Resources included are as follows:
PDF file for you to print.
A range of 100 A4 flags from around the world.
A4 size but easy to print smaller by selecting ‘2 per page’ or ‘4 per page’ etc on your printer
Resources include:
Information pack – including details about locations, key facts, how the name and flag came about, independence, geography, cities, rivers, lakes, mountains, famous places, industry, natural resources, national symbols, language, religion, famous people, royals and politicians, monarchy, Windsor castle.
Fact cards – half A4 size landscape – great for reading or display
Flag details diagram
Geology information and map
House types posters
Tallest mountains posters with photos and information
Numbers 1-20 in English and Welsh on Welsh flags
Days of the week flashcards in English and Welsh
Months of the year flashcards in English and Welsh
Phrases in Welsh – cards to read or display
A4 title poster, long banner, large lettering, flag, buntings, key word cards, images, number flashcards with flags, compass, inventions posters, display borders.
Maps of each country of the UK, outline map of each country and UK, maps of Europe / the world, map of rivers, cut and stick activity, map drawing activity
Landmarks photo pack
Buildings and monuments photo pack
Food of the UK photo pack
Major cities photo pack
General photo pack of things typically British
All About the UK / England / Scotland / Wales / Northern Ireland – writing booklets
Acrostic poem task, Alphabetical order worksheet, Colouring pages in general plus Elizabeth II and changing of the guard, diary, word search, quiz, passport and postcard template, writing pages and booklet cover, flags to colour, newspaper report to write, design a stamp, mind map, card matching game, counting task, airport role play resources, compass worksheets, writing, designing and drawing activities.
Resources included are as follows:
40 animal flashcards showing a picture of the animal with it’s name in Hungarian
40 food flashcards showing a picture of the food with the word in Hungarian
10 A5 colour flashcards
Transport flashcards showing different transport such as car, taxi, bus etc in Hungarian
Days of the week flashcards
Months of the year flashcards – 1 set of months in Hungarian and another set of English
Number 1-10 in English and Hungarian on large flags
Common phrases flashcards
Body parts flashcards with photos
Extra large flag for display
Large lettering to head wall display
Green and red display borders to edge wall display
Resources sack tag to keep everything together once printed
Resources included are as follows:
•72 PDF or PPT files for you to print. You could also use many of them on the IWB.
•.Story presentation – retelling the story.
•Character face masks in colour and black and white., hand puppets, blank hand puppet to draw.
•2 elephant poems to read and act out.
•Adjectives cards from the story.
•A4 coloured elephants, A4 patterned elephants, colour splats A4 size, colour flashcards, colour wheel, fill in the colours worksheet
•Alphabet mat, number square 1-100, table top number line, ordinal numbers on elephants, addition game with elephant theme, 16 A4 shapes posters, size order elephants
•Large letters for display title, long banner to head wall display, borders and backing paper, patchwork bunting, large character faces for display, binder covers and drawer labels, key word cards, story sack tag, elephant silhouettes
•Elephant photo pack, elephant facts poster, elephant fact cards, writing booklet to make, map to show where elephants live, booklet cover, themed writing frame, animal A4 poster showing lots of common animals
•Bingo game, draw door hanger, hand writing sheet, fill in the missing colours words, make an invitation to jungle fun, Elmer colouring pages, elephant colouring pages, reward chart, note taking page, words that begin with e worksheet, make words from letters task, true or false quiz, elephants can have and are writing task, draw favourite part of story, make a hanging mobile, word search, draw jungle scene, colour in the patchwork elephant, design a new pattern for an elephant, draw items in different colours, make a booklet about elephants, describe the elephants, write about our differences, why does Elmer want to be grey? Writing task
•Question pack for before during and after reading the story, character description task, speech bubbles worksheet, I like the story because…, story board to write, cut and stick sequencing activity, story elements writing task etc
Resources include:
•Story presentation, question pack, alphabet cards and mat, word mats, story board, retell the story, noun and adjectives worksheet, ‘air’ sound words, days flashcards, acrostic poem, different sets of word cards, a range of writing resources, sight word cards, months cards, bear poems to read, worksheets, sequencing activity and worksheet, feelings activities, face masks in colour and black and white, hand puppets, props for telling story, extra display item, Number square, Counting cards, number flashcards, table top number line, size order activity, footprints for display or activities, bingo game, facts poster, colouring pages, craft activities, cut and stick activity, a range of drawing and motor skills activities, jigsaws, wanted poster for the bear, snap game, quiz, themed writing frames, faces for display, large lettering, long banner, display borders, bunting, character flashcards, photo pack, scene flashcards, sound cards, bears photo pack, bears species flashcards and facts posters, map of the world and other resources.
