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Creating detailed KS3 & KS4 resources tailored to improve student skills and knowledge as well as strengthen learning attributes such as teamwork, resilience, communication, independence and problem solving.




Creating detailed KS3 & KS4 resources tailored to improve student skills and knowledge as well as strengthen learning attributes such as teamwork, resilience, communication, independence and problem solving.
George Floyd - Black Lives Matter PSHE

George Floyd - Black Lives Matter PSHE

KS3 & KS4 PSHE lesson on the topic of the Black Lives Matter movement. This lesson features the recent coverage of the murder of George Floyd by police officers in the USA. Students will have access to videos and a mural dedicated to George Floyd and other black citizens who have needlessly lost their lives through unacceptable actions by people in positions of power. This lesson is to encourage students to be a part of the solution and stand united with black people across the world, regardless of the students’ own heritage. This lesson is also online friendly so can be set as work for students who are remotely learning; instructions are clear and information is clearly signposted.


A complete lesson on Puberty for KS3 & KS4. Two videos linked within slide show as well as venn diagram activity and the full 5 stages of puberty covered. Perfect for an hours lesson during PSHE.
Negative Effects of Social Media

Negative Effects of Social Media

A PSHE lesson on the positives and negatives of social media. Students are to answer questions in their groups, decide whether certain statements are true or false before watching a short clip on social media use. Students will finish by completing their own pledge to use social media responsibly and sparingly. Does use the term ‘bastard’ within the lesson resources. This can be easily removed.
Ancient Egypt Mini Scheme of Work

Ancient Egypt Mini Scheme of Work

5 History lessons designed for KS3/KS4 students. Includes detailed lessons on the importance of the Nile, the social pyramid in Egypt, Egyptian health, Egyptian mythology/religion with templates for a detailed written task and an Egyptian key individuals lesson. Information hunts, group work, group role play and debates are all incorporated into the lessons.
What is Prejudice?

What is Prejudice?

A KS3 History/Citizenship lesson on the topic of Prejudice. Students will understand the definition of prejudice, examples both in today’s society and historically, reasons behind prejudice and impact prejudice has on people. There are activities provided within the lesson.
What is a Revolution?

What is a Revolution?

KS3 History lesson introducing the concept of revolution. Students will be told about the most notable Revolutions (French, American, Industrial and Russian) A modern day example of Football is there to use but is optional as well as a starter task based around the ‘digital revolution’ of today. Students begin to understand how a collective change in thoughts and actions brings about a revolution. Powerpoint contains a few slides to begin with about standards as this lesson is used at the start of a new term before heading on to the French Revolution.
1960s Britain

1960s Britain

A KS3 History lesson looking at life in Britain in the 1960s. Transport, entertainment and technology are focused upon as students investigate life post-war and what it was like for the average person in Britain. Students are given a number of tasks to complete at the end of the lesson.
PSHE Consent Lesson

PSHE Consent Lesson

PSHE Lesson aimed at Year 9 students on the topic of consent. Students will be given both real life and fictional examples where consent has not been given and the consequences. Students will watch a number of videos on the topic of consent; links are in the slide notes. There is a range of questions throughout the presentation which will provide more than enough work for an hours session. There is also a group activity included which puts consent into practice.
PSHE Strength and Skills Lesson

PSHE Strength and Skills Lesson

PSHE lesson designed for Year 7 students surrounding the topic of Strengths & Skills. Students will be put into groups and asked to complete tasks which aim to challenge skills and showcase their strengths. Students will complete word searches, sudoku puzzles, Maths treasure hunt, a Geography crossword, Blindfold drawing task & learning the first 10 numbers in Japanese. Students love the challenge and be sure to reward the team that acquires the most points; a bag of Haribos tends to go down well.
Introduction to Geographical Exploration

Introduction to Geographical Exploration

Basic KS3/4 Geography lesson introducing a new scheme of work on India. Students will be given classroom expectations to begin before heading into a starter activity about the growing population within India. Students will then watch a video (link in the notes) about the geographical location of India and complete a description using the prompts on the board. Students are then asked to complete a definition for the key words on the board before watching another video (another link in the notes) and completing a description of the physical geography of India. Homework is also provided on the last slide.
UK Protests - Black Lives Matter PSHE

UK Protests - Black Lives Matter PSHE

KS3 & KS4 PSHE lesson on the topic of the Black Lives Matter movement. This lesson features the recent coverage of the protests carried out across Britain in the name of the Black Lives Matter movement. Students will watch videos, analyse photographs and participate in class discussion about the protests. This lesson is to encourage students to be a part of the solution and stand united with black people across the world, regardless of the students’ own heritage. This lesson is also online friendly so can be set as work for students who are remotely learning; instructions are clear and information is clearly signposted.
20th Century History Word Bank

20th Century History Word Bank

A perfect accompaniment for a modern history (WW1 & WW2) scheme of work; this document contains over one hundred key words and phrases to be used within lessons. Ideal for spelling tests and starters.
Piaget's theory of cognitive development

Piaget's theory of cognitive development

An AQA GCSE Psychology lesson centred on Piaget’s theory of cognitive development. Students will review who Piaget was and how he thought we learned as we developed from a child into an adult. Students will be familiar with the stages of development, what schemas are and how accommodation and assimilation impact on our understanding of the world. The theory is then evaluated before students attempt to apply new learning by answering GCSE style questions. This lesson is self-contained and could be set as independent work/homework without the need for teacher guidance.
Social and Dispositional Factors in Prosocial Behaviour

Social and Dispositional Factors in Prosocial Behaviour

A KS4 GCSE lesson based on the AQA Psychology specification. This lesson centres on factors affecting prosocial behaviour. Social factors, such as cost of helping and presence of others, and dispositional factors,such as similarities to victim and expertise, are discussed throughout the lesson. Students will then be provided with 3 different scenarios similar to those found in GCSE examinations. The first two focus on content within the lesson but the third emphasises the use of research methods and mathematics which is also seen in examinations.
Piliavin's Subway Study

Piliavin's Subway Study

A KS4 Psychology lesson centred on Piliavin’s Subway Study on prosocial behaviour - for AQA specification. Students will look at the aim, method, results and conclusion as well as 3 evaluation points. Students will also use some real-life situations as a starter to instigate conversations around the bystander effect. Students will then answer some GCSE exam questions at the end of the lesson.
Why did the First World War end?

Why did the First World War end?

A KS4 GCSE lesson on the end of the First World War and Germany’s defeat. Factors such as the British naval blockade, failure of Ludendorff’s Spring Offensive and USA involvement are mentioned, among others. This lesson has a number of interpretations to support the content within. Students will be tasked with a series of questions relating to the content before being given a practice GCSE-style question to answer.
The War comes to an end

The War comes to an end

A KS4 GCSE lesson on the conclusion of the First World War. Students will investigate the abdication of the Kaiser, the argreement of an armistice and the Treaty of Versailles. The slides contain GCSE questions, general questions and sources referring to the key parts of the lesson.
1990s Britain

1990s Britain

A KS3 History lesson looking at life in Britain in the 1990s. Transport, entertainment and technology are focused upon as students investigate life post-war and what it was like for the average person in Britain. Students are given a number of tasks to complete at the end of the lesson.
1980s Britain

1980s Britain

A KS3 History lesson looking at life in Britain in the 1980s. Transport, entertainment and technology are focused upon as students investigate life post-war and what it was like for the average person in Britain. Students are given a number of tasks to complete at the end of the lesson.