• Know what a play is.
• Understand how information can be interpretated in different ways.
• Be able to interpret information and adapt own ideas for play.
Romeo and Juliet Types of Parental Conflict for the WJEC English Literature controlled assessment to be used alongside poetry examples but can be adapted for any study of conflict in R&J.
2 per page
RAF3: Gather, Interpret, Conclude information, events and ideas from text.
RAF6: Identify and comment on writer’s purposes and viewpoints and the overall effect of
the text on the reader.
WAF1: Write imaginative, interesting and thoughtful texts.
Produce texts which are appropriate to task, reader and purpose.
Students are encouraged to express
ideas and bring the play to life
through dramatic techniques.
Students are to work effectively
as a team and prepare for
their performance. (Encourgae
good listening, sharing and
communication skills).
Students are to perform chosen
Get students to sustain a certain
role, using miming techniques to
explore text. (SLAF5 and LO 4.1)
Students are to use skimming and
scanning, locating and retrieiving
skills to find information to then
deduce, infer or interpret what will
happen in the rest of the play (RAF3)