Resources included are as follows:
Story presentation – retelling he story.
Large title lettering, keyword flashcards, story sack tag, Speech bubble for display, A4 character faces for display, long banner, display borders and backing paper if needed, book synopsis poster, topic title page, folder and binder labels,
Describe your favourite part of the story, I like this story because…, can/have/are writing task, true or false quiz, story board to write, learning objective tracker, writing booklet cover and writing borders. Character description task, other uses for sticks worksheet, bingo game, draw a tree task, face masks for role play, speech bubble worksheets, fill in the missing words story elements task, and puppets of al characters, make a lost poster for Stick Man, pairs cards matching game, question pack for before / during /after reading the story, redesign book cover, sequencing cards to sort, word mat, word sort etc.
Resources included are as follows:
55 PDF files for you to print.
Story presentation, story sequencing cards, word mat, Title page for introduction, story sack tag, ladybird fact posters, animal and people face masks from story, photo posters of animals, large character images posters for display, number flashcards 1-20 A4, questions pack for before/during/after the story, rhyming word cards, animal sounds posters, animal sounds/faces/names matching cards, rosette to design for cow, binocular drawing task, making a plan for the thieves,
Display borders; patterned and plain, backing paper, character picture flashcards to use as display or props, book synopsis poster, long banner to head wall display, large lettering to spell story title, colourful buntings.
writing pages, can/have/are worksheet, anagrams worksheet, Redesign a book cover, bingo game, matching pairs card game for numbers and spots, retell the story for another point of view, Reward charts, describe favourite part of the story, speech bubbles worksheets, hand puppets for role play or retelling the story, story board, I like this story because…, learning objective tracker, work booklet cover for project work, word search. Sentence writing sheets, addition worksheets, subtraction worksheets, character cards to complete, character description writing, rhyming words worksheet, true or false story quiz, draw a farm scene, write a diary, draw a map, acrostic poem, etc.
Resources included on the disc include:
1.12 A4 posters showing 1 o’clock, 2 o’clock 3 o’clock and so on
2.12 A4 posters showing half past each hour
3.12 A4 posters showing the time on a 24 hour clock n- such as 13:00 14:00 etc
4.12 A4 posters showing quarter past each hour
5.12 A4 posters showing quarter to each hour
6.12 A4 posters showing time in minutes – such as 10 past, 25 to etc
Resources included are as follows:
38 PDF files for you to print.
Story presentation, retelling the story, question pack for before and after reading, flashcards of things from the story, sequencing cards and editable word cards on PowerPoint.
A range display materials including long banner, large lettering, display borders, backing paper, folder and drawer labels, topic title page, resources sack tag, word mat.
Many writing and drawing tasks including favourite part of the story, questions sheet, I like this story because–, story board to complete, work booklet cover, words beginning with ST, colouring page, acrostic poem, can have and are worksheet, day and night display posters, draw a spaceship, draw dark places, draw day and night, looking trough a telescope, anagrams, diary entry, writing frame, true or false quiz.
Other activities such as role play props, hand puppet in colour, face mask, reward charts, learning objective tracker, word search.
Resources include:
1.10 multicultural face masks, to use for travel agents staff or customers – staff hats are available to attach to any of the face masks.
2.95 flags from around the world to decorate your role play area.
3.Landmarks photos poster pack – 50 x A4 size
4.100 Travel flashcards showing images of different travel related items – A4 size
5.Blank price cards to label holiday prices
6.Blank advertise ment posters to add prices to
7.Acrostic poem
8.Blank luggage labels for pupils to complete
9.Blank thought bubbles for pupils to complete
10.Blank speech bubbles for pupils to complete
11.Brochure covers
12.Brochure pages from inside brochures
13.Car hire company logos to create display and holiday options in roles plays
14.Car types posters to create options in role plays
15.Cruise ships photo pack to create role play options
16.Airplane photo pack to create options in role plays or add to displays
17.Check in luggage rules poster
18.Colouring pages
19.Holiday diary for pupils to complete
20.Different accommodation photo pack for role play options and display
21.Dream destination writing task with booklet insert
22.Travel agents writing booklet cover for pupils to keep all their work together
23.Hand luggage poster
24.Flight tickets for pupils to fill in
25.Coach tickets for pupils to fill in
26.Cruise tickets for pupils to fill in
27.Holiday booking form for pupils to fill in
28.Coin collage task
29.Holidays for sale sign
30.A4 lettering to spell travel agents
31.Map of the world
32.Money denominations poster
33.Money quiz and answer sheet
34.Blank passport for pupils to complete
35.Number flashcards 1-20 on suitcases
36.Open and closed signs for travel agents
37.Opening times sign
38.Please pay here sign
39.Postcard template for pupils to complete
40.Tourist information pack showing different destinations and key facts abut what you can do there and travel options for each
41.Photo poster pack of different holiday destinations with a famous picture from each
42.Holiday price list sign
43.Sale sign and sale tags for display
44.Travel agents staff badges
45.Tour guide badges for role plays
46.Travel agents long banner to head your display
47.Welcome to our travel agents sign showing what services are available
48.Word search
49.Writing borders for pupils to use for written work
50.Complaint letter writing task
Resources included are as follows:
PDF file for you to print.