Resources included:
5 Little Monkeys Swinging in the Tree song posters to print or use on board, would also make a great display
Song props in colour – includes 5 little monkeys, a crocodile and a tree
Monkey and crocodile face masks in colour
Monkey and crocodile face masks in black and white for children to make their own
Monkey and crocodile hand puppets for role play
Monkey picture – alphabet flashcards
Number flashcards 0-20 with cute monkeys on
Number flashcards with bananas 0-20
Colour flashcards
Shapes flashcards
Counting cards – 0-20 – count the little monkeys on each card
Cut and stick – make your own monkey face from the shapes
100 high frequency word cards with monkey pictures
Colouring pages
Picture matching games with picture cards
Work booklet cover to keep pupils work together
Hand writing practise worksheets
Word cards for display (for older children)
All About Monkeys work booklet for older children
Count and colour the monkeys – 3 worksheets
Draw a jungle scene activity
Sort the bananas into size order activity with banana cards
5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed poem poster to read and act out
Folder cover to keep resources together
Sack tag to organise resources
Triangle bunting with monkey pictures
Large letters to head wall display
Long banner to head wall display
3 different patterned and plain display borders to edge wall display
Backing paper to print if needed
Useful monkey images to add to wall display
Resources include:
1.Information pack about the Gunpowder Plot, Guy Fawkes, key places, traditions such as bonfires and fireworks.
2.Bonfire night poem to read
3.Alphabet flashcards on colourful fireworks
4.Colouring pages
5.Guy Fawkes face mask to use in role plays
6.Face mask template to make your own face masks of Guy Fawkes, the King, etc
7.Design your own Guy Fawkes activity
8.Design a fireworks display poster
9.Design your own Guy Fawkes doll
10.Draw a firework display activity
11.2 Mazes
12.Hand puppet template
13.2 posters showing what to do in case of a fire – contacting the fire brigade and evacuating
14.Poster showing how to call an ambulance
15.Acrostic poem template
16.Firework code poster
17.Firework code pocket size cards – great for sending home with children
18.Key word cards – great for display or to use in discussions
19.Photo pack showing fireworks and bonfires
20.Number flashcards 1-20 on sticky toffee apples
21.Counting cards 1-10 – count and match the number to the amount of fireworks
22.Themed writing frames
23.Themed drawing frames
24.Workbook cover to keep pupils work together
25.Story board to write a bonfire night story
26.Story booklet to retell the story of the Gunpowder Plot
27.Tic tac toe game with fire safety theme
28.Play-doh mat
29.Word mat
30.Resources sack tag
31.Newspaper report writing activity
32.Size order and measuring task
33.Word search
34.Wanted poster to complete
35.Anagram letters task
36.Make words from letters task
37.Long banner ‘Bonfire Night’
38.Long banner ‘Guy Fawkes Night’
39.Extra large letters spelling Bonfire Night.
40.A4 size poster to head display or introduce topic
41.A range of display boards and backing paper to make an attractive display
42.Useful images to add to display
Resources include:
•Multicultural face masks for doctors, nurses, midwife, parents and babies
•Many signs to display around your baby clinic role play area: welcome signs, areas around the centre such as examination room, changing room, toilets, nurses room etc.
•Open and closed signs and opening times poster
•Key word cards showing words about growing families: brother, sister, mother, crying, attention etc – great for display or for discussions
•Body parts flashcards – words relating to body parts of a baby, great for talking about being careful around a new baby
•Its and boy and it’s a girl greetings cards to colour in and envelopes to make to send cards
•Hand puppet template for children to draw babies on
•Long banner to head display and A4 lettering spelling Baby Clinic
•Colouring pages
•Doctor, nurse and midwife role play badges and wall posters to show who is todays doctors and nurses
•Diary to complete – for pupils to fill in about having a new baby in the family
•Writing booklet to keep pupils work together and themed writing pages with colourful borders
•Binder cover, spine labels and drawer labels to keep resources organised
•Acrostic poems to complete
•“My family got bigger” writing task
•“My mum is going to have a baby” writing task
•Lots of writing for purpose tasks – appointment cards, appointment lists for doctors and nurses, receptionist paperwork, patient records showing baby growth in height and weight etc, prescriptions to complete etc
•Backing paper and borders to make a great display or role play area
•Hand writing practise pages
•Thought and speech bubbles to use as evidence of role plays
•Number flashcards 1-20 with blue and pink prams
•Word search
•Word mat
•Useful images to add to display and role play area
Resources included are as follows:
•66 PDF or PPT files for you to print. You could also use many of them on the IWB.
•.Story presentation – retelling the story.
•Character face masks in colour and black and white., hand puppets, blank hand puppet to draw, foot prints.
