English language arts
SPaG Year 3 & 4 Spelling: Words with the /ʃ/ sound spelt ch
POWERPOINT: Explains that these type of words come from the French language. It gives examples of the most common words with this grapheme then ends with a writing activity.
Look Write Cover Check: For spelling practice
Ch for the sh sound worksheet
Ch for the sh sound picture worksheet
Word list
Adaptable outline plan
SPaG Year 3 & 4 Spelling: Endings which sound like /ʃən/, spelt –tion, –sion, –ssion, –cian
Resources to teach the spelling guidelines for word endings which sound like /ʃən/, spelt tion, sion, ssion, cian
Endings tion sion ssion and cian: Goes through each ending, giving examples, exceptions and an activity to add each ending to different words.
Look Write Cover Check x 4: For spelling practice of words with each ending
4 x worksheets, for each ending
Wordsearch, containing all word endings
Cards, containing words with each ending.
Although every effort has been made to check wordsearches for unintentional inappropriate words, it is recommended that teachers double check them before giving to children.
Word list
Adaptable outline plan
SPaG Year 3 & 4 Spelling: words ending with the /g/ sound spelt gue and the /k/ sound spelt que
gue at the end of words
que at the end of words
Look Write Cover Check x 2: For spelling practice
Cards with words ending gue
gue for the g sound worksheet
Cards with words ending que
que for the k sound worksheet
que for the k sound picture worksheet
que and gue wordsearch
Word list
Adaptable outline plan
KS2 Spelling activity sheets
A variety of pdf sheets that can be used for different spelling activities. They include:
Acrostic poems
Bubble words
Colourful words
Cut out words
Look write cover check spelling sheet
Rainbow spellings
Shape words
Silly Sentences
Spelling with both hands
Stories with spellings
Word search with spellings
Words in words
Writing a poem
Writing fun
SPaG Year 3 & 4 Spelling: Word lists
Resources to teach the spellings of the words in the years 3 and 4 word list
INTRODUCTORY POWERPOINT: Spelling strategies: Looks at different ways to learn spellings for children to use
The words are organised into 15 different categories according to how they are spelt. Each category contains between 6 and 9 words so that they can also be used for spelling tests.
Each category contains a PowerPoint with a page for each word and a range of strategies to help remember the spelling of each. The strategies include:
Looking at the history of the word
Looking at words in the same word family
Looking at spelling rules
Looking at root words and affixes
Using speak and spell
Highlighting unusual spelling
Looking at words within the word
Looking at words with similar spelling patterns
The categories are as follows:
Spelling words using phonic knowledge
Words with schwa digraph 1
Words with schwa digraph 2
Words with schwa spelt a
Words with schwa spelt e and i
Words with schwa spelt o and u
Silent letters 1
Silent letters 2
Words with the grapheme ea
Words with the grapheme gh
Words with the letter string ough
Words with the phonemes tch and sh
Words with unusual correspondences 1
Words with unusual correspondences 2
Words with unusual correspondences 3
Words with unusual correspondences 4
SPaG Year 3 Grammar: Formation of nouns using a range of prefixes
The first powerpoint recaps the terminology noun and prefix then explains how prefixes are added to words and change their meaning. Gives some examples of words with the prefixes super, auto, anti and tele and asks how the meanings have changed.
The second powerpoint looks at a range of prefixes the children should have covered in Y2 and introduces new ones alongside their meanings.
Word list – nouns using prefixes
Fore/mid/sub jigsaw cards
Super/auto/anti jigsaw cards
Prefix anti worksheet
Prefix auto worksheet
Prefix super worksheet
Noun prefixes display
Plus a Y3 VG&P plan
SPaG Year 3 Grammar: Paragraphs, headings, sub-headings and present perfect form of verbs
Paragraphs:An introduction to paragraphs, explaining what they are and how to write them.
Headings and sub-headings:An introduction to headings and sub-headings, explaining what they are and where and how they can be used.
Present perfect:Explains what the present perfect tense is and how it is formed. It ends with sentences for the children to rewrite using the present perfect tense.
PDF activity: Present perfect worksheet
SPaG Year 3 & 4 Spelling: words with the /eɪ/ sound spelt ei, eigh, or ey.
POWERPOINT: Looks at all the common words containing these graphemes for the /ai/ phoneme. Ends with a spelling activity.
Look Write Cover Check: For spelling practice
Word list
Adaptable outline plan
SPaG Year 4 Word Grammar: The grammatical difference between plural and possessive -s
3 Powerpoints:
Recap of plural s: Revision of previous learning about nouns, singular and plural with a short exercise at the end.
Recap of possessive s: Revision of previous learning about possessive -s.
Plural or possessive s: Sentences with lots of questions for the children to answer, whether the words contain plural or possessive -s.
1 Worksheet:
Plural and possessive s
SPaG Year 3 Terminology powerpoint
A powerpoint explaining the terms adverb, preposition, conjunction, word family, prefix, clause, subordinate clause, direct speech, inverted commas, speech marks, vowels and consonants
SPaG Year 4 Sentence Grammar: Expanded noun phrases
A pack of powrpoints and printable resources looking at noun phrases that are expanded by the addition of modifying adjectives, nouns and preposition phrases.
Modifying adjectives: Recap of how adjectives can be used to expand noun phrases. Gives images at the end for practice of adding adjectives.
Modifying nouns: Introduction to how nouns can modify noun phrases, eg kitchen table, office chair. Gives images at the end where the children have to use nouns to specify more information about the main noun.
