Counting in 2s Ten Frame
A powerpoint that displays counters in a tens frame going up in 2s.
Multiplication Level Up Style Game
This powerpoint is a level up style multiplication game. You click the mouse when they get the answer correct and the score goes up and the levels progress. This game is ideal as a P.E. station where it is projected on the gym wall. The answers move to make it extra challenging.
Level 1 = 2
Level 2 = 10
Level 3 = 5
Level 4 = 3
Level 5 = 4
Level 6 = 8
Odd and Even Story and Activity
This is an animated Powerpoint story introducing the concept of odd and even. Activities are included at the end to check the children’s learning.
Counting in 2s with Base Tens
A powerpoint that displays Base Ten cubes going up in 2s using a tens and units column.
Four (4) Times Table Powerpoint
This powerpoint is ideal as a P.E. station where it is projected on to the gym wall. You click the mouse when they get the answer correct and it moves on to the next question. The children can throw/kick/hit objects towards the correct answer.