Resources included are as follows:
32 PDF AND PPT files for you to print.
STORY POEM PRESENTATION – retelling the story in a poem format, with pictures, spread over 16 A4 pages
Photo packs for ducks, swans and other characters from the story, speech bubbles for display with ‘quack’ and ‘hoot.
Display borders – patterned and plain, backing paper, large lettering, long banner, number flashcards, alphabet flashcards, alphabet mats, number line for table top, shapes posters, key word cards, high frequency word cards, folder cover, sack tag
Face masks in colour and black and white, hand puppets / story props, colouring pages, writing pages with pictures, counting cards, handwriting worksheets, tic tac toe game, writing booklet cover, drawing activity, matching pairs cards, words beginning with d worksheet, bingo game for recognising numbers
Games include the boards, counters, cards, and instructions:
Game topics:
Simplifying fractions
Operations - add, take, times, divide
Odd and even numbers
Numbers in words
Piggy bank money game
Telling The Time Posters
Each poster shows a picture of Captain Conjecture and the time on an analogue clock, digital clock and how we say the time in words.
12 A4 posters showing 1 o’clock, 2 o’clock and so on
12 A4 posters showing half past each hour
12 A4 posters showing quarter past each hour
12 A4 posters showing quarter to each hour
12 A4 posters showing the time on a 24 hour clock
12 A4 posters showing the time each 5 minutes (5 past, 10 past, etc)
Display background, borders, large numbers to make the time, folder cover, resources sack tag, work booklet cover, – all featuring our own version of the popular maths mastery character.
Resources include:
Dinosaur information pack, Dinosaur fact poster pack, Fossil information pack
Dinosaur work booklet, alphabet flashcards, Sentence writing activities, Character flashcards, bookmarks, Hand writing practice sheets, phonics flahcards, noun / verbs / adjectives posters and cards, alphabet mat, poems to read, hfw cards, acrostic poem to write, word mat and other literacy resources.
Number bonds to 10 and 20, number flashcards, counting activities, shapes posters, shape nets, number mat, and other numeracy resources.
Memory activity, face masks, finger puppets, reward charts, matching agme, bingo game, colouring pages, drawing and designing activities, fossil digging activity, research topics, label the body part worksheets, craft activities, word search, quiz, and lots of other activities.
Dinosaur posters, skeleton photo pack, habitat posters, eating posters, large lettering, long banners, display borders, drawer labels, museum role play resources, key word cards, table names, images for display etc.
Ice-cream shop A4 sign to put outside your role play area
Welcome to our ice cream parlour sign
‘At our ice-cream parlour….’ sign
Location signs to put around your role play ice-cream parlour – such as ice-cream bar, drinks area, cutlery etc
On sale here sign
Menus to display around the shop
Price cards + blanks to differentiate
Large lettering, buntings, patterned and plain display borders
Please pay here sign
Thank you, please come again – sign
Special offer signs
Receipts to complete
Taking orders pad
Ice-cream photo flashcards showing different flavours – great for using during the role play
Parking bay signs for customers
Washing hands poster
Money poster, coins border and quiz, pretend money to use
Blank large and extra large labels to be used around the shop for anything needed
Ice-cream parlour open and closed signs, opening times
Messages pad
Ice-cream related word mini cards – such as wafer, sprinkles, syrup etc
Photo pack to use as inspiration
Long banner ‘ice-cream parlour’ with cute ice cream pictures
Bunting banner with pictures of different ice-creams – looks lovely in your role play ice-cream parlour
10 multicultural face masks, Staff role play badges
Alphabet flashcards, Colour flashcards, Number flashcards, ordinal numbers cards, Counting cards
Colouring pages
Word matching cards, picture matching cards
Hand hygiene writing task
Word search
Write sentences worksheet
Themed writing frames
Work booklet cover to keep pupils project work together
Acrostic poem task
Addition game
Blank thought and speech bubbles – useful for providing evidence of role plays
Draw your favourite flavour ice-cream task
Design your own menu activity
Folder, binder, drawer labels to keep resources organised
Resources sack tag
Resources included are as follows:
•Harvest long banner and large lettering to head display, buntings, backing paper and display borders
••Harvest information pack, photo pack, prayers and poems,
•Topic title page to introduce topic or use as folder cover for the resources
•32 Food flashcards A5 size, food words flashcards,
•2 mind maps, memory challenge game, colouring pages
•Acrostic poem to complete
•A-Z flashcards with scarecrow pictures, number flashcards in different designs,
•Alphabetical order worksheet, acrostic poem, draw a farmer activity, sums activity, handwriting sheets, pass the potato game, counting game, make a mobile, word search, multiply and divide worksheet templates, sentence writing sheet, make an invitation, word mat, themed writing borders, draw a feast, etc
•Hand puppets of male and female farmer in colour and black/white
•Food pictures and names matching cards – common and uncommon vegetables
•Draw a harvest feast activity
•Farm shop long banner to use for role play shop area, large lettering, open and close signs, pay here sign, thank you sign, price cards, special offer sign, money posters / fans/ coins
Resources included are as follows:
30 pdf files
Resources for the following topics – taken directly from the curriculum as well as added questions and tasks:
Addition and subtraction
Multiplication and division
Number and place value
Also including:
Fractions chart completed and blank
Fraction , percentage and decimal equivalent poster
Operations signs to use for sums
Number flashcards from -10 to +10 to use for any size sums
Multiplication square 12x12
Display background, borders, flashcards, numbers, lettering, punctuation, folder cover, character colouring pages, resources sack tag, work booklet cover, lined paper, plain paper, and squared paper with patterned borders – all featuring our own version of the popular maths mastery character
Resources included are as follows:
PDF files for you to print.
