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Ready to Teach Bilinguals

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Ready to Teach English and Spanish store offers the chance to get educational resources for dual, Language, Maths, Science and Social studies teachers. You will find a great variety of high quality products to implement into the classroom and motivate and engage students.




Ready to Teach English and Spanish store offers the chance to get educational resources for dual, Language, Maths, Science and Social studies teachers. You will find a great variety of high quality products to implement into the classroom and motivate and engage students.
Easy Reading for Reading Comprehension in Spanish - Free Set

Easy Reading for Reading Comprehension in Spanish - Free Set

Lectura fácil de comprensión lectora es una serie de cuentos cortos que le permite al estudiante estar en contacto directo con la lectura básica del idioma español. Cada cuento viene acompañado de una serie de preguntas directas para poder dirigirse al teto fácilmente y responder de forma completa y mecánica. Cada cuento se relaciona con algún personaje y contiene vocabulario básico para una comprensión más efectiva. Estos cuentos pueden ser utilizados para lectura guiada, centros de lectura o lectura grupal. Cada cuento cuenta con imágenes ilustrativas relacionadas. El cuento y las preguntas vienen en hojas separadas para poder manejar mejor el espacio. Espero que les guste esta idea que es muy necesaria en la enseñanza de la lectura principalmente de una lengua extranjera. En este set gratuito se presentan dos cuentos: 1. Tom va a la Escuela 2. Primer Día de Susy Estas lecturas son perfectas para la primer semana de escuela o para la introducción de lectura básica guiada.
Exploration Mini-Unit 3 - Christopher Columbus - Read and Work - Bilingual

Exploration Mini-Unit 3 - Christopher Columbus - Read and Work - Bilingual

READ AND WORK is a Bilingual thematic unit that provides your teaching with a set of readings passages and worksheets. This set is related to Christopher Columbus. CONTENTS: READING COMPREHENSION There is a text with fast facts about the explorer presented In this section, there is a questions sheet for reading comprehension. Each questions sheet contains 7 direct questions related to the text. WORKSHEETS: This section contains 6 different activities for searching facts about the topic presented. 1. FACTS SHEET – Write facts about the explorer presented. 2. BUBBLE MAP – write words related to the explorer presented. 3. KWL CHART – Complete the KWL related to the explorer presented. 4. FACTS CHART – Write facts about the explorer presented. 5. FLIP FLAP MINI-BOOK – Complete the flip flap mini-book with facts about the explorer presented. 6. VENN DIAGRAM – compare and contrast two different explorers including the explorer presented and another one. POSTER: There is a poster added at the end of this mini-unit to complement the work and study of the explorer presented.
Interactive Notebook in Spanish - Letter A - FREEBIE

Interactive Notebook in Spanish - Letter A - FREEBIE

No existe algo más lindo que empezar aprendiendo las letras del abecedario o alfabeto español. Para garantizar una forma diferente y didáctica de la enseñanza del alfabeto, he realizado este Cuaderno Interactivo que se basa en el reconocimiento, fijación y práctica de las 27 letras del alfabeto español además de los sonidos CH y LL. Contiene 6 actividades interactivas detalladas a continuación: 1. Leo palabras que empiezan con la letra específica y realizo el dibujo correspondiente. 2. Escribo palabras que empiezan con la letra específica y coloreo. 3. Recorto y pego palabras que empiezan y que no empiezan con la letra específica. 4. Hago un círculo a todas las letras mayúsculas o minúsculas. 5. Trazo y escribo las letras. 6. Recorto y pego dibujos que empiezan con la letra específica. Estas actividades se pueden utilizar como actividades del salón o de tarea para el hogar. ***************************************************************************** En este set gratuito encontrarás publicadas las 6 actividades relacionadas a la primer letra del alfabeto español - Aa
Ready to Print in Spanish - Free Halloween Edition/ Literacy

Ready to Print in Spanish - Free Halloween Edition/ Literacy

This is a gift for Halloween time due to the number of followers in my store. You will find 5 worksheets in Spanish: 1. Primera Letra: mira el dibujo, di la palabra y colorea la opción correcta. 2. Mezcla de Vocales: encuentra y pinta los fantasmas que contengan las vocales. 3. Letras Miedosas: escribe la primera letra de cada dibujo. 4. Sustantivos comunes: colorea los dibujos que contengan sustantivos. 5. Colores en Noche de Brujas: colorea el dibujo de acuerdo al código.
FREEBIE Interactive Notebook (Welcome to School) En Español

