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Emma Jones's Shop

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(based on 13 reviews)

A teacher of 30 years I still love the job and enjoy creating new resources that I can share with others.

A teacher of 30 years I still love the job and enjoy creating new resources that I can share with others.
Meiosis Kinaesthetic task

Meiosis Kinaesthetic task

This worksheet talks A level students through the modelling of the stages of meiosis using playdoh. My students took photographs of each stage and then wrote about what was happening in each photograph. I did this and created a stop motion video that I then used to explain the process - which worked really well. If you have time the students could do this. Each group will need: 4 x whiteboards (paper can be used but it is easier to draw the nuclear membrane and spindle and then rub it out on a whiteboard). Three different playdoh or plasticine colours (paternal and maternal chromosomes and a smaller amount to make the centromeres).
WJEC GCSE Biology Unit 2 QWC questions

WJEC GCSE Biology Unit 2 QWC questions

This is a PowerPoint I have put together of all the QWC questions I could find for the GCSE Unit 2 spec. (including legacy paper questions where relevant). It is split into sections according to the unit the question relates to. There is nothing new here - I have simply hopefully saved you some time and it could be really useful for students to use independently too.
WJEC AS Biology QER questions

WJEC AS Biology QER questions

This is a PowerPoint I have put together of all the QER questions I could find for the AS spec. (including legacy paper questions where relevant). It is split into sections according to the unit the question relates to. There is nothing new here - I have simply hopefully saved you some time and it could be really useful for students to use independently too.
WJEC A level biology 3.3 Respiration

WJEC A level biology 3.3 Respiration

This is a PowerPoint and accompanying booklet covering the whole of topic 3.3 Respiration for the WJEC A level Biology specification. Answers to booklet questions are given in the PowerPoint. Could be easily adapted for other specifications and is provided as a word document so it can be edited as required.
WJEC A level biology 3.2 Photosynthesis

WJEC A level biology 3.2 Photosynthesis

This is a PowerPoint and accompanying booklet covering the whole of topic 3.2 Photosynthesis for the WJEC A level Biology specification. Answers to booklet questions are given in the PowerPoint. Could be easily adapted for other specifications and is provided as a word document so it can be edited as required.
WJEC AS biology 1.6 Cell cycle and cell division

WJEC AS biology 1.6 Cell cycle and cell division

This is a booklet and accompanying Power Point, designed for the WJEC A level specification, but could be adapted to fit other A level courses. It covers everything required in the specification and has lots of past exam questions with answers. Can be used as a teaching resources or can be provided as an additional resource for students to use for revision / independent learning.
WJEC 3.1 The importance of ATP

WJEC 3.1 The importance of ATP

This is a booklet and accompanying Power Point, designed for the WJEC A level specification, but could be adapted to fit other A level courses. It covers everything required in the specification and has lots of past exam questions with answers. Can be used as a teaching resources or can be provided as an additional resource for students to use for revision / independent learning.
WJEC 4.4 Variation and evolution

WJEC 4.4 Variation and evolution

This is a booklet and accompanying Power Point, designed for the WJEC A level specification, but could be adapted to fit other A level courses. It covers everything required in the specification and has lots of past exam questions with answers. Can be used as a teaching resources or can be provided as an additional resource for students to use for revision / independent learning.
WJEC 4.2 Sexual reproduction in plants

WJEC 4.2 Sexual reproduction in plants

This is a PowerPoint and accompanying booklet covering the whole of topic 4.2 for the WJEC A level Biology specification. Answers to booklet questions are given in the PowerPoint. Could be easily adapted for other specifications and is provided as a word document so it can be edited as required.
WJEC A2 4.1 Sexual reproduction in humans

WJEC A2 4.1 Sexual reproduction in humans

This is a PowerPoint and accompanying booklet covering the whole of topic 4.3 Inheritance for the WJEC A level Biology specification. Answers to booklet questions are given in the PowerPoint. Could be easily adapted for other specifications and is provided as a word document so it can be edited as required.
WJEC A2 3.5 Populations and ecosystems

WJEC A2 3.5 Populations and ecosystems

This is a PowerPoint and accompanying booklet covering the whole of topic 4.3 Inheritance for the WJEC A level Biology specification. Answers to booklet questions are given in the PowerPoint. Could be easily adapted for other specifications and is provided as a word document so it can be edited as required.
WJEC AS Biology 1.1 biological molecules

WJEC AS Biology 1.1 biological molecules

This is a booklet and accompanying Power Point, designed for the WJEC A level specification, but could be adapted to fit other A level courses. It covers everything required in the specification and has lots of past exam questions with answers. Can be used as a teaching resources or can be provided as an additional resource for students to use for revision / independent learning.
WJEC GCSE Physics unit 2 QWC questions

WJEC GCSE Physics unit 2 QWC questions

Here are all the 6 mark QWC questions I could find for the WJEC GCSE Physics spec, put together topic by topic with mark schemes (just indicative content) animated in. Nothing new, but will hopefully save you some time and this is a really useful revision resource for students to use independently.
WJEC GCSE Physics Unit 1 QWC questions

WJEC GCSE Physics Unit 1 QWC questions

Here are all the 6 mark QWC questions I could find for the WJEC GCSE Physics spec, put together topic by topic with mark schemes (just indicative content) animated in. Nothing new, but will hopefully save you some time and this is a really useful revision resource for students to use independently.
WJEC A2 biology QER questions

WJEC A2 biology QER questions

This is a PowerPoint I have put together of all the QER questions I could find for the A2 spec. (including legacy paper questions where relevant). It is split into sections according to the unit the question relates to. There is nothing new here - I have simply hopefully saved you some time and it could be really useful for students to use independently too.


This is a booklet and accompanying Power Point, designed for the WJEC A level specification, but could be adapted to fit other A level courses. It covers everything required in the specification and has lots of past exam questions with answers. Can be used as a teaching resources or can be provided as an additional resource for students to use for revision / independent learning.
The nervous system

The nervous system

This is a booklet and accompanying Power Point, designed for the WJEC A level specification, but could be adapted to fit other A level courses. It covers everything required in the specification and has lots of past exam questions with answers. Can be used as a teaching resources or can be provided as an additional resource for students to use for revision / independent learning.
Homeostasis and the Kidney

Homeostasis and the Kidney

This is a booklet and accompanying Power Point, designed for the WJEC A level specification, but could be adapted to fit other A level courses. It covers everything required in the specification and has lots of past exam questions with answers. Can be used as a teaching resources or can be provided as an additional resource for students to use for revision / independent learning.
WJEC 4.3 Inheritance

WJEC 4.3 Inheritance

This is a PowerPoint and accompanying booklet covering the whole of topic 4.3 Inheritance for the WJEC A level Biology specification. Answers to booklet questions are given in the PowerPoint. Could be easily adapted for other specifications and is provided as a word document so it can be edited as required.
WJEC Microorganisms and disease

WJEC Microorganisms and disease

Designed for WJEC GCSE Biology as an easy-to-use booklet/PowerPoint resource. The booklet follows the Ppt. and covers everything students need to know for this section of the specification. This was done for an adult evening class where time was at a premium, but could be easily adapted for a series of lessons in a standard classroom environment. I have created similar resources for the whole specification.