Literacy for early years

EYFS KS1 NURSERY RHYMES teaching resources including role play, PowerPoints and display
This is a set of 42 resources: PowerPoints, display and role play activities.
ROLE PLAY masks / puppets for the following nursery rhymes:
Baa baa black sheep (black sheep, dame, master and sack)
Hey Diddle Diddle (cat, cow, dog, dish and spoon)
Goosey Goosey Gander (Goose and old man)
Humpty Dumpty (Egg)
Jack and Jill (2 versions, one colour, one black and white)
Hickory Dickory Dock (mouse)
Peter Peter (pumpkin)
Incy wincy spider
Twinkle Twinkle little star
Wee Willie Winkie
Plus a variety of girl / boy / woman and man masks
A-Z Lettering with a nursery rhyme theme
Nursery Rhyme 3 page banner
Nursery Rhyme border
Sheep number line to 20
Nursery Rhymes large lettering
Nursery Rhymes colouring book - with 15 different nursery rhymes
Nursery Rhyme colourful posters with an A4 heading, displaying one rhyme per A4 page. The rhymes are:
Baa Baa black sheep
Doctor Foster
Goosey Goosey Gander
Hickory Dickory Dock
Incy Wincy
Jack be nimble
Little Jack Horner
Little Boy Blue
Mary, Mary
Old King Cole
Polly put the kettle on
Ride a cock horse
Rock a bye baby
Sing a song of sixpence
There was an old woman
Three Blind Mice
16 individual animated Nursery Rhyme PowerPoint presentations:
1 2 Buckle my shoe
Baa Baa Black sheep
Goosey Goosey gander
Hey Diddle Diddle
Hickory Dickory Dock
Humpty Dumpty
Incy Wincy Spider
Jack and Jill
Mary had a little lamb
Old King Cole
Sing a song of sixpence
The Owl and the Pussycat
The Three little kittens
This little piggy
Twinkle Twinkle
PLUS Nursery Rhyme Collection: (In PowerPoint format, with Sassoon font; each rhyme is on 1 page)
Goosey Goosey Gander
Hey Diddle Diddle
Humpty Dumpty
Hickory Dickory Dock
Jack and Jill
Jack Spratt
Jack be nimble
Jack Horner
Little Miss Muffet
Little Bo Peep
Little Boy Blue
Mary Mary
Old Mother Hubbard
Peter Peter
Polly put the kettle on
Ring o' Rosies
Rock-a-bye baby
There was an old woman
Three Blind Mice
Twinkle Twinkle
Wee Willie Winkie

Phase 2 Letters and Sounds phonic resources: Phoneme frames
2 printable activities and 5 smartboard phoneme frames.

Letters and Sounds Phase 2 letters - interactive grapheme frieze / flashcards
This powerpoint shows all phase 2 letters and graphemes individually for quick recognition.

Letters and Sounds Phase 4 word / help mats
A help mat with all the Phase 4 words the children need to read and spell, and Phase 3 graphemes.