FREEBIE Interactive Notebook (Welcome to School) En Español

This free Spanish interactive notebook activities for kinder and Elementary levels is divided into four parts: PART 1: In this part, you will find a flap with a tablet shape. Students have to color, cut, color and paste. You can follow the examples. PART 2: In this part, you will give the kids a set with flow chart. Students have to draw what they did the day before school. They draw, color the pictures and tell their classmates and teacher all about their activities. You can follow the second example. PART 3: in this part, you will give the kids a set with all the optional ALL ABOUT ME little flip flaps. Students have to color, cut , write and/or draw and paste. The options to choose or add all together are: My name; my age; my birthday; When I grow up I want to be …; my favorite color, food, sport, book, animal and song. PART 4: in the last part, you will find a mini flap for THIS IS MY TEACHER. Students have to cut, color, draw their teacher and paste. Follow the samples. You can provide feedback if you wish!
Easy Reading for Reading Comprehension in Spanish - March Set

Easy Reading for Reading Comprehension in Spanish - March Set

Lectura fácil de comprensión lectora es una serie de cuentos cortos que le permite al estudiante estar en contacto directo con la lectura básica del idioma español. Cada cuento viene acompañado de una serie de preguntas directas para poder dirigirse al texto fácilmente y responder de forma completa y mecánica. Cada cuento se relaciona con algún personaje y contiene vocabulario básico para una comprensión más efectiva. Estos cuentos pueden ser utilizados para lectura guiada, centros de lectura o lectura grupal. Cada cuento cuenta con imágenes ilustrativas relacionadas. El cuento y las preguntas vienen en hojas separadas para poder manejar mejor el espacio. Espero que les guste esta idea que es muy necesaria en la enseñanza de la lectura principalmente de una lengua extranjera. **************************************************************************** En este set se hace referencia al mes de Marzo con el tema central del día de San Patricio y el comienzo de la primavera: Títulos de este set: 1. Jorge y su Sombrero 2. Luisa en San Patricio 3. Manuel: El Coqueto 4. Natalia Tiene Suerte 5. Tomás y su Trébol 6. El Duende de San Patricio 7. Sofía: La Coqueta 8. Zombi en San Patricio 9. Bailemos en San Patricio 10. El Gatito de San Patricio 11. Juan Regala Flores 12. A Remontar la Cometa 13. Día de Lluvia 14. Jugando en el Charco 15. Julieta Mira la Mariposa
Easy Reading for Reading Comprehension in Spanish - special edi.- Bad Manners

Easy Reading for Reading Comprehension in Spanish - special edi.- Bad Manners

Lectura fácil de comprensión lectora es una serie de cuentos cortos que le permite al estudiante estar en contacto directo con la lectura básica del idioma español. Cada cuento viene acompañado de una serie de preguntas directas para poder dirigirse al teto fácilmente y responder de forma completa y mecánica. Cada cuento se relaciona con algún personaje y contiene vocabulario básico para una comprensión más efectiva. Estos cuentos pueden ser utilizados para lectura guiada, centros de lectura o lectura grupal. Cada cuento cuenta con imágenes ilustrativas relacionadas. El cuento y las preguntas vienen en hojas separadas para poder manejar mejor el espacio. Espero que les guste esta idea que es muy necesaria en la enseñanza de la lectura principalmente de una lengua extranjera. En esta edición especial los cuentos se relacionan con MALOS MODALES fuera y dentro del ambiente escolar: Títulos de este set: 1. Marcos se burla de Federico 2. Joel está debajo de su escritorio 3. Sofía patea a Lucas 4. Lorena le tira el pelo a Solange 5. Michael se desliza con la silla 6. Johnny se trepa del tobogán 7. Tania le susurra a Tommy 8. Lautaro grita todo el tiempo 9. Brenda muerde a Anita 10. Natalia corre en el recreo Los malos modales son: burlar - estar debajo del escritorio - patear - tirar el pelo - deslizarse en la silla - treparse del tobogán - susurrar en el oído - gritar - morder al compañero - correr en el recreo Estas lecturas son perfectas para la primeras semanas de escuela o para la introducción de lectura básica guiada.
Non-Fiction Texts in Spanish - Christmas/Hannukah/Diwali/Kwanzaa/ Others

