Resources include:
1.Information file giving details about what and when the Iron Age was
2.Information file about life in the Iron Age
3.Information file about the Celts
4.Information file about famous people and events in the Iron Age
5.Artefacts information
6.History time line cards – to use either as a display or as sequencing cards
7.Iron Age long banner to head display
8.Colourful borders and backing paper to help with display
9.A4 lettering spelling THE IRON AGE
10.Key topic word cards – great for display or discussions
11.Iron Age writing booklet cover to keep pupils work together
12.Map of the world
13.Iron Age quiz
14.Draw Iron Age food task
15.Word search
16.Word mat to help pupils with spellings
17.Sentences writing activity
18.Postcard writing task
19.Draw your Iron Age home task
20.Design your own Iron Age shield task
21.Blank thought and speech bubbles for pupils to wrtie in – great for providing evidence of work
22.Iron Age bunting with different pictures associated with the time period
23.Alphabetical order worksheet
24.Celt diary – writing task
25.Acrostic poem worksheet
26.Binder, folder, drawer and resources labels in various sizes to help organise your resources
A bumper pack of over 100 ENGLISH activities, starters, worksheets and games to help you create exciting and engaging. They cover a range of areas of the curriculum and are great fun for individuals, small groups or full classes. Easy to print and laminate or lots can be used directly from the whiteboard or computer screen.
Resources included are as follows:
1.5 senses A4 posters – 1 poster for each sense, showing different images that we use that sense for (can be seen on advertisement photo)
2.5 posters showing each of the senses for younger children – also make a great display
3.Senses information pack – showing each sense and how it works
4.‘My 5 Senses’ writing and drawing booklet
5.Colouring page
6.A3 size animal noises poster
7.Braille chart poster
8.Sign language poster chart
9.Different abilities poster – showing children who have lost one of their senses
10.12 A4 posters of different animals and the noise they make
11.2 poems posters
12.Hearing poster showing the inside of the ear
13.Sight poster showing the inside of the eye
14.Sorting cards – words relating to the senses to link to the sense – ie sight –eye-see-look etc
15.Senses long banner to head your display
16.Matching card game
17.Loss of senses trust games
18.Senses – feely bag activity – hide things in a bag and use senses to work out what it is
19.6 fruit smoothies recipes to talk about tastes
20.Old Macdonald had a farm poem spread over several pages for children to read
21.A4 lettering spelling ‘senses’
22.Poem to fill in the missing rhyming words
23.Large and extra large labels to label your resources
24.Quiz about senses
25.Menus for children to complete of foods they like the taste of
26.Writing borders for each sense
27.10 multicultural face masks to use in role plays about senses
28.Cue cards to help children during senses activities
29.Autumn poster pack to talk about senses
30.Spring poster pack to talk about senses
31.Summer poster pack to talk about senses
32.Winter poster pack to talk about senses
33.Colour in bingo game
34.Blank thought and speech bubbles for writing in ‘I can smell…..’ etc
35.Draw your favourite smells task
36.Good and bad smells cut and stick activity
37.Label the sense task
38.5 writing tasks
39.Colourful borders and backing paper for your display
40.Sound walk activity
41.Sound walk booklet for children to complete
42.Taste worksheet
43.Touch collage to make
44.Washing your hands poster
45.‘We use our senses to…’ long banner
46.Word mat
47.Word search
48.Senses writing mat for children to complete during activities
49.Sentence writing activity
50.Writing booklet cover
Resources included are as follows:
PDF or PPT files for you to print.
100 reward charts to print. Each with a different picture or slightly different design.
Most are sized A4 but there are some which are pocket sized.
A range of characters and other designs are included.
Also includes large lettering spelling ‘well done’ to head a wall display.
