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Year 5 science Properties and changes of materials - powerpoints, worksheets and planning

Year 5 science Properties and changes of materials - powerpoints, worksheets and planning

A set of resources for the new science curriculum. It contains: 1a. INTRODUCTION TO THE TOPIC - LO: To find out what the children already know about materials. WORKSHEET: A sheet for the children to record what they already know and what they would like to find out about materials. 1b. MATERIAL PROPERTIES - LO: To compare and group everyday materials together POWERPOINT: A look at 12 different properties of materials, with examples of the materials with those properties. It can also be printed out for display. WORKSHEET 1: Material properties worksheet 2. DISSOLVING - LO: To know that some materials will dissolve in liquid to form a solution, and describe how to recover a substance from a solution POWERPOINT: Explains the meaning of dissolve and gives examples of different materials that can be dissolved. 3. SEPARATING A MIXTURE - LO: To use knowledge of solids, liquids and gases to decide how mixtures might be separated. POWERPOINT: Looks at different mixtures and how they can be separated, including sieving, filtering and evaporating. 4. USES OF EVERYDAY MATERIALS - LO: give reasons, based on evidence from comparative and fair tests, for the particular uses of everyday materials POWERPOINT: Asks the children to study objects to see what properties different materials have. Asks questions about which properties and materials would be best for making certain objects. 5 & 6. REVERSIBLE AND IRREVERSIBLE OBJECTS - LO: look at dissolving, mixing and changes of state, and reversible and irreversible changes. POWERPOINT: Explains the meaning of reversible and irreversible changes, giving examples of each. Ends with a quiz where the children have to decide what changes have taken place to certain materials. 7. MATERIALS QUIZ: Recap of all the learning objectives. POWERPOINT : A quiz WORKSHEET : Sheet for recording quiz answers WORKSHEET : Sheet for recording what they have learnt OTHER RESOURCES A-Z lettering, with a picture background A4 Properties and changes of materials title Materials banner/lettering to cut out Materials topic booklet front cover - with space for children to draw their own design. Vocabulary PowerPoint - can be used as a show and printed out for display. Photo cards - 12 objects made from different materials Investigation and recording sheets - A folder of blank tables, graphs and planning and recording sheets Year 5 Materials medium term planning: An outline of the activities and learning objectives with websites and ideas. It can be added to and amended for your own use.
Transport topic -  George Stephenson and the history of trains - powerpoints and activities

Transport topic - George Stephenson and the history of trains - powerpoints and activities

Two powerpoints looking at how and why trains developed over time, and the Father of the Railways, George Stephenson, plus 3 worksheets. George Stephenson and locomotives: Looks at James Watt and his steam engine design; Richard Trevithick and his steam engine improvements, and the life of George Stephenson, and how he became known as the 'Father of the Railways'. Tells the story of the first steam locomotives; the Rainhill Trials; the Liverpool and Manchester Railway; and new steam locomotive designs up to 1941. Also briefly and simply explains how steam engines work. Trains now and then: Shows different parts of a steam locomotive, and looks at pictures of different locomotives, and how they developed from George Stephenson's Rocket, to the modern bullet trains of today. Steam train worksheets: 3 different worksheets, showing a picture of a steam train to label and caption. The Rocket worksheet: To compare modern trains with old steam locomotives. Steam train template: An outline of a steam train, to use for colouring, collage, paint etc.
Subordination and co-ordination powerpoint, worksheets and posters: SPaG Year 2 Sentence

Subordination and co-ordination powerpoint, worksheets and posters: SPaG Year 2 Sentence

A PowerPoint lesson explaining what subordination and co-ordination are with accompanying worksheets and posters, designed to teach the Y2 Sentence objectives. The set contains: POWERPOINT: Subordination and coordination A 7 page PowerPoint explaining how to connect sentences and clauses using subordination (when, if, that and because) and co-ordination (using or, and or but.) It gives examples of how to use them in sentences then gives sentence starters for the children to complete using the words above. ACTIVITIES / WORKSHEETS: Co-ordination writing sheets x 4: Each sheet has a different picture. The children have to write sentences using the words and, but and or. Subordination worksheets x 4: Each sheet has a different picture. The children have to write sentences using the words when, if, that and because DISPLAY: Two posters explaining subordination and co-ordination with examples and a heading.
The Ancient Greeks /  Greece pack: Powerpoints, activities, worksheets