•Character flashcards, food photo flashcards, food name flashcards
•Alphabet mat, alphabet flashcards, number flashcards, odd and even flashcards, number square, phonics flashcards, table top number line
•Large letters for display title, long banner to head wall display, borders and backing paper, tiger print bunting, large character faces for display, binder covers and drawer labels, key word cards, story sack tag, tiger silhouette
•Tiger photo pack, tiger facts poster, tiger fact cards, writing booklet to make, map to show where tigers live, booklet cover, themed writing frame
•Bingo game, draw door hanger, hand writing sheet, fill in the missing food words, make an invitation to tea, wanted poster for tiger, draw tiger food tin, draw meal for tiger, colouring pages, reward chart, write a shopping list, words that begin with t worksheet, make words from letters task, true or false quiz, tiger can have and are writing task, draw favourite part of story, picture matching cards for memory game, word search
•Question pack for before during and after reading the story, character description task, speech bubbles worksheet, I like the story because…, retell the story from tigers opinion, story board to write, cut and stick sequencing activity, picture comprehension activity, speech marks writing worksheet, story elements writing task etc
Colourful posters showing the song in full for each character, hand writing practice sheets, Animal images and speech bubbles for the children to fill in, poem to read, story sack tag, conjunction / interjections / connectives cards, alternative words for said cards, alliteration task, speaking and listening games, animal sounds poster.
counting cards, interactive numeracy game, snap card game, a range of worksheets for addition, subtraction and multiplication. Other numeracy activities.
face masks, animal sorting cards, jigsaws, treasure hunt game, finger puppets, hand puppets, face masks, colouring sheets, farmer role play badges, word search, drawing activities.
Classroom and Display
Large A4 characters and A4 speech bubbles to make large display, animal flashcards, colour flashcards, display borders, long banner, etc
Resources include:
Story presentation – retelling the story
Animal flashcards, posters, face masks, hand puppets, matching card activity, alphabet flashcards and mats, adjective cards, colouring pages, play doh mat, counting cards, shapes posters, poems to read, worksheets for writing and drawing noun / verb / adjectives posters, animal name flashcards, reward charts, make a mobile, word search, long banner, large lettering, display borders, writing activities, zoo role play resources such as signage to put around the zoo, and many other resources.
Resources include:
1.Multicultural face masks to use for emotions role plays
2.Reward charts to set pupils targets for learning, behaviour or controlling their emotions
3.Acrostic poem task about emotions
4.Angry and calm probability cards to use as an ice-breaker task
5.Emotions writing booklet cover to keep pupils work together neatly
6.Best day ever writing task with booklet insert
7.Worst day ever writing task with booklet insert
8.Blank faces for pupils to draw expressions on
9.Feelings tree – display including tree trunk and leaves with different emotions written on them to make any size display you wish
10.Blank leaves to add to feelings tree or get pupils to fill in
11.Blank speech bubbles to use for writing tasks or role plays
12.Blank thought bubbles to use for writing tasks and role plays
13.Drawing task – draw yourself happy and sad
14.Emotion faces and words matching cards for sorting activity and to help pupils to recognise each emotion
15.Large flashcards of different emotions – half A4 landscape with words happy, sad, angry etc
16.A4 size faces with different expressions to show emotions
17.A4 poster showing all emotions
18.A5 lettering spelling EMOTIONS
19.Emotions bunting to hang in classroom
20.Black and white faces for pupils to colour in each emotion
21.Small emotion flashcards with word and face pictures
22.Emotions snap card game or matching pair game
23.Each emotion writing facts cards for pupils to complete
24.Happy and sad door hanger for pupils to draw and colour great for showing parents/carers how the child is feeling
25‘How your words make me feel’ writing and drawing task great for discussing how our behaviour effects others emotions
26.Storyboard template for pupils to complete with a story from a different emotion theme
27.Cut and stick activity matching photos of people with how they feel
28.Discussion task about emotions
29.‘it makes me so angry’ worksheet to add to emotions booklet
30.Memory vocabulary game
31.Speaking and listening task encouraging pupils to talk about emotions
32.Throw and catch game to be used as an ice-breaker for emotions tasks
33.Make your own time out card creative activity
34.Certificates for pupils to be awarded for controlling their emotions or make extra effort to do so
35.Body responses to emotions worksheet to be added to work booklet
36.Word search
37.‘things that worry me’ task with booklet insert
38.Worst day ever writing task with booklet insert
39.Red display border to edge display
40.Blue display border to edge display
41.Yellow display border to edge display
•Penguins facts cards, photo pack, species flashcards
•Antarctica information pack, maps, world maps, photo pack, writing task
•counting activities, sorting activities, book marks, addition games and subtraction game, acrostic poem, writing tasks, handwriting worksheets, counting cards, speaking and listening tasks, flag activities, craft activity, jumbled sentences, make a leaflet, door hanger, colouring pages, catching game, plus other activities
•Colour flashcards with penguin pictures, shapes posters, adjectives cards, alphabet flashcards, number flashcards, reward charts, HFW cards, drawer labels, odd and even number flashcards, phonics flashcards, writing posters, several penguin poems with matching resources, matching card game, word search, story board to write, writing booklet cover and borders,
Display materials; long banners, large lettering, penguin images, buntings, plain and patterned display borders
Resources included are as follows:
Lots of signs to display for the bake sale, including advertisement signs, posters, different cake signs, times, price lists, menus, price cards, buntings and banners, drinks sign direction signs, competition signs and many more.
