Addition using cubes to 10
A worksheet to record practical addition using multi link cubes.
Introduces writing number sentences based on the cubes.
Suitable for Reception
Activity worksheet. Cutting and sticking.
Recognising numbers 1-10 in different forms - includes numbers, word, ten squares and dice.
I've used it with EYFS and Year 1. But it would also be a good activity for SEN
Record sheets for each area of the ‘Characteristics of Effective Learning’. Suitable for keeping records of specific observations in the EYFS profile. Space to write observational notes or stick photographs
PDF version of each sheet
Fairy tale,s, Traditional Tales, Story Writing
Fairy Tale Character pictures with speech bubbles. Ideal for encouraging writing in Reception or Yr 1
Dinosaur Topic, Knowledge and Understanding of the World
Dinosaur pictures with speech bubbles. Ideal for encouraging writing in Reception or Yr 1
Speech bubble writing frames.
Great to encourage early writing
‘What would a dinosaur say?’
‘What would a fairy tale character say?’
'What would a pet say?
Information resource explaining features of ELG 10 Writing.
Defining and exploring ELG Writing descriptor. Focusing on key points and linking to an example.
Additionally a set of example pieces of writing levelled at 'Expected' which can be given to staff.
Pet, Animlas, Vet Topics, Knowledge and Understanding of the World
Pet pictures with speech bubbles. Ideal for encouraging writing in Reception or Yr 1
Posters showing statements of ELG's in each area and overall view.
Useful for displaying in curriculum areas and for quick and easy reference of the statements.
Helpful for NQT's
Simple planning grid for Nursery.
Format is a termly grid, showing weekly themes. Easy to fill in with specific activities and continuous provision in each areas of the EYFS