Katie Morag Narrative English Unit of Work
A week on planning and resources based on Pie Corbett's Talk for Writing. Lessons focus on sentence construction (compound sentences) and writing better sentences choosing better words (powerful verbs and adjectives). This first week is "imitation" Where it states a "story" map - sections of the story are drawn as symbols. You can devise your own pictures for main words or use words you want children to focus on. ie for parcel - draw a parcel, for Katie Morag - draw a girl's face.
Beowulf by Micheal Morpurgo - Year 3 and 4 - Whole Class Reading Planning and Resources
A 3 week unit of work using the “Beowulf” by Michael Morpurgo. Expectations are fro Year 3/4. Lessons focus particularly on retrieval, vocabulary and summarising skills of reading. This unit could be used in conjunction with SPAG sessions and writing sessions based on the story. Powerpoint slides for each session follow similar structure - explaining vocabulary. ERIC images from Rhona Wilson. VIPERS images from Literacy Shed.
Year 1 and 2 - Information Texts Unit of work - Base on The Great Fire of London
An English unit of work with notebook file and resources - Information Texts. Based on Great Fire of London.
Writing Whole School Record Sheet - Assessment Without Levels
An excel document with the non-negotiable for each year group for writing - great for record keeping/assessment/planning and passing on to next teacher/class.
Writing - Whole School Record Sheet - Assessment without Levels
An excel document with the non-negotiable for each year group for writing - great for record keeping/assessrment/planning and passing on to next teacher/class.
Katie Morag English Narrative Writing
Week 2 of unit of work based on the Katie Morag Stories - plan based on using Talk for Writing. Active English part of the session could be adapted to be short VCOP ativities.
Reading English Primary Book Banded Learning Objectives
On each document are hints and tips for colour bands pink - burgundy
Different codes tell different types of tips
i.e. parents, carers and pupils what the child needs to learn as they read a particular colour banded book
What adults need to praise when the child does these things well
- gives parents and carers ideas about how to help their child
- highlights things which are not useful
Tell or show the child the useful things they can do.