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Programme Music Knowledge Recall Activity
This knowledge recall activity pack focuses on the topic of programme music. Including two suggested options for use during your lessons, the pack includes a six-lesson, fully customisable PowerPoint, both Full, and Grid only, printable crossword worksheets, and a completed Answer sheet for ease of use. The activity focuses on tier-3 vocabulary, including note values, instrument families, and basic musical literacy.
The activity may be used as a start task or a consolidation activity to review the learning of your students in a fun and engaging way.
Reggae Music Knowledge Recall Activity Crossword
This knowledge recall activity pack focuses on the topic of reggae music. Including two suggested options for use during your lessons, the pack includes a six-lesson, fully customisable PowerPoint, both Full, and Grid only, printable worksheets, and a completed Answer sheet for ease of use. The crossword activity focuses on tier-3 vocabulary, including musical elements, musical features, and related genre identification.