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Judy Carruthers's Shop

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I have taught German and French for many years and am now working at a primary school in north Cumbria where I teach French throughout the school.




I have taught German and French for many years and am now working at a primary school in north Cumbria where I teach French throughout the school.
Words which can be nouns and verbs

Words which can be nouns and verbs

Worksheet: chn highlight verbs and nouns in different colours. Information: List of dozens of words which can be either verbs or nouns. This might save you a lot of time!
Simpsons Family Tree (German)

Simpsons Family Tree (German)

Simple family tree of the Simpsons to encourage pupils to make sentences in German. Worksheet with missing words: Bruder, Schwester, Mutter, Vater, Opa, Oma, Onkel, Tante. Based on Simpsons Family Tree sheet.
Der Nikolaus

Der Nikolaus

Information about St Nicholas in simple German, Description of appearance, date of St Nicholas Day and what he does
GERMAN Asking for Food in a Cafe

GERMAN Asking for Food in a Cafe

One page worksheet comprising a table showing how to ask for a variety of drinks and snacks in German. Practising phrases including Darf ich bitte...haben/Ich möchte.../Was kostet.. as well as a number of words like Glas/Tasse/Dose etc. Table can be used extensively by teachers to practise orally and in a variety of ways. Includes sentences in English to translate into German.
Numbers 0 - 100

Numbers 0 - 100

4 page booklet for practising numbers 0 to 100. Includes list of numbers to fill in and bingo game.
Food and Drink Wordsearch

Food and Drink Wordsearch

Wordsearch contains 20 different words which children have to find and write out (no clues!). I found this really helps them focus on word endings (like the final e in Erdbeere etc).
Free Time (German)

Free Time (German)

Stand alone resource to enable pupils to access key words and phrases to discuss their free time activities. Designed to allow children to produce sentences and short dialogues with a high level of independence.
Mein Kopf ist rund

Mein Kopf ist rund

Simple performance poem for young children. Rhyming structure and step by step graphics which aid comprehension. Good for assembly or similar performance.
An Alphabet of Common and Proper Nouns

An Alphabet of Common and Proper Nouns

Children work together to produce an alphabet of common nouns and proper nouns. As well as helping them learn the difference between different types of nouns it helps them choose appropriate vocabulary and to think about alliteration too.
Wieviel kostet das?

Wieviel kostet das?

Reading and adding up activity. Children need to read names of snacks and add up the prices. They can read out their answers in German and write price tags beside each item pictured at the bottom of the sheet. Snickers/Apfelsaft/Jogurt/Erdbeereis/Pizza/Apfelsine/Gummibaers/Cola/Fanta/Birne/Schokoladeneis/


Information about SW region of France. Pictures and words in simple French to help show some of the highlights of the Midi-Pyrenees.
German Colours

German Colours

Powerpoint introducing ten colours in German. Also includes 2 or 3 nouns per colour so pupils can make sentences with the colours, eg. die Tomate ist rot. Final slide has all ten colours written on it.