Title page to head wall display (A4) – ‘famous people’
Long banner spread over 3 pages ‘Information Communication Technology’
18 A4 posters of famous people in IT – such as Steve Job, Mark Zuckerberg, Ada Lovelace, Bill Gates etc.
Each Poster has the persons name, photo and basic facts.
Great for a wall display in classroom or around the school.
A bumper pack of over 100 GEOGRAPHY activities, starters, worksheets and games to help you create exciting and engaging lessons. They cover a range of areas of the curriculum and are great fun for individuals, small groups or full classes. Easy to print and laminate or lots can be used directly from the whiteboard or computer screen.
Resources included are as follows:
•66 PDF or PPT files for you to print. You could also use many of them on the IWB.
•.Story presentation – retelling the story.
•Character face masks in colour and black and white., hand puppets, blank hand puppet to draw, foot prints.
•Character flashcards, food photo flashcards, food name flashcards
•Alphabet mat, alphabet flashcards, number flashcards, odd and even flashcards, number square, phonics flashcards, table top number line
•Large letters for display title, long banner to head wall display, borders and backing paper, tiger print bunting, large character faces for display, binder covers and drawer labels, key word cards, story sack tag, tiger silhouette
•Tiger photo pack, tiger facts poster, tiger fact cards, writing booklet to make, map to show where tigers live, booklet cover, themed writing frame
•Bingo game, draw door hanger, hand writing sheet, fill in the missing food words, make an invitation to tea, wanted poster for tiger, draw tiger food tin, draw meal for tiger, colouring pages, reward chart, write a shopping list, words that begin with t worksheet, make words from letters task, true or false quiz, tiger can have and are writing task, draw favourite part of story, picture matching cards for memory game, word search
•Question pack for before during and after reading the story, character description task, speech bubbles worksheet, I like the story because…, retell the story from tigers opinion, story board to write, cut and stick sequencing activity, picture comprehension activity, speech marks writing worksheet, story elements writing task etc
Resources include:
Over 20 writing tasks about superpowers, superhero vehicles etc – all with writing pages to make into a superhero booklet.
4 writing frames with superhero themes
12 colour flashcards with superhero face masks in different colours
Colourful reward charts for pupils to draw a superhero on – an be used for behaviour management or work achievement etc
Phonics flashcards, shapes posters, character cards, behaviour poster, noun / verbs / adjectives posters, superhero logo posters, super power flashcards,
16 shapes flashcards with superhero theme
34 flashcards of sounds such as bang, fizz, pop, wham etc
Range of alphabet flashcards and mats, range of number flashcards, times tables cards and times tables mats
Blank explosion cards, star cards, etc
Blank thought and speech bubbles for pupils to complete
Card matching game, bingo game, Colouring pages, acrostic poems,
Large letters, long banner, display borders, key word cards, drawer labels, certificates,
Day flashcards Monday – Sunday
Design your own superhero badge, cape,
Invitation to make, story board, door hanger to make, wanted poster,
Extra large city scene display – covering approximately 20 A4 pages to make a great superhero display wall or den area – can be printed smaller or photocopied larger
14 extra large superheroes to make a fantastic display – each superhero is 3 A4 pages tall, and include boys, girls and multicultural faces
Spiderman, batman, wonder woman facemasks in colour and black and white.