Lots of planning activities and writing for purpose worksheets to help plan the event and keep children focused as well as activities and tasks to complete after the event.
This is a lovely pack for any school or class planning a cake sale to raise funds for their school or for a specific charity with everything you will need before, during and after the day.
Resources include:
Post Office A4 sign to add to your role play area, a set of other useful roleplay signs such as Bureau de Change, check your passport, price cards, items sold in post office, lost postage claim form, sorry you were not home cards, lost post claim, long banner, large lettering, display borders, location signs, please queue sign, maps of UK / Europe / world, open and closed signs, opening times sign, parcel tags, please call again sign, stamps for sale.
Face masks, 3D shape nets for parcels, writing borders, coins images for toy money, date wall chart, colouring pages, design a stamp, special occasion cards to send throughout the year, envelopes to make, hand puppets, house posters with addresses, matching envelopes to send to the houses, extra large post box for display – set across 8 pages, letter size guide, money poster and quiz, number flashcards, passport template and application form, photo pack, letter writing activity, sorting the days worksheet, postal system sequencing cards, size order envelopes task, writing booklet cover, word search, word mat.
Resources include
•Seasons information posters – overview of facts about each season – can be used on whiteboard
•Photo poster pack, scene flashcards, board game, display materials such as long banner / borders etc, leaves and trees posters, jigsaws, word search, card games, colouring pages, games, colouring pages, alphabet flashcards, number flashcards, leaves images, facts cards, bingo games, worksheets for numeracy, face masks in colour and black/white, bookmarks, poems, counting activities, finger puppets, animal flashcards drawing activities, hibernating animal posters, images for display, spelling lists, word searches, leaves fan, craft activities, question cards, key word cards, treasure hunt game, other games, word searches etc
Bright and colourful posters for the new 7 areas of early years learning:
1.Personal, Social and Emotional Development
2.Communication and Language
3.Understanding of the World
4.Physical Development
5.Expressive Arts and Design
8. A4 lettering is also included for all areas, great for creating classroom learning areas
Resources included are as follows:
Story presentation – retelling he story.
Dinosaur information pack, specific dinosaur facts posters for each species of dinosaur from the story, Posters for each dinosaur with picture / name / height / weight, Face masks in black and white and color. Hand puppets, story props.
Large title lettering, alphabet flashcards, alphabet mats, reward charts, dinosaur topic word flashcards, story sack tag, Speech bubbles for display, character faces for display, dinosaurs for display, blue bucket for display or crafts, dinosaur coloring pages,
Describe your favorite part of the story, draw a dinosaur, I like this story because, can/have/are writing task, true or false quiz, carnivore/herbivore./omnivore posters, fact writing cards, story boards to write, 2 label the dinosaur features worksheets and posters to match, learning objective tracker, make a dinosaur face craft activity, retell the story from the dinosaurs point of view, sentence writing sheets, writing booklet cover and writing borders.
Train station sign, long banner, directions signs, lost property sign, please pay here sign, tickets available sign, thank you for visiting sign, tickets to make, printed tickets.
Included resources:
What is a rainforest?, Animal information cards and information pack, habitats and deforestation information, people, plant and tress information pack, locations information pack.
Alphabet flashcards, adjective matching cards, hand writing sheets, poem to write, alphabet tasks, antonym and synonym cards, poem to read, hfw cards, short and long vowel resources, worksheets and writing activities, pronoun activities, syllable sorting task, prefix and suffix resources.
Number counting and matching cards, Number flashcards, Counting booklet, 3D shape nets, number operations tasks, number tracing cards.
Sorting activity, reward chart, rules posters, colouring pages, drawing activities, jungle explorer badges, word searches, quiz, songs to sing, finger puppets
Habitat posters, 100 animal flashcards, behaviour poster, Carnivore, herbivore, omnivore posters, Key word display cards, Photo pack, A4 lettering, Display garland, long banner, display borders and other display materials