The Ancient Greeks / Greece pack: Powerpoints, activities, worksheets

POWERPOINT LESSONS: Looking at evidence: Lots of images relating to Ancient Greece. Can be used as an introduction to the topic or to teach different ways of looking and finding out about the past. Where and when was Ancient Greece: An introduction to the topic, looking at where Greece is located, its climate, and the effect this had on the Ancient Greeks; a timeline demonstrating AD and BC; and the first people to inhabit Greece. Athens and Sparta: The similarities and difference between the two city states, including government, slaves, geography, buildings, army, wealth, education, girls, and territory. Ends with an activity matching the statements to either Athens or Sparta. Ancient Greek Fighters: What made the Greeks so powerful, explains about hoplites, triremes, ships, soldiers etc. The Battle of Marathon: Was it a victory for the Ancient Greeks? Looks at how it started,what caused it, and how the Ancient Greeks won. Shows artefacts found in Marathon, and asks what the Athenians and Spartans would have thought about the victory. Explains how it relates to marathons today. Who did the Ancient Greeks worship and why: Explains the story of the Greek gods, from Chaos, to the Olympian gods. Includes a page on each of the gods; Zeus, Athena, Hera, Ares, Aphrodite, Apollo, Poseiden, Artemis, Demeter, Dionysus, Hephaestus, Hermes, Hades. The Theatre: The origins of Greek theatre; the Acropolis, Theatre of Dionysus, The Odeon of Herodes Atticus. Explains what went on in the theatre, and how it was organised, with a questionnaire at the end. The Olympic Games: The story of how they began. Ancient Greek Legacies: A look at the achievements of the Ancient Greeks and their influence on the western world. PRINTABLE WORKSHEETS AND ACTIVITIES (pdf): All activities accompany the powerpoint lessons above What I already know/What I would like to find out about Ancient Greece Ancient Greece fact file Athens or Sparta fact files Hoplites The Battle of Marathon fact sheet The theatre question sheet Ancient Olympic buildings How the Olympic games started The events in the ancient Olympics Ancient Greek achievements fact finding sheets x 3 Topic covers x 4 Writing sheets: Greek column design. PLUS (in word) An adaptable outline medium term plan
SPaG Year 1 : Plural noun suffixes powerpoint and worksheet

SPaG Year 1 : Plural noun suffixes powerpoint and worksheet

A powerpoint lesson, worksheet and plan on plural noun suffixes: Plural noun suffixes: A powerpoint explaining the meaning of singular, plural and what a suffix is. It explains what effect the addition of s or es has on nouns.It ends with an interactive game. Plural noun suffix worksheet
SPaG Year 3 Sentence Grammar: Time, place & cause using conjunctions, adverbs & prepositions

SPaG Year 3 Sentence Grammar: Time, place & cause using conjunctions, adverbs & prepositions

Includes a powerpoint, vocabulary cards and a set of posters. POWERPOINT: explains the difference between conjunctions, adverbs and prepositions, giving examples of where and how to use them. 4 sets of display: SET 1 Time place and cause connectives: This set contains 3 headings and sets of words in clouds to display around the headings time, cause and place. There are blank clouds for you to add your own. SET 2) Conjunctions adverbs and prepositions cards: In this set there are 5 words per A4 page which can be cut up for display. The words are organised into conjunctions, adverbs and prepositions with an A4 title for each. SET 3) Conjunctions, adverbs and prepositions posters: These posters splits the connectives into sets of Time/Cause/Place and conjunctions/adverbs/prepositions. There are 7 A5 pages plus a title page. SET 4) Co-ordinating and subordinating conjunctions: These posters explain the difference between the two types of conjunctions and give examples of each in clouds.
Parts of Speech Posters; SPaG, Grammar display

Parts of Speech Posters; SPaG, Grammar display

A set of 9 A4 posters plus A4 title and large banner. The posters describe, name and give examples of each word class. The posters cover the main 8 parts of speech, plus ‘determiners’ which is often included as the ninth part of speech. The titles of the posters are: Adjective Adverb Conjunction Interjection Noun Preposition Pronoun Verb Determiner There are also blank versions to laminate and use for word walls, vocabulary collections etc.
Alphabet bingo - initial sounds game

Alphabet bingo - initial sounds game

This set contains 20 picture bingo cards and 20 letter bingo cards to play in large or small groups. Each card prints onto an A4 page (although you can alter the printer settings to print smaller versions if required.) The small calling cards (pictures and letters) can be used to cover up or match the picture or letter sounds. The larger calling cards (pictures and letters) can be held up for the children to look at.
Year 3 Vocabulary grammar and punctuation terminology posters

Year 3 Vocabulary grammar and punctuation terminology posters

A set of A4 posters to print and display. They contain all the 'terminology for pupils' identified in Appendix 2 for Year 3: Adverb; Preposition; Conjunction; Word family; Prefix; Clause; Subordinate clause; Direct speech; Vowels; Consonants; Inverted commas/speech marks; Nouns; Present perfect; Punctuation
Alphabet line / frieze for display with lower and upper case letters