24 colourful superhero face masks (boys, girls and multicultural faces)
Word mat
Resources included are as follows:
50 PDF files for you to print.
Story presentation, story sequencing cards, word mat, Title page for introduction, story sack tag, ladybird fact posters, photo posters of animals, questions pack for before/during/after the story, animal picture/names matching cards, hand puppets for all the characters,
Display borders; patterned and plain, backing paper, character picture flashcards to use as display or props, book synopsis poster, long banner to head wall display, time posters – A4 for o’clock times, clocks to make and add hands, large time loop cards, time matching cards, time worksheets, matching card game for analogue and digital clocks, flashcards with words related to time,
writing pages, borders/frames, anagrams worksheet, Redesign a book cover, 2 bingo games, dominoes game, retell the story for another point of view, describe favourite part of the story, conversation writing worksheet, story board, I like this story because…, learning objective tracker, work booklet cover for project work, word search. Sentence writing sheets, character description writing, true or false story quiz, label the whale cut and stick task, learning to share worksheet, things that make you angry, timeline worksheet, draw more animals to fight, feelings worksheet, booklet about animals to make.
Resources include:
1.32 A4 posters showing different musical instruments with there name and a photo
2.Photos pack of orchestras
3.Information posters showing each musical instrument category – string, brass, woodwind, percussion – with key facts and instrument examples
4.Instrument category name cards and instrument word cards to match to the category
5.Posters showing the layout of an orchestra including the instrument names
6.A4 lettering spelling ‘MUSIC’
7.Music note flashcards – showing crotchet, minim etc
8.Question cards to aid discussions or add to display – such as “what instruments can you hear in the song? Etc
9.Simple songs / rhymes in poster style – can be added to display or great for a start to music lessons for pupils to sing or play
10.Musicians of the Day poster, great for either giving pupils privileges or for letting pupils perform what they have learned in music so far
11.40 key words cards showing useful words for teaching music such as rhythm, beat, note etc
12.Acrostic poem task
13.Blank music sheet
14.Colouring pages of different musical instruments
15.Draw your favourite musical instrument activity
16.Instrument naming activity
17.Long banner to head display with ‘Music’ title and images of different instruments
18.Music booklet cover – great for keeping pupils work together or for adding songs to that pupils like
19.Red border with music notes – to edge display board or add to music area in classroom
20.Plain black display border and a red spotty border
21.Music word mat – including useful topic words with spellings
22.Music word search
23.Music word search
24.Binder covers, drawer labels etc to keep all resources together
Resources included are as follows:
52 PDF AND PPT files for you to print.
Julia Donaldson information pack for discussion or display, work booklet cover, reward chart to draw, writing borders, postcard to write, sentence writing sheet, draw book cover, question writing task, rhyming words task, adjectives writing task, acrostic poem to write, all about the author booklet to make, hand puppet template, book marks, door hanger to make, draw characters activity, favourite book and favourite part of book writing tasks, jigsaws to complete, draw main event, draw feelings faces, fill in speech bubbles, flow chart to complete, I like this story because…, make a mobile, predictions writing task, mind map, newspaper report template, scene setting task, story board, story plan to write, story sequencing cards to draw, books borrowed list to fill in and loan cards for books.
A range display materials including long banner, large lettering, display borders, backing paper, letters bunting and plain bunting, book name flashcards, set of book synopsis, resources sack tag, author photo, book covers A5 in size, decorated lettering each with a book cover as the pattern, large and extra large labels, which books have you read? poster, etc
Resources included are as follows:
PDF files for you to print.
All the signs showed on the signpost are included for you to print, cut and display similar to the example shown.
Each sign is half an A4 page in size in landscape format.
There is also a smaller sign where there are 4 arrows per A4 page.
Duplicate copies of all signs have also been included where the arrows point in the opposite directions to allow for your classroom layout.
Also a picture of wood grain is included to allow you to make the sign as small or large as you wish.
Resources include:
Life in Ancient Greece information pack – including topics such as homes, clothing, childhood, food, education, theatre, and sport
Overview of history of Greece, plus a photo pack and maps of ancient Greece
Timeline fact sheets and sorting cards
City-states information pack giving details of formations as well as specific information about Athens and Sparta
Olympics information pack, rings poster, acrostic poem and other Olympic resources
Greek gods information sheet, flashcards with facts
Greek mythology information pack – showing many monsters with images and facts
Greek philosophers information pack
Greek alphabet poster
Key word flashcards, Glossary flashcards – words with explanations
Make a presentation with cue cards to complete
Research task with famous ancient Greek people name cards
Month flashcards in English and Greek
Days of the week flashcards in Greek and English
Common Greek phrases on flashcards with English translation
Alphabetical order worksheet – relating to Olympics
Story board to complete about ancient Greek times
Colouring pages, diary to write, newspaper to write, story board, quiz, word searches, passport, time machine task, reward chart and other activities
Design and drawing tasks – such as draw a statue, Greek god etc
Maps and flags, plus activities
Number flashcards 1-20 on Greek flags
Long banner to head wall display, Large lettering, display borders, bunting
Resources include:
Post Office A4 sign to add to your role play area, a set of other useful roleplay signs such as Bureau de Change, check your passport, price cards, items sold in post office, lost postage claim form, sorry you were not home cards, lost post claim, long banner, large lettering, display borders, location signs, please queue sign, maps of UK / Europe / world, open and closed signs, opening times sign, parcel tags, please call again sign, stamps for sale.