Included are the following resources:
1.2 A4 posters of polar bear with key facts and photos
2.2 A4 posters of reindeer with key facts and photos
3.2 A4 posters of snowy owl with key facts and photos
4.2 A4 posters of walrus with key facts and photos
5.2 A4 posters of killer whales with key facts and photos
6.2 A4 posters of arctic fox with key facts and photos
7.Odd and even number flashcards showing alternate images of an arctic hare and walrus
8.‘Polar bear pass’ 2 times table throwing and catching game
9.Word mat of key Arctic words
10.Weather symbol matching cards
11.Animal facts writing cards
12.Size ordering activity
13.Number flashcards with numbers covered in snow
14.Make a leaflet activity – the hazards of snow
15.3 Arctic maps
16.6 face masks of different animals to use for role plays
17.6 face pictures of different animals to use as display or story props
18.A4 flags of the countries in the Arctic circle
19.Large letter alphabet flashcards (A4) with snowflake images
20.Range of A4 size photos if the Arctic
21.Bingo game with reindeer
22.Reindeer colouring in sheet
23.Arctic and none arctic animals sorting activity
24.2 counting quick lesson starts
25.16 flashcards of different Arctic animals
26.Postcard writing activity with Arctic scene postcards
27.Counting cards with pictures of seals
28.12 writing practice sheets
29.15 A4 flashcards of different things associated with the Arctic such as north pole etc.
30.Arctic circle sums – addition activity
31.Glacier activity
32.Global warming activity
33.Flag drawing activity
34.Letter writing activity – returning a message in a bottle
35.20 large display words of different animals
36.20 large display words of different science words, on killer whale images – words like predator, prey etc
37.44 adjective cards describing conditions in the Arctic, with images of igloos
38.Rearrange words in sentences activity
39.Draw a view through the ship port hole activity
40.Draw a door handle sign
41.Conversation writing activity
42.Ship wrecked diary writing activity
43.Letter writing activity
44.Make a poster for sports in the Arctic
45.Food diary activity
46.Difference between lives of people in the Arctic
47.Research task – the Narwhal whale
48.Make questions when you know the answer task
49.Design a sculpture for an ice-hotel activity
50.Making a list activity – things needed for an Arctic trek
Resources included are as follows:
55 PDF files for you to print.
A range display materials including long banner, decorated letters spelling authors name, display borders, backing paper, book covers, book names flashcards, book blurbs, author photos, buntings, author information and facts posters, labels, ‘What books have you read?’ poster, books borrowed chart and loan cards for books, book marks.
Many writing and drawing tasks about the books pupils are reading – such as recounts, character qualities, drawing favourite part of the story and describing it, character feelings, mind map, writing frames, story planning, making a presentation, designing book cover, newspaper template, story elements, character comparison, genre, story follow on, opinions, scene writing task, acrostic poem, about the author booklet to make, speech bubbles, time line, and many other writing or drawing tasks.
Resources included on the disc include:
1.12 A4 posters showing 1 o’clock, 2 o’clock 3 o’clock and so on
2.12 A4 posters showing half past each hour
3.12 A4 posters showing the time on a 24 hour clock n- such as 13:00 14:00 etc
4.12 A4 posters showing quarter past each hour
5.12 A4 posters showing quarter to each hour
6.12 A4 posters showing time in minutes – such as 10 past, 25 to etc
Each flash card contains a word and a matching sentence.
Each card is the size of half an A4 page landscaped but can be printed smaller by adjusting your printer settings.
Colourful and bright cards for you to print time and time again or select specific ones to print.
These cards can be printed for each pupil, for literacy writing and spelling tasks and also make a great display around the classroom or at home.