Alphabet line / frieze for display with lower and upper case letters

This set contains 26 alphabet flashcards in lower case and 26 in upper and lower case, both in Sassoon Primary font, with pictures matching each initial letter sound. There are also alternate lower case letters for f and k, plus ck, ll, ff, ss and zz. There are 2 cards per A4 page for you to print as many times as you like. They can be used as flashcards, for an alphabet frieze or other display work.
Handwriting sheets for KS1: lower and upper case letters and digits

Handwriting sheets for KS1: lower and upper case letters and digits

This set contains a variety of writing worksheets to promote correct letter formation. The font used throughout is Sassoon, plus a slanted dotted handwriting version in the lower case letter packs PENCIL CONTROL SHEETS: A range of pre-letter formation sheets to get children used to the directions and actions needed for writing letters Arches Crosses Curls Lines Peaks Snakes Zigzags Zeds LOWER CASE LETTERS: This set consists of 4 folders of different handwriting families SET 1: Downward strokes Dotted letters l t i j Dotted letters u and y Sassoon letters l t i j Sassoon letters u and y All downward letters SET 2: Down and retrace Downward letters b k h dotted Downward letters m n r p dotted Sassoon downward letters b k h k (2 versions with curly/straight k) Sassoon downward letters r m n p All down/retrace letters SET 3: curly letters Curly letters a c o dotted Curly letters d g q dotted Sassoon curly letters a c o Sassoon curly letters d g q Sassoon curly letters e f s (curly and straight versions of f) Sassoon curly letters c o a d g q SET 4: Zigzag letters Dotted zigzag letters v w z x Sassoon zigzag letters v w z x Plus a digit formation 0-9 sheet CAPITAL LETTERS: These are divided into similarly formed letters Curled capitals C G O Q S Capitals diagonal X Y V W Capitals straight E F H I L T Capitals straight then diagonal A M N Z K Capitals straight then curled B D P R U J DISPLAY / ACTIVITIES Topic covers - 5 different versions with the heading 'My Handwriting Book' for children to keep their work together. Hollow letters: Each letter prints onto 1 A4 sheet. Can be laminated for finger painting etc, or used as activity sheets. There are two versions, one with large letters filling the page, the other with smaller letters. Lower case letter formation: This can be used for display as a reminder of correct letter formation, or laminated and used in practical activities. The posters show fingers pointing where to begin writing, where to end, and which way to go - children can see at a glance if they are forming their letters correctly. BLANK HANDWRITING SHEETS Two different versions with different line widths. Where possible, alternate ways of writing k and f are included.
SPaG Year 2 Spelling: Common Exception words

SPaG Year 2 Spelling: Common Exception words

Spelling resources to teach the statutory requirements in Appendix 1 of the English curriculum: COMMON EXCEPTION WORDS POWERPOINT RESOURCES: The following PowerPoint lessons contain groups of words with similar spellings. Each grapheme-phoneme correspondence that is new to the children (depending upon phonics programme used) is introduced and explained. The children then are given opportunities to read and then write the words. CEW 1 – door poor floor CEW 2 – find kind mind etc CEW 3 – most only both etc CEW 4 – after fast last CEW 5 – every, everybody, even CEW 6 –great break steak CEW 7 –move prove improve CEW 8 – sure sugar CEW 9 - who whole CEW 10 - any many CEW 11 - could would should The following PowerPoint lessons contain individual common exception words. There are examples of different strategies the children can use for remembering how to spell the words, such as using mnemonics, saying the word as it is spelt, using the look write cover check method and highlighting the tricky part. Each strategy is demonstrated visually. CEW Spelling strategies PEOPLE CEW Spelling strategies BEAUTIFUL CEW Spelling strategies AGAIN CEW Spelling strategies BECAUSE CEW Spelling strategies BUSY CEW Spelling strategies CHRISTMAS CEW Spelling strategies CLOTHES CEW Spelling strategies EYE CEW Spelling strategies HALF CEW Spelling strategies HOUR CEW Spelling strategies MR & MRS CEW Spelling strategies PARENTS CEW Spelling strategies PRETTY CEW Spelling strategies WATER WORKSHEETS: Spelling activity sheets - A variety of pdf sheets that can be used for different spelling activities. They include: Acrostic poems Bubble words Colourful words Cut out words Look write cover check spelling sheet Rainbow spellings Shape words Silly Sentences Spelling with both hands Stories with spellings Word search with spellings Words in words Writing a poem Writing fun TEACHER RESOURCES Y2 Spelling Appendix planning - Common Exception Words: An adaptable outline plan Word List - With relevant words