Face masks, 3D shape nets for parcels, writing borders, coins images for toy money, date wall chart, colouring pages, design a stamp, special occasion cards to send throughout the year, envelopes to make, hand puppets, house posters with addresses, matching envelopes to send to the houses, extra large post box for display – set across 8 pages, letter size guide, money poster and quiz, number flashcards, passport template and application form, photo pack, letter writing activity, sorting the days worksheet, postal system sequencing cards, size order envelopes task, writing booklet cover, word search, word mat.
Resources included are as follows:
40 animal flashcards showing a picture of the animal with it’s name in Hungarian
40 food flashcards showing a picture of the food with the word in Hungarian
10 A5 colour flashcards
Transport flashcards showing different transport such as car, taxi, bus etc in Hungarian
Days of the week flashcards
Months of the year flashcards – 1 set of months in Hungarian and another set of English
Number 1-10 in English and Hungarian on large flags
Common phrases flashcards
Body parts flashcards with photos
Extra large flag for display
Large lettering to head wall display
Green and red display borders to edge wall display
Resources sack tag to keep everything together once printed
Areas signs for different areas in the airport, directions signs, welcome signs, check in desk signs, boarding gate signs, luggage rules signs, departure and arrivals boards with lettering and common words, restricted items sign, digital clock for display with numbers to change.
35 A4 flashcards of different airport related things such as control tower, trolley etc, 100 flags from around the world A4, airport long banner, key words and definition flashcards, photo pack of airports, large lettering to head display or locate role play area, number flashcards, maps, photo pack of different planes, passenger number facts for UK airports.
Blank passport, luggage tags, games, collage, question writing, globe trotter activities, jigsaws of maps, flag activities, writing booklet, tourism writing task, snap card game, blindfold directions game, memory game, compass worksheet, treasure hunt, face masks, blank boarding pass, colouring pages etc
Resources included are as follows:
55 PDF files for you to print.
Information pack about dragons, the legends and types etc. A4 pictures of dragons for display.
Face masks and hand puppets in colour and black and white.
Long banner and large lettering to head display. Patterned and plain display boarders, backing paper to print if needed for colour match. Lettering bunting and patterned bunting. Topic title page, binder covers and sack tag.
Colouring pages, bookmarks, writing information booklet, alphabet flashcards, behaviour poster, Chinese New Year bingo game, bingo game, make a door hanger, draw a dragons lunch, draw a dragon family, write speech bubbles for dragons, write a conversation, make a moving dragon, make a wanted poster, draw some dragon clothes, diary to write, acrostic poem, writing and drawing page frames, mind map, pairs matching card game, reward charts, size order cards, well done cards, tic-tac-toe game, word search, story board to write, certificates for good work and effort, word mat, work booklet cover, can/have/are writing sheet, number square with dragon theme.
Resources included are as follows:
Over 50 PDF files for you to print.
Title page for introduction, story sack tag, display borders; patterned and plain, backing paper, character picture flashcards to use as display or props, long banner to head wall display, large lettering to spell story title, alphabet letters bunting, can/have/are worksheet, redesign a book cover, well done cards, borders and frames, bingo game, number square, matching pairs card game, write a conversation, reward charts, speech bubbles worksheets, hand puppets for role play or retelling the story, Zog face mask, large gold star image for display or awards etc, colouring pages, story board, work booklet cover for project work, word search, mind map, tic tac toe game, word mat, draw dragons worksheet, key word cards, certificates for good work and effort, draw a dragon lunchbox, dragons information pack, draw a dragon home, acrostic poem to complete, all about dragons writing booklet to make, make your own gold star award, writing sentence worksheet to be used for any levels, cut and stick activity, retell the story from another point of view, story elements worksheet, flow chart to complete for story sequence, learning objective tracker, describe favourite part of the story, book synopsis poster, I like this story because… etc.