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HC Musical Resources

A variety of musical resources for secondary school teachers. Tried and tested resources.

A variety of musical resources for secondary school teachers. Tried and tested resources.
Blues Coverwork KS3

Blues Coverwork KS3

Cover work for a blue topic. This includes: General blues Comprehension activity Robert Johnson Comprehension activity Bessie Smith Comprehension activity Instruments of the blues band Comprehension activity Blues Crossword Blues musician word search
Samba activities

Samba activities

3 Resources
Performance notation on samba including all sections of the Samba. History of Samba worksheet comprehension Samba instruments worksheets including info sheets, infosheet, questions and match up.
Year 7 Keyboard Skills

Year 7 Keyboard Skills

2 Resources
Year 7 keyboard skills written and practical work booklets. mixed together they form a complete scheme of work.