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Phase 5 Resource Pack

Phase 5 Resource Pack

Phase 5 resource pack with everything you will need to teach Phase 5 phonics. Contains: Grapheme flashcards High frequency word flashcards Common exception word flashcards Sentences (9) Yes / No question cards (10) Trash or treasure game (12 real words and 12 nonsense words) Picture - word match (20 pictures and words) Sentence substitution mats (5) Also I sell these resources pre-made - check out my ebay shop.
Phase 4 Resource Pack

Phase 4 Resource Pack

Phase 4 resource pack with everything you will need to teach Phase 4 phonics. Contains: Initial and final flashcards High frequency word flashcards Common exception word flashcards Sentences (9) Yes / No question cards (10) Trash or treasure game (12 real words and 12 nonsense words) Picture - word match (20 pictures and words) Sentence substitution mats Also I sell these resources pre-made - check out my ebay shop.
Key Stage 1 (Year 2) SATs practice (disney)

Key Stage 1 (Year 2) SATs practice (disney)

4 workbooks based on the end of Key Stage 1 SaTs. 2 Wreck-it-Ralph workbooks of reading comprehension questions in the style of SaTs questions. 1 LA workbook (or HA Year 1s) and 1 MA/HA workbook. 2 Frozen workbooks of amths questions in the style of SaTs questions. 1 LA workbook (or HA Year 1s) and 1 MA/HA workbook. Also included - reading comprehension using Tangled.
Phase 2, Phase 3, Phase 4 & Phase 5 Resources

Phase 2, Phase 3, Phase 4 & Phase 5 Resources

5 Resources
Phase 2 pack: Grapheme flashcards High frequency word flashcards Common exception word flashcards Captions (18) Trash or treasure game (12 real words and 12 nonsense words) Picture - word match (20 pictures and words) Phase 3: Grapheme flashcards High frequency word flashcards Common exception word flashcards Captions (9) Sentences (9) Yes / No question cards (10) Trash or treasure game (12 real words and 12 nonsense words) Picture - word match (20 pictures and words) Phase 4: Initial and final flashcards High frequency word flashcards Common exception word flashcards Sentences (9) Yes / No question cards (10) Trash or treasure game (12 real words and 12 nonsense words) Picture - word match (20 pictures and words) Sentence substitution mats Phase 5: Grapheme Initial flashcards High frequency word flashcards Common exception word flashcards Sentences (9) Yes / No question cards (10) Trash or treasure game (12 real words and 12 nonsense words) Picture - word match (20 pictures and words) Sentence substitution mats
Phase 2 Resource Pack

Phase 2 Resource Pack

Phase 2 resource pack with everything you will need to teach Phase 2 phonics. Contains: Grapheme flashcards High frequency word flashcards Common exception word flashcards Captions (18) Trash or treasure game (12 real words and 12 nonsense words) Picture - word match (20 pictures and words) Also I sell these resources pre-made - check out my ebay shop.
Phase 3 Resource Pack

Phase 3 Resource Pack

Phase 3 resource pack with everything you will need to teach Phase 3 phonics. Contains: Grapheme flashcards High frequency word flashcards Common exception word flashcards Captions (9) Sentences (9) Yes / No question cards (10) Trash or treasure game (12 real words and 12 nonsense words) Picture - word match (20 pictures and words) Also I sell these resources pre-made - check out my ebay shop.