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A mindmap on some of the struggles a child with Dyselxia faces and a few classroom strategies to help them

Attachment Disorder
Mindmap about some of the struggles a child with Attachment disorder faces and some strategies to help them

a few of the struggles children with dyscalculia face and some classroom strategies to help

Selective Mutism
A mindmap showing the struggles a child with selective mutism faces and how to help them

A mind map all about the struggles a student with Dyspraxia may ace.
These are only few and not every child struggles with them all.

Global Development Delay
Some of the struggles children with global development delay and some strategies

Reward Writstbands
5 designs for the following wristbands
-I lost a tooth
-Check my bag
-Phonic star
-I was brave
-I worked hard
-School photos tomorrow
-Ask me about this wristband
-Blank ones
-My teacher is proud

Christmas Challenges
16 challanges for children inreception or year one
Ideal for the writing table or as part of their morning work.

Bitmoji reward wristbands
5 designs for the following wristbands
-I lost a tooth
-Check my bag
-Phonic star
-I was brave
-I worked hard
-School photos tomorrow
-Ask me about this wristband
-Blank ones
-My teacher is proud