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Sea Creatures - Under the Sea
Introductory powerpoint for a class learning about sea creatures as part of an under the sea topic. Fish, mammals, plants and molluscs all explored and can be used to make comparisons between these different creatures.

The Borrower Comprehension Tasks
The Borrowers by Mary Norton.
Some comprehension tasks to use alongside the book. A mix of different activities included.

Moses and the 10 Plagues Wheel
I used this resource to recap each of the 10 plagues in the story of Moses. Each pupil was given the 2 circles and a split pin to create a wheel. The wheel was used as an assessment tool whilst recapping the story of Moses.

The Demon Headmaster Comprehension Tasks
The Demon Headmaster by Gillian Cross.
Comprehension tasks to go alongside the book. A range of activities enclosed

Letter Writing Lesson Plan - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
This was used in an observed lesson with an infant class.
A letter writing lesson, using Willy Wonka from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory as the stimulus.
Lesson plan, writing templates, lesson stimulus and success criteria all included.

The Hodgeheg (Dick-King Smith) Comprehension Booklet
11 different activities associated with The Hodgeheg.
Each activity has a learning intention written at the top of the page. Can be used to support comprehension and understanding of the novel. Has been used with CfE first level pupils.

Place Value Fast Finisher Cards
Used with an infant class (first level CfE) as fast finisher activities to extend the learning from previous lessons.

Writing Invitations Lesson Powerpoint
Powerpoint used with an infant class to introduce them to invitation writing. This was used for our class assembly.

Phase 3 Phonics Flashcards
Phase 3 phonics flashcards.
Including: ch, ing, oi, ow, sh and st phonic words.
Can be used for a variety of activities and games to consolidate phonics.

First Level Money Resources
Money-Coins ppt. used to display the different coins.
Shop-and-money ppt. used as a task for First Level. The class can make up the values of each item using coins given to them, handle change etc.

CfE First Level P.E Assessment Tracking and Monitoring Sheets
Assessment sheets used for Tracking and Monitoring pupils against ‘I can…’ statements for a selection of P.E blocks.
Assessment for space
Ball Skills - Basketball
Racquet Skills - Badminton
‘I can’ statements vary depending on the age/stage of the children. I have included a range of levels to show progression through the First Level curriculum.
Names can be added to the left-hand side column and pupils can be traffic lighted for each skill.

CfE Early Level P.E Assessment Tracking and Monitoring Sheets
Assessment sheets used for Tracking and Monitoring pupils against ‘I can…’ statements for a selection of P.E blocks.
Assessment for space
Ball Skills
Names can be added to the left-hand side column and pupils can be traffic lighted for each skill.