Spring Block 4 year 6 Measurement including converting units. Second lesson on converting measures. Differentiated worksheets, success criteria ladder and interactive smart notebook.
Spring Block 4 year 6 Measurement including converting units. Third lesson on calculating with metric measures . Differentiated worksheets, success criteria ladder and interactive smart notebook.
Spring Block 4 year 6 Measurement including converting units. Fourth lesson on miles and KM. Differentiated worksheets, success criteria ladder and interactive smart notebook.
Year 6 White Rose Spring Block 6 ratio lesson. The first Ratio lesson combining ratio language and fractions. Differentiated two ways with a success criteria ladder and an interactive smart notebook.
Year 6 White Rose Spring Block 6 ratio lesson. The second Ratio lesson on calculating ratio. Differentiated two ways with a success criteria ladder and an interactive smart notebook.
Year 6 White Rose Spring Block 6 ratio lesson. The third Ratio lesson on scale factors. Differentiated two ways with a success criteria ladder and an interactive smart notebook.
Year 6 White Rose Spring Block 5 measurement area perimeter and volume. The second lesson on finding area of a triangle. Differentiated two ways with a success criteria ladder and an interactive smart notebook.
Year 6 White Rose Spring Block 5 Measurement perimeter area and volume. The first lesson finding area and perimeter of shapes. Differentiated two ways with a success criteria ladder and an interactive smart notebook.
Year 6 White Rose Spring Block 5 measurement area perimeter and volume. The third lesson on finding volume of a cube. Differentiated two ways with a success criteria ladder and an interactive smart notebook.