Non-Fiction Texts in Spanish - Christmas/Hannukah/Diwali/Kwanzaa/ Others

Lectura fácil- textos de no-ficción es una serie de textos cortos referidos a un tema en particular que le permite al estudiante estar en contacto directo con la lectura básica del idioma español. Cada texto viene acompañado de una serie de preguntas directas para poder dirigirse al texto fácilmente y responder de forma completa y mecánica. Cada texto contiene vocabulario básico para una comprensión más efectiva. Estos textos pueden ser utilizados para lectura guiada, centros de lectura o lectura grupal con el objetivo de brindar información. Cada texto cuenta con imágenes ilustrativas relacionadas. El texto y las preguntas vienen en hojas separadas para poder manejar mejor el espacio. Espero que les guste esta idea que es muy necesaria en la enseñanza de la lectura principalmente de una lengua extranjera. ********************************************************************** En esta edición se presentan textos de no-ficción referidos a Navidad alrededor del mundo y otras festividades. Títulos de este set: 1. La Navidad 2. Navidad en Francia 3. Navidad en Alemania 4. Janucá: Fiesta de las Luces 5. Santa Lucia 6. Navidad en Australia 7. Las Posadas 8. Diwali: Fiesta de las Luces 9. Navidad en Italia 10. Kwanzaa
Spanish Reading - Regreso a Clases (BTS) - Guided Reading Passages - Level 1

Spanish Reading - Regreso a Clases (BTS) - Guided Reading Passages - Level 1

Spanish Reading is a set of Guided reading passages in spanish language. These 5 sheets are motivational resources for the class related to Back to School ( Regreso a clases) . they come in both versions: color and black&white. This is also the first set!!! Each sheet contains: A space to write name and date. Activity 1: point and read the sight words. (additional activity: Students can highlight the sight words in the main text before or after reading stage). Sights words included in this set: me- esta - un - es - en - de - mi - son - el - soy - con - yo - su -la Activity 2: Students have to read the two key words that helps for the comprehension of the text to read. They can repeat the words more than once. VOCABULARY: escuela mochila estudiante bus escolar doce libro sol pincel kinder bloque Activity 3: Students have to read the whole text. These sheets can be used not only for classwork or literacy centers for spanish but also homework with parents because I have included an english translation sheet of the 5 texts. This set can be perfect for BTS time!! I know you will have great results!!! I will make more sets with different topics!!! Your feedback will be really appreciated! ¡Buena suerte!
Hispanic Heritage Month - Diego Rivera - Worksheets and Readings (Bilingual)

Hispanic Heritage Month - Diego Rivera - Worksheets and Readings (Bilingual)

This set of worksheets and reading comprehension are related to the Hispanic Heritage Month with a special version of Diego Rivera. In this set, you will find the following activities: 1. A reading text (short biography) of the leader. 2. Reading comprehension questions sheet. 3. Write facts sheet. 4. A bubble map to write words related to the leader. 5. A KWL chart. 6. Facts square chart. 7. An interactive activity. 8. A Venn diagram to compare and contrast with another Hispanic leader. 9. A poster of the leader in color. You can use these sheets for Social Studies centers, classwork or homework.
Hispanic Heritage Month - Celia Cruz - Worksheets and Readings (Bilingual)

Hispanic Heritage Month - Celia Cruz - Worksheets and Readings (Bilingual)

This set of worksheets and reading comprehension are related to the Hispanic Heritage Month with a special version of Celia Cruz. In this set, you will find the following activities: 1. A reading text (short biography) of the leader. 2. Reading comprehension questions sheet. 3. Write facts sheet. 4. A bubble map to write words related to the leader. 5. A KWL chart. 6. Facts square chart. 7. An interactive activity. 8. A Venn diagram to compare and contrast with another Hispanic leader. 9. A poster of the leader in color. You can use these sheets for Social Studies centers, classwork or homework.
Hispanic Heritage Month - Bob Menendez - Worksheets and Readings (Bilingual)

Hispanic Heritage Month - Bob Menendez - Worksheets and Readings (Bilingual)

This set of worksheets and reading comprehension are related to the Hispanic Heritage Month with a special version of Bob Menendez. In this set, you will find the following activities: 1. A reading text (short biography) of the leader. 2. Reading comprehension questions sheet. 3. Write facts sheet. 4. A bubble map to write words related to the leader. 5. A KWL chart. 6. Facts square chart. 7. An interactive activity. 8. A Venn diagram to compare and contrast with another Hispanic leader. 9. A poster of the leader in color. You can use these sheets for Social Studies centers, classwork or homework.
Hispanic Heritage Month - Ellen Ochoa - Worksheets and Readings (Bilingual)

Hispanic Heritage Month - Ellen Ochoa - Worksheets and Readings (Bilingual)

This set of worksheets and reading comprehension are related to the Hispanic Heritage Month with a special version of Ellen Ochoa. In this set, you will find the following activities: 1. A reading text (short biography) of the leader. 2. Reading comprehension questions sheet. 3. Write facts sheet. 4. A bubble map to write words related to the leader. 5. A KWL chart. 6. Facts square chart. 7. An interactive activity. 8. A Venn diagram to compare and contrast with another Hispanic leader. 9. A poster of the leader in color. You can use these sheets for Social Studies centers, classwork or homework.
Hispanic Heritage Month - Frida Kahlo - Worksheets and Readings (Bilingual)

