Ready to Teach English and Spanish store offers the chance to get educational resources for dual, Language, Maths, Science and Social studies teachers. You will find a great variety of high quality products to implement into the classroom and motivate and engage students.
Ready to Teach English and Spanish store offers the chance to get educational resources for dual, Language, Maths, Science and Social studies teachers. You will find a great variety of high quality products to implement into the classroom and motivate and engage students.
This is a great way to give a present to your students or kids!
You will find a selection of 20 posters in SPANISH LANGUAGE ONLY related to HALLOWEEN!!!
NOCHE DE TERROR (available as a FREEBIE in the PREVIEW)
and much, much more…
This set of bilingual worksheets and reading comprehension are related to HALLOWEEN.
In this set, you will find the following activities:
A reading text (short description) of the special date.
Reading comprehension questions sheet.
Write facts sheet.
A bubble map to write words related to the special date.
A KWL chart.
Facts square chart.
An interactive activity.
A Venn diagram to compare and contrast with another special date.
A poster of the special date in color.
You can use thesesheetsforSocialstudies and literacycenters, classworkorhomework.
Esta unidad de trabajo sobre LAS MANZANAS contiene hojas imprimibles, actividades de manualidades, tarjetas y posters para trabajar en los centros de ciencias naturales en español.
Texto de no-ficción sobre las manzanas.
Hoja de preguntas comprensivas sobre el texto de la pag. Anterior.
Escribe 5 datos sobre la manzana.
Observo la manzana y escribo lo que veo.
Escribe palabras relacionadas con la manzana.
Escribe sobre el ciclo de vida de la manzana. (cuadro 1)
Dibuja el ciclo de vida de la manzana.
Escribe lo que tiene y no tiene una manzana.
Completa el cuadro de VENN comparando y contrastando a la manzana con otra fruta.
Explica el ciclo de vida de la manzana (cuadro 2)
Escribe datos sobre las manzanas en notitas.
Escribe datos sobre las manzanas (son-tienen-se usan para-otros datos).
Completa el cuadro KWL.
Une los números con los dibujos que representan cada una de las etapas del ciclo de vida de la manzana.
Escribe las partes de la manzana.
Colorea o aplica círculos de colores sobre las palabras relacionadas con la manzana.
Corta y pega el ciclo de vida de la manzana.
24-27 hojas de trabajo para recortar letras y armar y trazar las palabras: SEMILLA – BROTE – FLOR – MANZANA.
Colorea por código.
Lee el texto y colorea.
Realiza un círculo y colorea los ítems relacionados con la manzana.
Escribe datos sobre la manzana guiado: DESCRIPCIÓN, MIDE, PESA, etc…
Hoja para DICTADO de 10 palabras sobre la manzana.
Completa el cuadro sobre datos y opiniones sobre la manzana.
Corta y pega los datos sobre la manzana. Luego, lee los datos y colorea.
RUEDA sobre el ciclo de vida de la manzana.
38- LIBRITO sobre el ciclo de vida de la manzana.
39-40 MONSTRUO sobre el ciclo de vida de la manzana.
40-41 TARJETAS sobre el ciclo de vida de la manzana.
42-46 POSTERS sobre el ciclo de vida de la manzana
These colorful pennants are related to the Hispanic Heritage Month. You will find 2 versions of languages (English & Spanish)
Each pennant represent a letter and they form the phrases:
Each letter contains a Hispanic leader clipart with the corresponding name!!! These pennants can be used to be displayed in the classrooms, wordwall corners or on bulleting boards!!!
All the pennants come only in color version, A4 size!!!
I’m so glad to share with you this great Little set of no prep printables related to fall for Spanish centers of Maths and ELA.
