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Year3 and 4 Spelling: Word lists for games, display etc
A set of resources for teaching and learning years 5 and 6 word list

Letters and Sounds Phase 3: Sentence substitution
An activity to print and cut out to rearrange words in the sentence substitution game

Year 1 Maths: Add and subtract 1 and 2 digit numbers
Simple number sentences to display on the whiteboard

Queen Elizabeth II and the Royal family
A set of resources looking at the royal family and the young Queen Elizabeth II.

Letters and Sounds Phase 2 letters - interactive grapheme frieze / flashcards
This powerpoint shows all phase 2 letters and graphemes individually for quick recognition.

Letters and Sounds Phase 3 grapheme hunt activity powerpoint
The powerpoint can be used to practise reading words containing the graphemes the children have learnt. There is a page per grapheme. When clicked on, the words containing the correct grapheme are underlined.

Letters and Sounds Phase 3: Sorting into ch and sh game
A whiteboard activity to sort objects into sh or ch.

Christmas display pack - headings and lettering
The Three Wise Men
The Nativity
A-Z LETTERING - Includes all upper and lower cases, numbers and punctuation.
Christmas Stockings.

Letters and Sounds Phase 3: Phoneme frames
A 3-phoneme frame powerpoint with letters to use, and a 2 and 3-phoneme frame pdf file to print.

Phase 2 Letters and Sounds phonic resources: Phoneme frames
2 printable activities and 5 smartboard phoneme frames.

Letters and Sounds Phase 5 Phonic pack: Alternative spellings of /o/ and /u/
The descriptions of the powerpoints are as follows:
Word list powerpoint: Begins with a list of words for reading, then shows each word individually for writing.
Homophones with pictures powerpoint: Contains identical sounding words relating to the phoneme, showing the different spellings and pictures to help remember which is which.
Homophones: Contains identical sounding words relating to the phoneme, with no pictures.

Letters and Sounds Phase 3: Reading and writing tricky and decodable words
A set of IWB and printable resources to teach tricky and decodable words.

Year 5 science - Famous scientists - Nicolaus Copernicus
A powerpoint about the life and discoveries of Copernicus, with a quiz about his seven assumptions.

Phase 2 Letters and Sounds phonic resources: Full circle powerpoints and display
6 presentations/ printable files showing full circle words.