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Physics with Han

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Welcome! You will find resources mainly focused on OCR A Physics A level lesson series. I create resources to help you save time and facilitate student's learning.




Welcome! You will find resources mainly focused on OCR A Physics A level lesson series. I create resources to help you save time and facilitate student's learning.
OCR A A level physics Capacitance complete lesson series

OCR A A level physics Capacitance complete lesson series

Powerpoint ( 72 slides) covering all of the capacitance part of the OCR A level physics A course. Lesson 1: Introduction Lesson 2: Capacitors in circuits Lesson 3: Energy stored by capacitors Lesson 4: Discharging capacitors Lesson 5: Charging capacitors Lesson 6: Uses of capactiors Included are help videos, quick tasks, research tasks, example questions with workings, exam questions with workings. Interactive lessons.
A level Physics Waves Introduction *COMPLETE LESSON SERIES*

A level Physics Waves Introduction *COMPLETE LESSON SERIES*

This is a powerpoint (88 slides), with 5 lessons, each lesson has a worksheet (3-5 pages long) and exam questions selected specifically to match the content of each lesson. Lesson 1- Waves introduction Lesson 2- Wave profiles Lesson 3- Reflection and refraction Lesson 4- Polarisation and diffraction Lesson 5- Electromagnetic waves and intensity This will suit OCR and AQA exam boards and is used as an introductory lesson series to build on from GCSE knowledge before starting more advanced waves content.
OCR A Level Physics, Current and Charge *COMPLETE*

OCR A Level Physics, Current and Charge *COMPLETE*

Charge and Current lesson series of 3 lessons. For each lesson there is a handout which follows the powerpoint and for every lesson there are examples, questions and exam questions with answers. Exam questions have been selected so they are relevent to the outcomes of each lesson. Lesson 1- Charge and current with a short GCSE recap test Lesson 2- Charges and Kirchhoff’s 1st law Lesson 3- Mean drift velocity


3 Resources
This bundle contains lessons which cover the entire section on electricity in the OCR A Physics specification. Each section has a complete powerpoint with worksheet for every lesson including exam questions and practice questions.
GCSE AQA Physics Paper 1 required practical REVISION LESSONS

GCSE AQA Physics Paper 1 required practical REVISION LESSONS

This is a powerpoint covering the following paper 1 required practicals (triple and trilogy overlap) with accompanying workbooklet for students to fill in and answer questions on. Specific heat capacity RP Resistance RP I-V characteristics RP Density RP The start of the powerpoint covers practical skills, revisits variables, errors, lab equipment etc. There is also a guide to answering 6 mark questions. There are questioning opportunities throughout. For each RP there is a theory recap, plus past exam questions based on that specific required practical.
OCR A level WAVES- Interference, stationary waves, harmonics

OCR A level WAVES- Interference, stationary waves, harmonics

This is a powerpoint of 91 slides containing 5 lessons. This builds on waves PART 1- and includes a handout with specifically chosen exam questions for each lesson. Lesson 1-Superposition and interference Lesson 2- Young’s double slit experiment Lesson 3-Stationary waves Lesson 4-Harmonics Lesson 5-Stationary waves in air columns
OCR A A level Physics- Particle Physics COMPLETE

OCR A A level Physics- Particle Physics COMPLETE

Complete lesson series on Particle Physics. Powerpoint with over 60 slides with learning outcomes, examples, past exam questions in each lesson. Hand outs for every lesson with example questions and past exam questions selected to be relevent to each lesson. Lesson 1- Alpha-scattering experiment Lesson 2- The nucleus Lesson 3- Antiparticles, hadrons, leptons Lesson 4- Quarks Lesson 5- Beta decay
Comprehensive A level OCR A Physics resources

Comprehensive A level OCR A Physics resources

18 Resources
Contains complete lessons on the following topics in the OCR A spec: -Waves introduction -Interference, stationary waves, harmonics -Capacitance -Electric fields -Magnetic fields -Gravitational fields -Radioactivity -Particle Physics -Electrical circuits -Energy, power and resistance -Current and charge -Medical imaging -Thermal physics -Ideal gases -Nuclear physics -Quantum physics -Circular motion -SHM
COMPLETE Physics careers display board

COMPLETE Physics careers display board

Central poster with a break down of careers, plus a poster on each of the following careers: Particle physicist Astronomer Fusion scientist Solar energy physicist Aeronautical engineer Process engineer Meteorologist Physics teacher


Created for the OCR A Physics spec, this is a complete lesson series with 5+ lessons including 135+ slide powerpoint and handouts for each lesson. My NEW DESIGN of powerpoint and handouts ensure students are engaged and they facilitate effective and structured learning of new content. All lessons have learning objectives, starter questions, specification references, examples, learning checks, summaries and past exam questions specifically picked to summarise learning from each lesson. Lesson overview: 1: Elastic and Plastic deformation 2: Hooke’s Law and PAG 3: ELastic potential energy 4: Deformation 5: Stress, strain and Young Modulus I hope you find this resource helpful for your students and time saving for yourself :)
OCR A level Physics *KEY DEFINITIONS* - direct from mark schemes

OCR A level Physics *KEY DEFINITIONS* - direct from mark schemes

This resource is a great tool for getting students to keep track of **key definitions **as they progress through year 1 of the OCR A Physics A level course. The reason for producing this resource is that I am becoming increasingly aware of the number of times A* grade students throw marks away for not learning the correct definitions in topic tests. I have looked through as many past paper questions as I could find to note down DIRECTLY from mark schemes the precise wording examiners are looking for in ‘define’ and ‘state’ questions. I have starred definitions that were most frequently asked for in past paper questions. There is space for students to add relevant equations to help them learn definitions. All answers provided in the answer document.
OCR A A level Physics- Electric Fields lesson series

OCR A A level Physics- Electric Fields lesson series

This resource is a powerpoint containing 5 lessons with learning outcomes, key theory points, worked examples and exam questions for every lesson complete with answers. There is also a word document for each lesson with the past exam questions included. lesson 1-Introduction to electric fields lesson 2- Coulomb’s law lesson 3- Uniform electric fields and capacitance lesson 4- Charged particles in uniform electric fields lesson 5- Electric potential, energy and spherical capacitor