The topics covered in this set are:
· Los números del 1 al 10
· Los Colores
· Letras del alfabeto
· Objetos del otoño
Activities or tasks covered:
· Escribir los números
· Trazar los números y las letras
· Leer y unir
· Hacer un círculo al sonido inicial
This 2nd bilingual bundle is a set of 10 pdf sets of worksheets and reading comprehension which are related to the Hispanic Heritage Month with special versions of:
In every set, you will find the following activities:
A reading text (short biography) of the leader.
Reading comprehension questions sheet.
Write facts sheet.
A bubble map to write words related to the leader.
A KWL chart.
Facts square chart.
An interactive activity.
A Venn diagram to compare and contrast with another Hispanic leader.
A poster of the leader in color.
You can use these sheets for Social Studies centers, classwork or homework.
This BILINGUAL set of worksheets and reading comprehension are related to the Hispanic Heritage Month with a special version of Gary Soto.
In this set, you will find the following activities:
A reading text (short biography) of the leader.
Reading comprehension questions sheet.
Write facts sheet.
A bubble map to write words related to the leader.
A KWL chart.
Facts square chart.
An interactive activity.
A Venn diagram to compare and contrast with another Hispanic leader.
A poster of the leader in color.
You can use these sheets for Social Studies centers, classwork or homework.
This bilingual set of worksheets and reading comprehension are related to the Hispanic Heritage Month with a special version of The Hispanic Heritage Month.
In this set, you will find the following activities:
A reading text (short description) of the event.
Reading comprehension questions sheet.
Write facts sheet.
A bubble map to write words related to the event.
A KWL chart.
Facts square chart.
An interactive activity.
A Venn diagram to compare and contrast with another special monthly event.
A poster of the Hispanic heritage Month in color.
You can use these sheets for Social Studies centers, classwork or homework.
This bilingual set of worksheets and reading comprehension are related to the Hispanic Heritage Month with a special version of Roberto Clemente.
In this set, you will find the following activities:
A reading text (short biography) of the leader.
Reading comprehension questions sheet.
Write facts sheet.
A bubble map to write words related to the leader.
A KWL chart.
Facts square chart.
An interactive activity.
A Venn diagram to compare and contrast with another Hispanic leader.
A poster of the leader in color.
You can use these sheets for Social Studies centers, classwork or homework.
This bilingual set of worksheets and reading comprehension are related to the Hispanic Heritage Month with a special version of Oscar de la Hoya.
In this set, you will find the following activities:
A reading text (short biography) of the leader.
Reading comprehension questions sheet.
Write facts sheet.
A bubble map to write words related to the leader.
A KWL chart.
Facts square chart.
An interactive activity.
A Venn diagram to compare and contrast with another Hispanic leader.
A poster of the leader in color.
You can use these sheets for Social Studies centers, classwork or homework.
This bilingual set of worksheets and reading comprehension are related to the Hispanic Heritage Month with a special version of Isabel Allende.
In this set, you will find the following activities:
A reading text (short biography) of the leader.
Reading comprehension questions sheet.
Write facts sheet.
A bubble map to write words related to the leader.
A KWL chart.
Facts square chart.
An interactive activity.
A Venn diagram to compare and contrast with another Hispanic leader.
A poster of the leader in color.
You can use these sheets for Social Studies centers, classwork or homework.
This bilingual set of worksheets and reading comprehension are related to the Hispanic Heritage Month with a special version of Rita Moreno.
In this set, you will find the following activities:
A reading text (short biography) of the leader.
Reading comprehension questions sheet.
Write facts sheet.
A bubble map to write words related to the leader.
A KWL chart.
Facts square chart.
An interactive activity.
A Venn diagram to compare and contrast with another Hispanic leader.
A poster of the leader in color.
You can use these sheets for Social Studies centers, classwork or homework.
This bilingual set of worksheets and reading comprehension are related to the Hispanic Heritage Month with a special version of Marco Rubio.
In this set, you will find the following activities:
A reading text (short biography) of the leader.
Reading comprehension questions sheet.
Write facts sheet.
A bubble map to write words related to the leader.
A KWL chart.
Facts square chart.
An interactive activity.
