
Arithmetic Practice Quiz Year 1
These are a set of arithmetic challenges that are differentiated starting from the simplest number facts to more challenging number facts. The children enjoyed working on these spotting patterns, doubles, adding zero/ one etc and also spotting when it was subtracting or adding. I have added my examples and a blank to create your own.

Part Part Whole Year 1 Autumn Place Value
This includes a lesson and teaching powerpoint that can be adapted to develop reasoning skills too. I used this over a few days to ensure understanding.

Year 1 make equal groups activities
Activities to support children with understanding how to make equal groups. 2 visual worksheets included.

Year 1 reasoning questions - ordinal numbers
Two lessons worth of reasoning questions linked to ordinal numbers

Year 1 ordering amounts of objects ( 2 lessons) plus resources
I have made a 2 lesson unit on the objective
“I can order amounts” linked to the White Rose Planning - it includes reasoning questions for each lesson too.

Year 1 Making Quarters Visual Worksheet
After practical sessions - children can then work on creating quarters on paper.

Year 1 Making Equal Groups Visual Worksheet
A starting point to help children understand making groups after working practically - can be adapted too.

Singapore Maths 1 less than (14 resources)
Using part part whole to teach 1 less than - 3 presentations and 11 differentiated activities

Mulitplication in 10s ( arrays)
Presentation and activity to support a lesson on multiplication in tens.

One is a snail Ten is a Crab Problem Solving Activity
Based on the known book “One is a snail Ten is a Crab” - children are introduced to animals with 3 legs, 7 legs, 13 legs, 20 legs etc and are given a series of challenges to extend from this idea in the book.

Domino set for maths activities
Great set to use for dominoes for problem solving activities. I photocopied onto different colour card to keep the sets complete.

Year 1 2D Shape Bundle
Included powerpoint to introduce topic, sorting activities, cut and stick activity and a 2D shape challenge.

Two visual worksheets - KS1 Counting to 100
Pictorial worksheets for children to practise counting in groups up to 100.

Year 1 Bundle Adding one digit to two digit numbers
Bundle of worksheets to teach the progression of addition in Year 1.

Year 1 Multiplication Word Problems
Word problems for children to use - plus i have included large visuals that you can print of to demonstrate the problems practically.

KS1 Bundle of Place Value Activities (1 more, 10 more, less, between, counting in sequences etc)
Set of worksheets for children to use with visual support so that children can understand the value of different numbers - bargain bundle!

Teaching arrays with Chocolate Bars (arrays of 2 and 5) KS1
Two powerpoints and 3 activities linked to teaching of arrays of 2 and 5 and of course using real life objects (chocolate bars!) to demonstrate.

Singapore Maths Subtraction Unit Activities Year 1
Subtraction word problems included.
Pictorial format to support children subtracting tens numbers from a 2 digit number.
Subtracting from 20 activities to support their number bonds to 20.