All resources

Lost and found Literacy plan
5 Lessons and resources based on the book Lost and Found.
includes resources

Space topic Literacy plans
4 literacy plans (5 lessons each)
Each set of lessons are based on the following books
Aliens love underpants
Goodnight spaceman
The dinosaur that pooped a planet
The darkest Dark

Specs for Rex Literacy plan
5 literacy lessons based on the book Specs for Rex
Great for a reception class
5 lessons
suggestions for differentiation

Harold hears a voice Literacy plan
5 lessons based on the book Harold hears a voice aimed at reception children.
Lesson plan
Differentiation suggestion

Maths Mastery Unit9
Smart Notebooks to aid the teaaching of Unit 9 Understanding addition and subtraction.
Smart notebooks for all 5 lessons each include:
Star words
New learning
Talk Task
Suggested development
Group Task
Resources not included and lesson plan not available

Funny Bones literacy plan EYFs
Children love learning about bones. This literacy plan has a focus of language and is great for all children.
5 literacy lessons
all resources needed

Biscuit Bear Literacy plan EYFS
Biscuit bear by Mini Grey
Weekly planing including resources and differentiation suggestions.

Weekly Planing and planner/diary and headers
Use this planing template to motivate and inspire your planning.
Comes with link to Google slides version (in the notes session)
Weekly planning spread (and to do list)
Weekly continuous planning spread
Monthly Calendar
Picture Headers (Ideal for Google Keep)