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Multiplying & dividing fractions
Multiplying & dividing fractions
Compound Interest and depreciation + additional worksheet
Compound Interest and depreciation
Reverse Percentage
Reverse Percentage
percentage increase and decrease
percentage increase and decrease
Percentage of a quantity
Percentage of a quantity
Angle facts and Parallel Lines
Angle facts and Parallel Lines
Ratio and Proportion
Ratio and Proportion
Upper bounds& lower bounds
Upper bounds& lower bounds
Rounding calculator answers
Rounding calculator answers
ICT Chapter 1 – Digital Devices
Chapter 1 – Digital Devices
ICT Chapter 2 - Software
Chapter 2 - Software
Equivalent Fractions, percentage and decimals
Equivalent Fractions, percentage and decimals
Networks (ICT) PPT full prepared resource
PowerPoint includes:
Requirements for connecting to the network
How devices are identified on a network
Components of wired and wireless system
Connecting to and using the internet
LANS local area networks
Securing data on networks
Rounding & Approximation
Rounding & Approximation
Terminating decimal & Recurring decimals
Terminating decimals& Recurring decimals
editable graphic icons (2000+ icons)
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Sequences and Series
CHAPTER-9 Sequences and Series
Simultaneous Equations + many additional resources and worksheets
Chapter 7 complete guide to Simultaneous Equations + many additional resources and worksheets