Modifying preposition phrases: Explains what preposition phrases are and shows how they can be used to specify where the noun is. It gives examples and ends with images where the children can think of preposition phrases.
Modifying adjectives worksheet
Modifying nouns worksheet
Modifying preposition phrases worksheet
Adjectives posters: Lots of different adjectives to display
Preposition posters: Lots of prepositions/ preposition phrases to display
SPaG Year 3 & 4 Spelling: Adding the suffix -ous; rules and exceptions
Resources to teach the spelling guidelines for adding the suffix ous
–our is changed to –or before –ous is added.
A final ‘e’ of the root word must be kept if the /dʒ/ sound of ‘g’ is to be kept.
If there is an /i:/ sound before the –ous ending, it is usually spelt as i, but a few words have e.
Adding the suffix ous - Regular spellings: Explains that sometimes the root word is obvious and the usual rules apply for adding suffixes beginning with vowel letters. It gives examples of words where there is no obvious root word. Gives opportunities for children to add ous to different words.
Adding the suffix ous - our to or and exceptions: Gives examples of words where our is changed to or before ous is added; A final ‘e’ of the root word must be kept if the /dʒ/ sound of ‘g’ is to be kept; and If there is an /i:/ sound before the –ous ending, it is usually spelt as i, but a few words have e. Gives opportunities for children to add ous to different words.
Look Write Cover Check: For spelling practice
Words containing the suffix ous worksheet x 3
Wordsearch - words with the suffix ous
Although every effort has been made to check wordsearches for unintentional inappropriate words, it is recommended that teachers double check them before giving to children.
Word list
Adaptable outline plan
SPaG Year 4 Sentence Grammar: Fronted adverbials
Fronted Adverbials: Explains what they are and how to use them (including the use of commas from the punctuation objectives)
Adverbial spotter worksheet: To use with reading books or passages of text
Adverbials of time display
Adverbials of manner display
Adverbials of time display
Adverbials of time cards: For composition activities etc
Adverbials of manner cards: For composition activities etc
Adverbials of time cards: For composition activities etc
5 x Word documents with different passages to use with spotter sheet
SPaG Year 4 Text Grammar: Use of paragraphs to organise ideas around a theme
A powerpoint explaining what paragraphs are and how they can be used to organise ideas around a theme and a sheet to help the children plan out the main ideas in a paragraph.
SPaG Year 4 Punctuation: Inverted commas and other punctuation for direct speech
The powerpoint looks at the different forms of punctuation to use when writing direct speech. Shows different ways of recording direct speech, eg, direct speech first then the narrative/ narrative first then the direct speech etc. It ends with images and speech bubbles for the children to record direct speech using the correct formats.
The display posters give prompts to help the children remember how to write direct speech.
SPaG Year 4 Text Grammar: Use of pronouns or nouns within and across sentences
Introduction to pronouns: Explains what pronouns are and gives an example of what text would look like if they were not used. It ends with an activity where the children read the sentences to see which pronoun should be used to aid cohesion and avoid repetition.
Pronoun practice: Exercise to see which pronouns should be used where.
Personal pronouns: A study of personal pronouns eg I/my/mine
Demonstrative pronouns: A look at this, these, that and those
Reflexive pronouns: A study of reflexive pronouns such as he/himself, with exercises to think of sentences containing them.
Complete the pronoun matrix
Find the pronouns ( x 3): Read the stories and find the pronouns.
Indefinite pronouns: For display
Missing pronouns (x 2): Read the story and fill in the missing pronouns
Pronoun count: To use when reading to see which pronouns are the most common.
Pronoun list
Who am I: Picture cards for the children to describe using possessive pronouns
SPaG Year 3 & 4 Spelling: Endings which sound like /ʒən/ spelt as sion
Resources to teach the spelling guidelines for word endings which sound like /ʒən/ that are spelt as sion
Words ending sion: Explains and looks at words with these endings, then ends with a spelling activity using the most common words ending in sion.
Look Write Cover Check: For spelling practice
2 x word cards, one set with pictures, the other containing more difficult words.
Word list
Adaptable outline plan
SPaG Year 5 & 6 Spelling: Word endings that sound like /ʃəs/ spelt –cious or –tious
Resources to teach the spelling guidelines for endings which sound like /ʃəs/ spelt cious or tious
Shus endings spelt cious: Powerpoint explaining the rules If the root word ends in –ce, the /ʃ/ sound is usually spelt as c. It ends with a look, write cover check interactive activity.
Shus endings spelt tious: Explains the guideline If you can think of a noun from the same root word that ends in –tion, then the /ʃ/ (sh) sound is usually spelt as t. It ends with a look, write cover check interactive activity.
Look Write Cover Check cious words: For spelling practice
Anagrams ending cious worksheet
Look Write Cover Check tious words: For spelling practice
Anagrams ending cious worksheet
cious and tious wordsearch
Word list
SPaG Year 4 Terminology powerpoint
A powerpoint explaining the terminology for pupils in Y4 - determiner,pronoun, possesive pronoun and adverbial.
SPaG Year 4 Punctuation: Apostrophes to mark plural possession lesson, activity and display
A powerpoint lesson and worksheet to explain who apostrophes mark plural possession.
Possessive apostrophes with plural words: Explains what they are and how they are used. Ends with an activity to rewrite phrases using possessive apostrophes.
Possessive apostrophes with plural words: Similar activity to the PowerPoint above.
Plural possessive apostrophes posters