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RS revision sheet for Religion, Crime and Punishment (theme E) for AQA GCSE
This sheet is a revision summary for the AQA RS GCSE topic, Religion, Crime and Punishment (theme E). The table is divides into rows with each sub-catogory (for example, reasons for crime, attitudes to lawbreakers, aims of punishment etc.) and in columns, including, the Christian and Buddhist view.
The sheets aim to help students during Year 10 and 11, as well as, when revising for their GCSEs as they show, through examples, how 4 and 5 marker answers should be structured. The sheets also contain a myriad of easy-to-remember quotes in bold.
RS revision sheet for Christian Practices for AQA GCSE
This sheet is a revision summary for the AQA RS GCSE topic, Chrisitan Practices. The table is divides into rows with each sub-catogory (for example, worship, prayer, baptism,festivals etc.) and in columns, including, examples and importance.
The sheets aim to help students during Year 10 and 11, as well as, when revising for their GCSEs as they show, through examples, how 4 and 5 marker answers should be structured. The sheets also contain a myriad of easy-to-remember quotes in bold.
RS revision sheet for Christian beliefs for AQA RS
This sheet is a revision summary for the AQA RS GCSE topic, Christian beliefs. The table is divides into rows with each sub-catogory (for example, sin, the afterlife, salvation and attonement etc.) and in columns, including, beliefs and influences.
The sheets aim to help students during Year 10 and 11, as well as, when revising for their GCSEs as they show, through examples, how 4 and 5 marker answers should be structured. The sheets also contain a myriad of easy-to-remember quotes in bold.
RS revision sheet: Buddhist Practices for AQA GCSE
This sheet is a revision summary for the AQA RS GCSE topic, Buddhist Practices. The table is divides into rows with each sub-catogory (for example, types of mediation, festials, kamma, metta etc.) and in columns, including, examples and importance.
The sheets aim to help students during Year 10 and 11, as well as, when revising for their GCSEs as they show, through examples, how 4 and 5 marker answers should be structured. The sheets also contain a myriad of easy-to-remember quotes in bold.
RS revision summary sheet for Buddhist Beliefs for GCSE AQA
This sheet is a revision summary for the AQA RS GCSE topic, Buddhist Beliefs. The table is divides into rows with each sub-catogory (for example, the four sights, the dependent arising, the noble truths etc.) and in columns, including influences and beliefs.
The sheets aim to help students during Year 10 and 11, as well as, when revising for their GCSEs as they show, through examples, how 4 and 5 marker answers should be structured. The sheets also contain a myriad of easy-to-remember quotes in bold.