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Macbeth Revision Tasks PPT

Macbeth Revision Tasks PPT

A PPT of Macbeth revision tasks for KS4 students, covering the plot, characters, themes and context of the play. Great for revision weeks or starter activities.
Daily Tutor Update with Fact of the Day

Daily Tutor Update with Fact of the Day

PPT to display daily during form/tutor time with key notices or messages for tutees. Each slide contains a random fact of the day to spark discussion, with each week having a key theme, e.g. sport, entertainment, history, animals, science, etc. Date automatically changes on the slide to the current day. ‘Name’ can be replaced with the name of the form group. The PPT reflects a fortnight timetable (Week A and Week B), but this can be changed.
19th century vocabulary quiz

19th century vocabulary quiz

Quiz containing often outdated 19th century vocabulary perfect for use as a starter activity or an end-of-topic task. Great for discussion point regarding the change in use of language. Useful for allowing students to become more comfortable with unfamiliar language.
KS3 Stretch and Challenge Booklet

KS3 Stretch and Challenge Booklet

KS3 Stretch and Challenge Booklet designed to use with students for extension tasks. Extracts are accompanied with multiple-choice comprehension questions. Answer key provided.
KS3 Spelling, Grammar, Punctuation Booster

KS3 Spelling, Grammar, Punctuation Booster

PowerPoint containing key information for KS3 students based on spelling, punctuation and grammar. Includes activities for each topic with accompanying answers in the notes. Designed to be saved as PDF and printed as mini booklet for students.