Resources included on the disc include:
1.Brazil information pack
2.Brazil quiz
3.5 writing borders with Brazil themed images
4.100 A4 flags from around the world
5.Brazil photo pack
6.Key word flashcards
7.Long banner to head display “Brazil”
8.Hanging garland spelling out “Brazil” with extra garlands in Brazil’s colours
9.Counting lesson starters for 5 minute activities
10.Blank speech bubbles for pupils to fill in
11.Blank thought bubbles for pupils to fill in
12.Blank luggage tag for pupils to complete during role plays
13.Extra large departure board for airport role play
14.Lettering to complete departure board display for role play holidays
15.Bingo game with Brazil words
16.Days of the week flashcards in Portuguese and English
17.Weekly diary for pupils to fill in
18.Favourite things drawing task
19.Writing booklet cover to keep pupils work together neatly
20.Extra large Brazil flag to photocopy to size needed
21.3 display borders to edge your display
22.Shopping writing task
23.Holiday words treasure hunt game
24.A4 lettering spelling out BRAZIL
25.Local food writing and drawing task
26.Map and city task
27.Map of the world
28.Several maps of Brazil, including one showing the World Cup venues
29.Card matching game
30.Months of the year flashcards in Portuguese and English
31.Name the cities task
32.Number flashcards 1-20 on Brazil flags
33.Open and closed signs for role play
34.Blank passport for pupils to complete
35.Question and answers moving around task/game
36.Common phrases flashcards showing useful sentences in Portuguese and English
37.Blank postcard for pupils to complete
38.Reward chart templates in corresponding colours for pupils to monitor behaviour or work effort etc
39.Story board for pupils to complete
40.Sentence writing activity
41.Word search
42.Stripy border in green and yellow to edge display board
43.Fruit flashcards of different exotic interesting fruits from Brazil
Resources included are as follows:
55 PDF AND PPT files for you to print.
STORY PRESENTATION – retelling the basic outline of the story, with pictures.
Title page for introduction, story sack tag, folder cover, spine labels etc.
Display borders; patterned and plain, backing paper, character and scene flashcards, book synopsis poster, alphabet flashcards, number line for table top, key word cards for display or discussion, long banner to head wall display, large lettering to spell story title, letters bunting, colourful buntings.
Character description pages, writing pages, borders and frames, bingo game, draw castle, make an invitation, make a wanted poster, number square, matching pairs card game, retell the story for another point of view, write a conversation, list story elements, reward chart to draw, draw prince or princess, dress clothes for the ball, describe favourite part of the story, speech bubbles worksheets, fill in the missing words, hand puppets in colour and black and white, draw your family compared to Cinderella’s, colouring pages, chores writing task, wishes writing task, counting cards, make a mobile, story board, I like this story because…, learning objective tracker, quiz, word mat, work booklet cover for project work, word search.
Included on the disc are the following resources:
1.Interactive White Board Presentation – covering all the key facts about the country – such as history, geography, language, landmarks, tourism etc.
2.A4 posters of photos of different things around the country – such as monuments, landmarks, mountains, scenery, homes, people etc
3.Airport departure board for display
4.Display lettering to make a departure board for different destinations
5.Writing borders to frame written work
6.Counting 5 minute lesson starters
7.100 world flags in A4 size
8.Coat of Arms from Mexican flag in A4 size for display
9.Colour in bingo game showing different foods eaten in Mexico
10.Burrito recipe – easy recipe for pupils to cook
11.Diary to complete – for activities, sight seeing, weather, food etc
12.Colouring pages of local foods, maps, activities, sites etc
13.Display flashcards with major topics relating to the country
14.A4 letters to spell out country name
15.Long banner with country name on to head a display
16.Draw local lunchbox food task
17.Food flashcards of different well known foods from Mexico
18.Blank luggage tag to complete
19.Blank speech and thought bubbles to complete in role plays
20.Flashcards for days of the week in English and Spanish
21.Extra large flag for display (Covering 3 x A4 pages)
22.Draw your favourite things from the country task
23.Flag colouring in pages
24.Food collage task
25.Country name garland for display
26.Writing booklet cover for pupils work
27.Holiday shop task – outdoor play activity
28.Holiday words treasure hunt and balancing activity
29.Map and city naming - cut and stick activity
30.Map of the world
31.Map of continent
32.Map of country
33.Card matching game or traditional snap game
34.Regional cuisine of Mexico poster
35.Country culture knowledge quiz
36.Sort the days of the week worksheet (in Spanish)
37.Flashcards of numbers 1-20 on flags
38.Open and closed signs to be used in role plays
39.Passport template for children to complete
40.Reaching and stretching activity for quiz answers
41.Tour guide badges for role plays
42.Reward chart templates for children to draw their favourite local pictures on
43.Matching cards game – can be used as a matching pairs or snap game
44.Display flashcards shows months of the year in English and Spanish
45.Word search
46.Sentence writing activity
47.5 colourful borders to edge a display board
48.Photos of planes from different countries – great for role plays
49.Postcard template for pupils to complete
50.Story board template
Resources included are as follows:
•72 PDF or PPT files for you to print. You could also use many of them on the IWB.