Hispanic Heritage Month - Frida Kahlo - Worksheets and Readings (Bilingual)

This set of worksheets and reading comprehension are related to the Hispanic Heritage Month with a special version of Frida Kahlo. In this set, you will find the following activities: 1. A reading text (short biography) of the leader. 2. Reading comprehension questions sheet. 3. Write facts sheet. 4. A bubble map to write words related to the leader. 5. A KWL chart. 6. Facts square chart. 7. An interactive activity. 8. A Venn diagram to compare and contrast with another Hispanic leader. 9. A poster of the leader in color. You can use these sheets for Social Studies centers, classwork or homework.
Hispanic Heritage Month - Anthony Romero - Worksheets and Readings (Bilingual)

Hispanic Heritage Month - Anthony Romero - Worksheets and Readings (Bilingual)

This set of worksheets and reading comprehension are related to the Hispanic Heritage Month with a special version of Anthony Romero . In this set, you will find the following activities: 1. A reading text (short biography) of the leader. 2. Reading comprehension questions sheet. 3. Write facts sheet. 4. A bubble map to write words related to the leader. 5. A KWL chart. 6. Facts square chart. 7. An interactive activity. 8. A Venn diagram to compare and contrast with another Hispanic leader. 9. A poster of the leader in color. You can use these sheets for Social Studies centers, classwork or homework.
Hispanic Heritage Month - Jose Feliciano - Worksheets and Readings (Bilingual)

Hispanic Heritage Month - Jose Feliciano - Worksheets and Readings (Bilingual)

This set of worksheets and reading comprehension are related to the Hispanic Heritage Month with a special version of Jose Feliciano. In this set, you will find the following activities: 1. A reading text (short biography) of the leader. 2. Reading comprehension questions sheet. 3. Write facts sheet. 4. A bubble map to write words related to the leader. 5. A KWL chart. 6. Facts square chart. 7. An interactive activity. 8. A Venn diagram to compare and contrast with another Hispanic leader. 9. A poster of the leader in color. You can use these sheets for Social Studies centers, classwork or homework.
Guided Reading - Black Color / Color Negro - Dual

Guided Reading - Black Color / Color Negro - Dual

This is a guided reading set with a big mini-book called: Black Color / Color Negro You can use these pages to make a big story book to read it aloud to your Pre-k or Kinder students at reading centers or guided reading! Every page has an illustration and 2 sentences: one in English and its corresponding translation into Spanish. I´m planning to make more sets!!!
Hispanic Heritage Month - Salvador Dalí - Worksheets and Readings (Bilingual)

Hispanic Heritage Month - Salvador Dalí - Worksheets and Readings (Bilingual)

This set of worksheets and reading comprehension are related to the Hispanic Heritage Month with a special version of Salvador Dalí. In this set, you will find the following activities: 1. A reading text (short biography) of the leader. 2. Reading comprehension questions sheet. 3. Write facts sheet. 4. A bubble map to write words related to the leader. 5. A KWL chart. 6. Facts square chart. 7. An interactive activity. 8. A Venn diagram to compare and contrast with another Hispanic leader. 9. A poster of the leader in color. You can use these sheets for Social Studies centers, classwork or homework.
Hispanic Heritage Month - Pablo Picasso - Worksheets and Readings (Bilingual)

Hispanic Heritage Month - Pablo Picasso - Worksheets and Readings (Bilingual)

This set of worksheets and reading comprehension are related to the Hispanic Heritage Month with a special version of Pablo Picasso. In this set, you will find the following activities: 1. A reading text (short biography) of the leader. 2. Reading comprehension questions sheet. 3. Write facts sheet. 4. A bubble map to write words related to the leader. 5. A KWL chart. 6. Facts square chart. 7. An interactive activity. 8. A Venn diagram to compare and contrast with another Hispanic leader. 9. A poster of the leader in color. You can use these sheets for Social Studies centers, classwork or homework.
Hispanic Heritage Month - Sylvia Mendez - Worksheets and Readings (Bilingual)

Hispanic Heritage Month - Sylvia Mendez - Worksheets and Readings (Bilingual)

This set of worksheets and reading comprehension are related to the Hispanic Heritage Month with a special version of Sylvia Mendez. In this set, you will find the following activities: 1. A reading text (short biography) of the leader. 2. Reading comprehension questions sheet. 3. Write facts sheet. 4. A bubble map to write words related to the leader. 5. A KWL chart. 6. Facts square chart. 7. An interactive activity. 8. A Venn diagram to compare and contrast with another Hispanic leader. 9. A poster of the leader in color. You can use these sheets for Social Studies centers, classwork or homework.