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Ready to Teach Bilinguals

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Ready to Teach English and Spanish store offers the chance to get educational resources for dual, Language, Maths, Science and Social studies teachers. You will find a great variety of high quality products to implement into the classroom and motivate and engage students.




Ready to Teach English and Spanish store offers the chance to get educational resources for dual, Language, Maths, Science and Social studies teachers. You will find a great variety of high quality products to implement into the classroom and motivate and engage students.
Todo sobre Las Manzanas - Ciencias para Niños - Worksheets/Crafts/Posters

Todo sobre Las Manzanas - Ciencias para Niños - Worksheets/Crafts/Posters

Esta unidad de trabajo sobre LAS MANZANAS contiene hojas imprimibles, actividades de manualidades, tarjetas y posters para trabajar en los centros de ciencias naturales en español. INDICE CONTENIDOS Y TIPOS DE ACTIVIDADES: HOJAS IMPRIMIBLES: PAGINAS Texto de no-ficción sobre las manzanas. Hoja de preguntas comprensivas sobre el texto de la pag. Anterior. Escribe 5 datos sobre la manzana. Observo la manzana y escribo lo que veo. Escribe palabras relacionadas con la manzana. Escribe sobre el ciclo de vida de la manzana. (cuadro 1) Dibuja el ciclo de vida de la manzana. Escribe lo que tiene y no tiene una manzana. Completa el cuadro de VENN comparando y contrastando a la manzana con otra fruta. Explica el ciclo de vida de la manzana (cuadro 2) Escribe datos sobre las manzanas en notitas. Escribe datos sobre las manzanas (son-tienen-se usan para-otros datos). Completa el cuadro KWL. Une los números con los dibujos que representan cada una de las etapas del ciclo de vida de la manzana. Escribe las partes de la manzana. Colorea o aplica círculos de colores sobre las palabras relacionadas con la manzana. Corta y pega el ciclo de vida de la manzana. 24-27 hojas de trabajo para recortar letras y armar y trazar las palabras: SEMILLA – BROTE – FLOR – MANZANA. Colorea por código. Lee el texto y colorea. Realiza un círculo y colorea los ítems relacionados con la manzana. Escribe datos sobre la manzana guiado: DESCRIPCIÓN, MIDE, PESA, etc… Hoja para DICTADO de 10 palabras sobre la manzana. Completa el cuadro sobre datos y opiniones sobre la manzana. Corta y pega los datos sobre la manzana. Luego, lee los datos y colorea. ACTIVIDADES DE MANUALIDADES: PAGINAS RUEDA sobre el ciclo de vida de la manzana. 36-37 BANDERÍN sobre TODO SOBRE LAS MANZANAS. 38- LIBRITO sobre el ciclo de vida de la manzana. 39-40 MONSTRUO sobre el ciclo de vida de la manzana. TARJETAS Y POSTERS: PAGINAS 40-41 TARJETAS sobre el ciclo de vida de la manzana. 42-46 POSTERS sobre el ciclo de vida de la manzana
Texas Cares - Hurricane Harvey and its Consequences + Refection - FREE Mini Unit

Texas Cares - Hurricane Harvey and its Consequences + Refection - FREE Mini Unit

Texas Cares is a free mini unit that I´m offering in order to work and deal with Hurricane Harvey which is causing a natural disaster. In this mini unit you will find : * 1 poster to color (Texas Cares) * 1 informational sheet related to hurricanes and Hurricane Harvey. The short paragraphs stick to the point and help the students to have a general idea and provide the teacher a chance to disscuss and deal with the topic. * 1 writing sheet: what can I do to help Texas? * 1 sheet to Write words that students can express to a Texan person who is suffering from Hurricane Harvey. * 1 sheet to draw the sequence of a hurricane: before, while and after. * 1 foldable activity If you like this set, you can share this link to your collegues!!! Your feedback will be really appreciated!
Bald Eagle - Ready to Print Easy Readings and Worksheets