•.Story presentation – retelling the story.
•Character face masks in colour and black and white., hand puppets, blank hand puppet to draw.
•2 elephant poems to read and act out.
•Adjectives cards from the story.
•A4 coloured elephants, A4 patterned elephants, colour splats A4 size, colour flashcards, colour wheel, fill in the colours worksheet
•Alphabet mat, number square 1-100, table top number line, ordinal numbers on elephants, addition game with elephant theme, 16 A4 shapes posters, size order elephants
•Large letters for display title, long banner to head wall display, borders and backing paper, patchwork bunting, large character faces for display, binder covers and drawer labels, key word cards, story sack tag, elephant silhouettes
•Elephant photo pack, elephant facts poster, elephant fact cards, writing booklet to make, map to show where elephants live, booklet cover, themed writing frame, animal A4 poster showing lots of common animals
•Bingo game, draw door hanger, hand writing sheet, fill in the missing colours words, make an invitation to jungle fun, Elmer colouring pages, elephant colouring pages, reward chart, note taking page, words that begin with e worksheet, make words from letters task, true or false quiz, elephants can have and are writing task, draw favourite part of story, make a hanging mobile, word search, draw jungle scene, colour in the patchwork elephant, design a new pattern for an elephant, draw items in different colours, make a booklet about elephants, describe the elephants, write about our differences, why does Elmer want to be grey? Writing task
•Question pack for before during and after reading the story, character description task, speech bubbles worksheet, I like the story because…, story board to write, cut and stick sequencing activity, story elements writing task etc
Resources include:
Story presentation, Alphabet flashcards and mat, animal name cards, animal photo flashcards, question pack, colouring pages, face masks, reward charts, certificates, key word cards, acrostic poem to complete, table names, discussion cards, hand puppets, a range of writing activities, giraffe fact cards, fact posters, craft activity, shape activity, drawing activities, counting cards, make a wishing well, make a mobile, pairs cards, maze, nouns and verbs posters, adjectives poster, photo pack, rhyming worksheet, size order sorting task, placemat, number cards, behaviour posters, word search, long banner, large letters, display borders and many other resources
Resources include:
•Story presentation, question pack, alphabet cards and mat, word mats, story board, retell the story, noun and adjectives worksheet, ‘air’ sound words, days flashcards, acrostic poem, different sets of word cards, a range of writing resources, sight word cards, months cards, bear poems to read, worksheets, sequencing activity and worksheet, feelings activities, face masks in colour and black and white, hand puppets, props for telling story, extra display item, Number square, Counting cards, number flashcards, table top number line, size order activity, footprints for display or activities, bingo game, facts poster, colouring pages, craft activities, cut and stick activity, a range of drawing and motor skills activities, jigsaws, wanted poster for the bear, snap game, quiz, themed writing frames, faces for display, large lettering, long banner, display borders, bunting, character flashcards, photo pack, scene flashcards, sound cards, bears photo pack, bears species flashcards and facts posters, map of the world and other resources.
Resources included are as follows:
Alphabet letters in graffiti style writing in A4 size.
2 full sets of alphabet letters – each with a different pattern.
2 sets are included incase you have any double letters in words – such as ‘rabbit’ – you can use 2 different patterns for the b’s next to each other.