
Letters and Sounds Phase 5 Phonic pack: Tricky and decodable words for weeks 8-30
A set of words that can be viewed as a reading and spelling activity on the whiteboard or printed out for display.

Letters and Sounds Phase 5 Phonic pack: Tricky and decodable words for weeks 5-7
A set of words that can be viewed as a reading and spelling activity on the whiteboard or printed out for display.

Letters and Sounds Phase 5 Phonic pack: Tricky and decodable words for weeks 1-4
A set of words that can be viewed as a reading and spelling activity on the whiteboard or printed out for display.

Letters and Sounds Phase 5 Phonic pack: Alternative spellings of short /air/, /er/ and /t/
There are a variety of different activities for each phoneme.
The descriptions of the powerpoints are as follows:
Word list powerpoint: Begins with a list of words for reading, then shows each word individually for writing.
Best Bet powerpoint: Introduces the different graphemes for each phoneme, then shows a picture and part of a word, with the relevant grapheme hidden. The children have to choose which grapheme is missing. Each word is added to a table that can be analysed at the end of the game.
Homophones with pictures powerpoint: Contains identical sounding words relating to the phoneme, showing the different spellings and pictures to help remember which is which.
Homophones: Contains identical sounding words relating to the phoneme, with no pictures.

Letters and Sounds Phase 5 Phonic pack: Alternative spellings of short /ur/, /ow/, /oi/ and /ear/
There are a variety of different activities for each phoneme.
The descriptions of the powerpoints are as follows:
Word list powerpoint: Begins with a list of words for reading, then shows each word individually for writing.
Best Bet powerpoint: Introduces the different graphemes for each phoneme, then shows a picture and part of a word, with the relevant grapheme hidden. The children have to choose which grapheme is missing. Each word is added to a table that can be analysed at the end of the game.
Homophones with pictures powerpoint: Contains identical sounding words relating to the phoneme, showing the different spellings and pictures to help remember which is which.
Homophones: Contains identical sounding words relating to the phoneme, with no pictures.
Phoneme Spotter Stories - Three versions of each story - PowerPoint, Smartboard, and pdf format.
Rhyming word generation Smartboard file for recording words with different graphemes.

Letters and Sounds Phase 5 Phonic pack: Alternative spellings of short /oo/, /ar/ and /or/
There are a variety of different activities for each phoneme.
The descriptions of the powerpoints are as follows:
Word list powerpoint: Begins with a list of words for reading, then shows each word individually for writing.
Best Bet powerpoint: Introduces the different graphemes for each phoneme, then shows a picture and part of a word, with the relevant grapheme hidden. The children have to choose which grapheme is missing. Each word is added to a table that can be analysed at the end of the game.
Homophones with pictures powerpoint: Contains identical sounding words relating to the phoneme, showing the different spellings and pictures to help remember which is which.
Homophones: Contains identical sounding words relating to the phoneme, with no pictures.
Phoneme Spotter Stories - Three versions of each story - PowerPoint, Smartboard, and pdf format.
Rhyming word generation Smartboard file for recording words with different graphemes.

Letters and Sounds Phase 5 Phonic pack: Alternative spellings of long /oo/
There are a variety of different activities for each phoneme.
The descriptions of the powerpoints are as follows:
Word list powerpoint: Begins with a list of words for reading, then shows each word individually for writing.
Best Bet powerpoint: Introduces the different graphemes for each phoneme, then shows a picture and part of a word, with the relevant grapheme hidden. The children have to choose which grapheme is missing. Each word is added to a table that can be analysed at the end of the game.
Homophones with pictures powerpoint: Contains identical sounding words relating to the phoneme, showing the different spellings and pictures to help remember which is which.
Homophones: Contains identical sounding words relating to the phoneme, with no pictures.
Phoneme Spotter Stories - Three versions of each story - PowerPoint, Smartboard, and pdf format.
Rhyming word generation Smartboard file for recording words with different graphemes.

