-structured support that they need to make progress. It also allowed me to see where daily reading support was not providing enough support and further assessment and intervention might be needed.
Vocabulary challenge 24 for 2024

Vocabulary challenge 24 for 2024

A printable booklet to review pupil understanding of a range of words selected from key vocab lists for maths, science, history, geography, music, art, DT and computing. 24 words have been selected that drawn from a range of curriculum subjects. There is a Frayer model diagram for students to complete to explore the meaning of each word. Additionally, there is a challenge to think about how each word can be used in creative and narrative writing contexts with an example given for each to scaffold ideas. Student can do them over any time scale – but as a word of the week will be able to complete them all before the end of the school year if they start them in January 2024 in class or as a home learning activity.
2024 New Year Aims or New Year Resolutions

2024 New Year Aims or New Year Resolutions

A simple activity for students to record 3 aims they have for 2024. The prompt suggests they try and set aims in different areas of their lives and gives examples for learning, personal development and social aims.
2024 reading challenge record sheet

2024 reading challenge record sheet

Want to set your students a challenge to read more and read widely this year? Use this 24 for 2024 reading challenge record sheet to do just that. There is space to record 24 books and reflect on their reading too.
Book Day 2025 - Superpowers of Stories

Book Day 2025 - Superpowers of Stories

This worksheet asks students to think of the impact different books or stories have had on them. They are asked to think of stories that have made them smile, laugh, sad and learn amongst others. There are 9 responses to consider in total. They could draw or write in response. The final reflection question asks if there is one story or book that has been able to do all 9.