Bald Eagle - Ready to Print Easy Readings and Worksheets

This Thematic Unit contains different sets of Printables including easy reading passages with facts about Bald Eagles : • What are bald eagles? • What do bald eagles eat? • The bald eagle body • The bald eagle life cycle – the stages of a bald eagle divided into 4 parts with illustrations (egg – eaglet – young – adult). There is one sheet for each stage. • The bald eagle habitat • Bald eagle behaviors • Bald eagle symbols Worksheets: • Write the bald eagle body parts • Bald eagle life cycle – write the four basic stages according to pictures • Flip flap minibook – a chance for the kids to display on their notebooks. • Explain the bald eagle life cycle • Complete a chart with facts about bald eagles – (are-have-can-other facts) • Venn diagram – Compare and contrast a bald eagle with any other bird
Owls Easy Readings and Worksheets (Life Cycle -Flip Flaps and more...)

Owls Easy Readings and Worksheets (Life Cycle -Flip Flaps and more...)

This Read and Work set contains different sets of worksheets including basic reading passages with facts about owls as well as posters : READING PASSAGES • What are owls? • Owls are predators. • What a vision! • What can owls hear? • Owls eating habits. • Owls nests • Owls life cycle • 12 reading sheets with facts about the 12 different types of owls: Barn Owl, Barred Owl, Burrowing Owl, Elf Owl, Eurasian Eagle Owl, Great Gray Owl, Long Eared Owl, Northern Hawk Owl, Northern Saw Whet Owl, Short Eared Owl, Snowy Owl and Spectacled Owl. Worksheets: • Write the owl body parts • Owl life cycle – write the four basic stages according to pictures • Flip flap minibook – a chance for the kids to display on their notebooks. • Explain the owl life cycle • Complete a chart with facts about owls – (are-have-can-other facts) • Venn diagram – Compare and contrast two types of owls. added in this new edition: • Bubble Map: write adjectives to describe owls. • KWL Chart: complete the chart. Questions Sheets for all the reading passages (19 sheets) + 1 blank sheet for the teacher to make questions that he/she chooses for the students (not editable – just to write in pen or pencils). • Posters: you will find a set of 12 posters with the 12 different types of owls: : Barn Owl, Barred Owl, Burrowing Owl, Elf Owl, Eurasian Eagle Owl, Great Gray Owl, Long Eared Owl, Northern Hawk Owl, Northern Saw Whet Owl, Short Eared Owl, Snowy Owl and Spectacled Owl.
Recycling Readings and Printables (1st/5th Grade)

Recycling Readings and Printables (1st/5th Grade)

This is a great set that contains basic readings about Recycling and printables to fix vocabulary and writing skills for ADVANCED 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th. You can use these printables for Science centers as warm ups, body or end of a lesson. Contents: * A COVER PAGE FOR THE UNIT (recently added) * READING PASSAGES: • Reading 1. What is recycling? • Reading 2. Did you know…? Some facts • Reading 3. The benefits of recycling • Reading 4. What is paper recycling? • Reading 5. What is plastic recycling? • Reading 6. What is metal recycling? • Reading 7. What is glass recycling? • Reading 8. What is composting? • Reading 9. Non-recyclable Each passage contains another sheet with QUESTIONS FOR COMPREHENSION. (recently added) * PRINTABLES: • Classify Garbage (Color and match) • Read and match recycled objects • Flip flap mini book (students have to write some facts about recycling objects) • Recycling recorded sheet (they can use this sheet to record some facts about recycling) MALE VERSION • Recycling recorded sheet (they can use this sheet to record some facts about recycling) FEMALE VERSION (recently added) • Facts chart ( write facts about recycling) • Venn Diagram (compare and contrast recycling and non-recycling things) • Bubble Map: Write words related to recycling (recently added) • Recycling KWL Chart (recently added) • Recycling Interactive Activity (Students have to write about the different types of recycling: plastic, metal, paper and glass) (recently added) • Circle the Items related to Recycling (Students can also color the items) (recently added) • Recycling: Draw items related to recycling (recently added) * POSTERS (recently added) 1. RECYCLING (1) 2. REUSE BAGS 3. DONATING CLOTHES 4. PICK UP LITTER 5. RECLAIM 6. PAPER RECYCLING 7. PLASTIC RECYCLING 8. METAL RECYCLING 9. GLASS RECYCLING 10. COMPOSTING 11. REUSE 12. REDUCE 12. RECYCLE(2)