An excel workbook with data on. An investigation carried out and typed uip. Can be shown to year 7/8 and then they can be tasked with recreating one or similiar.
Sheet with examples and explanations about simple and compound interest. A couple of questions left for pupils to attempt first/ to copy down as teacher explains.
A checklist that enables pupils to self assess their organisation. Originally designed for use with sixth form students who keep all their work in folders. The checklist tries to impress upon students the reasoning behind each checkpoint.
Two sets of data. 30 items in each data set. How much time is spent Christmas shopping by husbands and by wives. How much money is spent on gifts from husbands and from wives.
Could be used across all classes in a variety of ways.
E.g. ask students to produce a report for a retailer; Ask students to find the mean of each data set; ask students to put the data into stem and leaf diagrams, boxplots and interpret.
Scaffolding help sheet for making contributions in class. The question prompts are categorised into groups depending on whether the pupil is struggling, coping or feeling confident or over confident. It could be used purely for reference or as a working documnet/ record for teacher or pupils to make notes on, prepare for a forthcoming class discussion etc. There is also a reflection exercise.
Two interview sheets, each one can be printed out on a single A4 side. If desired you could copy them back to back or they can be used independently.
Pupils can fill them out in advance in preparation for discussion with teacher about future choices.