Letters and Sounds Phase 5 Phonic pack: Alternative spellings of /oa/
There are a variety of different activities for each phoneme.
The descriptions of the powerpoints are as follows:
Word list powerpoint: Begins with a list of words for reading, then shows each word individually for writing.
Best Bet powerpoint: Introduces the different graphemes for each phoneme, then shows a picture and part of a word, with the relevant grapheme hidden. The children have to choose which grapheme is missing. Each word is added to a table that can be analysed at the end of the game.
Homophones with pictures powerpoint: Contains identical sounding words relating to the phoneme, showing the different spellings and pictures to help remember which is which.
Homophones: Contains identical sounding words relating to the phoneme, with no pictures.
Phoneme Spotter Stories - Three versions of each story - PowerPoint, Smartboard, and pdf format.
Rhyming word generation Smartboard file for recording words with different graphemes.

Letters and Sounds Phase 5 Phonic pack: Alternative spellings of /igh/
There are a variety of different activities for each phoneme.
The descriptions of the powerpoints are as follows:
Word list powerpoint: Begins with a list of words for reading, then shows each word individually for writing.
Best Bet powerpoint: Introduces the different graphemes for each phoneme, then shows a picture and part of a word, with the relevant grapheme hidden. The children have to choose which grapheme is missing. Each word is added to a table that can be analysed at the end of the game.
Homophones with pictures powerpoint: Contains identical sounding words relating to the phoneme, showing the different spellings and pictures to help remember which is which.
Homophones: Contains identical sounding words relating to the phoneme, with no pictures.
Phoneme Spotter Stories - Three versions of each story - PowerPoint, Smartboard, and pdf format.
Rhyming word generation Smartboard file for recording words with different graphemes.

Letters and Sounds Phase 5 Phonic pack: Alternative spellings of /o/ and /u/
The descriptions of the powerpoints are as follows:
Word list powerpoint: Begins with a list of words for reading, then shows each word individually for writing.
Homophones with pictures powerpoint: Contains identical sounding words relating to the phoneme, showing the different spellings and pictures to help remember which is which.
Homophones: Contains identical sounding words relating to the phoneme, with no pictures.

Letters and Sounds Phase 5 Phonic pack: Alternative spellings of /ee/
There are a variety of different activities for each phoneme.
The descriptions of the powerpoints are as follows:
Word list powerpoint: Begins with a list of words for reading, then shows each word individually for writing.
Best Bet powerpoint: Introduces the different graphemes for each phoneme, then shows a picture and part of a word, with the relevant grapheme hidden. The children have to choose which grapheme is missing. Each word is added to a table that can be analysed at the end of the game.
Homophones with pictures powerpoint: Contains identical sounding words relating to the phoneme, showing the different spellings and pictures to help remember which is which.
Homophones: Contains identical sounding words relating to the phoneme, with no pictures.
Phoneme Spotter Stories - Three versions of each story - PowerPoint, Smartboard, and pdf format.
Rhyming word generation Smartboard file for recording words with different graphemes.

Letters and Sounds Phase 5 Phonic pack: Alternative spellings of /ai/
There are a variety of different activities for each phoneme.
The descriptions of the powerpoints are as follows:
Word list powerpoint: Begins with a list of words for reading, then shows each word individually for writing.
Best Bet powerpoint: Introduces the different graphemes for each phoneme, then shows a picture and part of a word, with the relevant grapheme hidden. The children have to choose which grapheme is missing. Each word is added to a table that can be analysed at the end of the game.
Homophones with pictures powerpoint: Contains identical sounding words relating to the phoneme, showing the different spellings and pictures to help remember which is which.
Homophones: Contains identical sounding words relating to the phoneme, with no pictures.
Phoneme Spotter Stories - Three versions of each story - PowerPoint, Smartboard, and pdf format.
Rhyming word generation Smartboard file for recording words with different graphemes.