A Venn diagram to compare and contrast with another Hispanic leader.
A poster of the leader in color.
You can use these sheets for Social Studies centers, classwork or homework.
This bilingual set of worksheets and reading comprehension are related to the Hispanic Heritage Month with a special version of Loreta Janeta Velazquez.
In this set, you will find the following activities:
A reading text (short biography) of the leader.
Reading comprehension questions sheet.
Write facts sheet.
A bubble map to write words related to the leader.
A KWL chart.
Facts square chart.
An interactive activity.
A Venn diagram to compare and contrast with another Hispanic leader.
A poster of the leader in color.
You can use these sheets for Social Studies centers, classwork or homework.
This bilingual set of worksheets and reading comprehension are related to the Hispanic Heritage Month with a special version of Lynda Carter.
In this set, you will find the following activities:
A reading text (short biography) of the leader.
Reading comprehension questions sheet.
Write facts sheet.
A bubble map to write words related to the leader.
A KWL chart.
Facts square chart.
An interactive activity.
A Venn diagram to compare and contrast with another Hispanic leader.
A poster of the leader in color.
You can use these sheets for Social Studies centers, classwork or homework.
This bilingual set of worksheets and reading comprehension are related to the Hispanic Heritage Month with a special version of Ernesto “Che” Guevara.
In this set, you will find the following activities:
A reading text (short biography) of the leader.
Reading comprehension questions sheet.
Write facts sheet.
A bubble map to write words related to the leader.
A KWL chart.
Facts square chart.
An interactive activity.
A Venn diagram to compare and contrast with another Hispanic leader.
A poster of the leader in color.
You can use these sheets for Social Studies centers, classwork or homework.
This bilingual set of worksheets and reading comprehension are related to the Hispanic Heritage Month with a special version of Dolores Huerta.
In this set, you will find the following activities:
A reading text (short biography) of the leader.
Reading comprehension questions sheet.
Write facts sheet.
A bubble map to write words related to the leader.
A KWL chart.
Facts square chart.
An interactive activity.
A Venn diagram to compare and contrast with another Hispanic leader.
A poster of the leader in color.
You can use these sheets for Social Studies centers, classwork or homework.
This bilingual set of worksheets and reading comprehension are related to the Hispanic Heritage Month with a special version of Cesar Chavez.
In this set, you will find the following activities:
A reading text (short biography) of the leader.
Reading comprehension questions sheet.
Write facts sheet.
A bubble map to write words related to the leader.
A KWL chart.
Facts square chart.
An interactive activity.
A Venn diagram to compare and contrast with another Hispanic leader.
A poster of the leader in color.
You can use these sheets for Social Studies centers, classwork or homework.
This set of printables is the first set related to BACK TO SCHOOL themed activities. Each sheet contains engaging and motivational tasks to do in the classroom or for homework. It´s a bilingual set - English/Spanish.
There are some printables to practise Mathematics and Language.
Page 4 - BTS cover to color and have fun!
Page 5 - Color by code
Page 6 - Write the missing letters of the English alphabet
Page 7 - Spin, color, count and write
Page 8 - Trace the alphabet letters and color
Page 9 - Count and write worms
Page 10 - How to start the school day? Read, cut and paste the sequence
Page 11 - Write the before and after number (1-10)
Page 12 - Write the words with the correct pictures (student´s feelings)
Page 13 - Trace and color words related to back to school
Page 14 - Color by code: nouns - adjectives - verbs
*The same printables are added in spanish language!
this set of printables (hojas de trabajo) is related to Back to school in Spanish language.
This is a set of no-prep printables for the beginning of the school year. These printables can be used for little kids from Pre-Kinder to 1st grade (SPANISH). Each sheet refers to basic topics dealing with the first weeks of school.
They are aligned with Math and ELA Common Cores (SPANISH) and they are ready to use worksheets to use as homework, classwork or as complementary material even as warm ups, body of the lesson or close up.