A4 shapes posters – 16 posters each with a shape and it’s name
Title lettering with Lego pattern
Title page for shapes
Display border
Included resources:
Number, counting and matching cards:
Several sets of number flashcards for 1-10 and 1-100 with different pictures including socks, air balloons, bears, footballs, rockets, fish, and sandwiches.
Number line from 1- 10 including cute pictures of different foods
Ordinal numbers flashcards – first to tenth
Selection of counting cards with different pictures – including food, ouse with nuts and animal pictures
2 sets of number snap cards with pictures
Number fans – 1-10 with cute puppy pictures
100 number square
15 counting lesson starters –
Other counting activities and worksheets, tracing sheets and a bingo game
Odd and Even
Selection of odd and even flashcards and posters with different picture themes.
Size Order
Caterpillar cards to put in order of length, shortest to longest
Gingerbread men cards – to put in order of height, shortest to tallest
Polar bear cards – to put in order of size biggest to smallest
Water diver cards – to put in order of size, from shortest to longest
Shape names fans, shapes posters, bingo game, snap card game
Board games, bingo games, counting and sharing activities, worksheets, drawing numbers, bowling game, play doh activity, recognising numbers game, writing numbers activities, division activity, sums cards, memory game, number ordering cards, number mats, book marks, place value dice, jumping and hopping game, other activities and number poems.
Resources included are as follows:
Over 35 pdf files
Resources for the following topics – taken directly from the curriculum as well as added questions and tasks:
Addition and subtraction
Multiplication and division
Number and place value
Blank clock to make with hands
Fractions chart at the appropriate level
Operations signs to use for sums
Number flashcards to use for any size sums
Money denomination posters
Coin pictures to use for calculations
Number cards 1-100 in small size
Number square
Number bonds cards to 20
Counting cards n 2s, 5s and 10s
Maths words flashcards
Times tables posters for 2, 5 and 10 and a combined poster
Shapes posters in 2D and 3D – A4 size
Display background, borders, flashcards, numbers, lettering, punctuation, folder cover, resources sack tag, work booklet cover, lined paper, plain paper, and squared paper with patterned borders – all featuring our own version of the popular maths mastery character
Resources include:
25 pdf files to print. All resources have a maths mastery theme.
1 - 12 times tables posters each on 1 A4 size page eachTimes tables square 1-12
A3 poster with all 12 times tables on
Number square 1-100
Prime numbers square 1-100
4 Bingo games with several bingo boards -Separate bingo games for 2/5/10 times tables, 3/4/6 times tables, 7/8/9 times tables, 11/12 times tables.
4 sets of loop cards for different times tables.
Table mats
Table top times table line
Small flahcards
Display background, border, bunting, large letters to head wall display, long banner, folder cover, resources sack tag.
Resources included are as follows:
Each poster is A4 size, with a shape and its name, each with a crinkled paper background.
Where shapes are commonly called different names, more than one poster is included.
Posters include the following shapes:
Circle, Square, Rectangle, Triangle
Heart, Star, Oval
Kite, Rhombus, Parallelogram
Trapezium, Trapezoid
Pentagon, Hexagon, Octagon
Crescent, Semi-circle
This is a great range of games for you to print and use over and over again. They are great for recognising numbers 1-10 and for counting practice.
Your children will have hours of fun with these colourful and bright resources, which can be used in pairs, small groups or across the full class.
They are easy to use and include instructions for the teacher and for pupils where needed.
Resources include:
•Alphabet flashcards, days and months flashcards, word cards, acrostic poem, book marks, story board, poem to read and act out, worksheets and writing tasks.•Number flashcards 1-20, counting cards, shapes poster size flashcards, addition and subtraction games, colouring and counting tasks.
•Monkey face mask in colour and black and white, cut and stick craft activity, mind map, hand puppets, colouring pages, drawing activities, jobs cards, bingo game, photo frames, fact cards to make, snap game, quiz, reward charts, word search, and other activities.
•Extra large lettering, Long banner, display borders, monkey and ape flashcards, colour flashcards, buntings, and other display materials.
Resources included on the disc are as follows:
A5 set of number bond cards to 50 with numbers inside to add together – numbers divisible by 10 such as 40 and 10.
A5 set of number bond cards to 50 with numbers inside to add together – numbers divisible by 5 such as 35 and 15.
A5 set of number bond cards to 50 with numbers inside to add together – random numbers such as 48 and 2.
Small number cards from 0 to 50.
Colourful border to edge wall display
Large lettering to head wall display ‘Number Bonds’
Long banner to use as title for a smaller display
Template cards to create your own number bond cards
Folder cover to keep resources together.
(these resources are also available with the American spelling of Ladybugs)
Resources included are as follows:
75 PDF files for you to print.
Information poster, fact cards, key word cards, photo packs, lifecycle photo pack, lifecycle poster in colour, A3 species poster, question cards, quiz, word searches.
Literacy and other activities
Colouring pages, 4 in a row game, alphabet flashcards, writing frames and pages, days of the week flashcards, months of the year flashcards, acrostic poem to complete, can / have / are worksheet, finger puppets, high frequency word cards, poem to read and act out, pairs matching card game, other drawing and writing tasks.
Label the insect parts worksheet, label the lifecycle, draw the stages of lifecycle, colouring page of lifecycle, body parts poster, key words bingo game, cut and stick activity, draw a habitat, mind map, Reward charts.
Maths activities
Counting, addition, subtraction, division and multiplication worksheets and interactive activities with a range of levels of difficulty, number chart 1-100, number flashcards, number bingo game,
Extra large ladybird /ladybug to use for display, large arrows to display lifecycle with photos, Long banner to head display, large lettering, buntings for decoration, display borders patterned and plain, backing paper to print if needed, binder cover and drawer labels, resources sack tag.