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Year 1 Maths Number: One step subtraction problems
A set of powerpoints with different problems that involve subtraction.
Finding the difference – Strategies: ways of finding the difference between two numbers
Sale at the toy shop: practical subtraction problems
Subtraction strategies: shows different ways that addition can be done, including counting back, using a number line, using fingers etc.
Taking away in the toy box: simple taking away activities
Taking away on the bus: subtraction problems using people getting off a bus.
Year 1 Maths Number: One step addition problems
A set of powerpoints with different activities and problems to solve.
Addition as combining 2 sets: visual representation of joining two sets along with the number sentences
Addition can be done in any order: Demonstrates adding two numbers with counters by adding the small amount to the larger amount, and the larger amount to the smaller amount. Shows how this is the same when adding using numerals, and that it is easier to add the smaller number to the bigger number.
Addition strategies: shows different ways that addition can be done, including counting on, using a number line, using fingers or counters etc.
Buying 2 things at the toy shop: Real-life situation of using addition when buying 2 objects.
Counting biscuits and missing numbers: Shows how 10 biscuits can be shared using addition sentences. It then introduces the concept of missing numbers, hiding biscuits and numerals with a reveal button.
Counting dominoes: shows that addition can be done in any order.
Counting on at the pet shop: Practical counting on activity
Counting on from the biggest number: Demonstrates with objects on a number line how it is easier to count on from the biggest number
Counting on the bus: practical addition activities
Counting on the double decker bus: practical addition using the top and bottom deck
Counting on with animals: Simple counting activity with animals
Counting on with pencils: activity where the children can write down the number sentence to work out the answer
The toy shop: introduces the concept of most and least, more than etc. in a practical context.
Year 1 Maths: Add and subtract 1 and 2 digit numbers
Simple number sentences to display on the whiteboard
Year 1 Maths: Number bonds to 20
The subtraction facts powerpoints look at the subtraction facts associated with each number. They then look for patterns in the number sentences and identify the number bonds.
The number facts powerpoints look at the different ways of making each number, showing numerals and counters then highlight subtraction and related addition sentences.
Each number bond powerpoint looks at the number bonds for each individual number, 11-20. It then shows the paired numbers and asks the children how many number sentences they can think of for each pair.
Also in the pack are 3 sets of flip flap number bonds and 2 number bond worksheets.
Year 1 Maths Number: Addition and subtraction - introduction to number sentences
Four powerpoints to introduce the concept of number sentences in KS1. They help to teach how to read, write and interpret mathematical statements involving addition, subtraction and equals signs. Also included is a set of number cards plus add, subtract and equals symbols.
Year 1 Maths number resources
A set of resource to print to use in number activities.
Year 1 Maths: Read and write numbers
A set of powerpoints to help children read and write numbers from 1 to 20 in numerals and words, including correct formation of numerals.
Year 1 Maths Number: Identifying and representing numbers
A set of 15 powerpoints to help children identify and represent numbers with objects and pictures , use a numberline and use language such as equal to, more than etc.
Y1 Maths number and place value: 1 more and 1 less
A set of powerpoints to help children practise identifying one more or less than a given number.
Year 1 Maths: Counting to 100; count and read numbers to 100
The first three powerpoints cover the objective: Count to and across 100, forwards and backwards, beginning with 0 or 1 or from any given number
The next three powerpoints are to encourage number recognition.
Letters and Sounds Phase 3 Captions and sentences
A set of all Phase 3 captions and sentences - powerpoint activities, worksheets and games.
Phase 3 Letters and Sounds phonic resources: Consonant graphemes ch sh th ng activity pack
Each introductory powerpoint introduces the new grapheme; shows a mnemonic and a game where the children have to select the correct object to match the words.
Also in the pack:
A powerpoint showing each grapheme in the set with a picture to help the children remember the sound;
A set of grapheme flashcards
What's in the Box games
Buried Treasure games - printed and interactive
Sorting games
Full circle ship and song
Letter fans
Treasure chest and bin
Writing words activity
Captions and sentences
Letters and Sounds Phase 3: Sorting zoo and farm animals
A powerpoint with animal names to sort.
Letters and Sounds Phase 3: Sorting into ch and sh game
A whiteboard activity to sort objects into sh or ch.
Letters and Sounds Phase 3: Phoneme frames
A 3-phoneme frame powerpoint with letters to use, and a 2 and 3-phoneme frame pdf file to print.
Letters and Sounds Phase 3: Sentence substitution
An activity to print and cut out to rearrange words in the sentence substitution game
Alphabet activities - powerpoints, display and activity pack
This set is useful to reinforce upper case letters. The alphabet song powerpoint does not contain music, but can be used to sing along to.
Letters and Sounds graphemes: Activities for the end of Phase 3
A pack of resources to use after all Phase 3 letters and graphemes have been taught.
Letters and Sounds Phase 3 grapheme hunt activity powerpoint
The powerpoint can be used to practise reading words containing the graphemes the children have learnt. There is a page per grapheme. When clicked on, the words containing the correct grapheme are underlined.
Phase 3 Letters and Sounds phonic resources: Graphemes oi ear air ure er powerpoints
Each introductory powerpoint introduces the new grapheme; shows a mnemonic and a game where the children have to select the correct object to match the words.
Also in the pack:
A powerpoint showing each grapheme in the set with a picture to help the children remember the sound;
A set of grapheme flashcards
What's in the Box games
Writing words activities
Matching words and pictures