Letters and Sounds Phase 5 Phonic pack: Alternative spellings of /w/ /e/ and /i/
There are a variety of different activities for each phoneme.
The descriptions of the powerpoints are as follows:
Word list powerpoint: Begins with a list of words for reading, then shows each word individually for writing.
Best Bet powerpoint: Introduces the different graphemes for each phoneme, then shows a picture and part of a word, with the relevant grapheme hidden. The children have to choose which grapheme is missing. Each word is added to a table that can be analysed at the end of the game.
Homophones with pictures powerpoint: Contains identical sounding words relating to the phoneme, showing the different spellings and pictures to help remember which is which.
Homophones: Contains identical sounding words relating to the phoneme, with no pictures.

Letters and Sounds Phase 5 Phonic pack: Alternative spellings of /r/ /s/ and /sh/
There are a variety of different activities for each phoneme.
The descriptions of the powerpoints are as follows:
Word list Powerpoint: Begins with a list of words for reading, then shows each word individually for writing.
Best Bet Powerpoint: Introduces the different graphemes for each phoneme, then shows a picture and part of a word, with the relevant grapheme hidden. The children have to choose which grapheme is missing. Each word is added to a table, that can be analysed at the end of the game.
Homophones with pictures Powerpoint: Contains identical sounding words relating to the phoneme, showing the different spellings and pictures to help remember which is which.
Homophones: Contains identical sounding words relating to the phoneme, with no pictures.

Letters and Sounds Phase 5 Phonic pack: Alternative spellings of /j/ /m/ and /n/
There are a variety of different activities for each phoneme.
The descriptions of the powerpoints are as follows:
Word list Powerpoint: Begins with a list of words for reading, then shows each word individually for writing.
Best Bet Powerpoint: Introduces the different graphemes for each phoneme, then shows a picture and part of a word, with the relevant grapheme hidden. The children have to choose which grapheme is missing. Each word is added to a table, that can be analysed at the end of the game.
Homophones with pictures Powerpoint: Contains identical sounding words relating to the phoneme, showing the different spellings and pictures to help remember which is which.
Homophones: Contains identical sounding words relating to the phoneme, with no pictures.

Letters and Sounds Phase 5 Phonic pack: Alternative spellings of /c/ /ch/ and /f/
There are a variety of different activities for each phoneme.
The descriptions of the powerpoints are:
Word list Powerpoint: Begins with a list of words for reading, then shows each word individually for writing.
Best Bet Powerpoint: Introduces the different graphemes for each phoneme, then shows a picture and part of a word, with the relevant grapheme hidden. The children have to choose which grapheme is missing. Each word is added to a table, that can be analysed at the end of the game.
Homophones: Contains identical sounding words relating to the phoneme, with no pictures.

Letters and Sounds Phase 5 Phonic pack: Alternative pronunciations of ou, e and ey
For each grapheme there is:
An introductory powerpoint looking at each different sound the grapheme makes
A 'Writing sentences' powerpoint with sentences each containing words with the alternative pronunciations
for each different pronunciation, with sentences for the children to write, containing words with the alternative pronunciations
A game where the children have to choose the correct pronuncation of words (except for 'ey')

Letters and Sounds Phase 5 Phonic pack: Alternative pronunciations of a, y and ch
For each grapheme there is:
An introductory powerpoint looking at each different sound the grapheme makes
A 'Writing sentences' powerpoint with sentences each containing words with the alternative pronunciations
for each different pronunciation, with sentences for the children to write, containing words with the alternative pronunciations
A game where the children have to choose the correct pronuncation of words

Letters and Sounds Phase 5 Phonic pack: Alternative pronunciations of ie, ea and er
For each grapheme there is:
An introductory powerpoint looking at each different sound the grapheme makes
A 'Writing sentences' powerpoint with sentences each containing words with the alternative pronunciations
for each different pronunciation, with sentences for the children to write, containing words with the alternative pronunciations
A game where the children have to choose the correct pronuncation of words (except for 'er')

Letters and Sounds Phase 5 Phonic pack: Alternative pronunciations of g, u and ow
For each grapheme there is:
An introductory powerpoint looking at each different sound the grapheme makes
A 'Writing sentences' powerpoint with sentences each containing words with the alternative pronunciations
for each different pronunciation, with sentences for the children to write, containing words with the alternative pronunciations
A game where the children have to choose the correct pronuncation of words