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Edexcel 9-1 History GCSE: Paper 3 Germany: KT2 Lesson 8: How Hitler became Chancellor: Q2 Guidance
Edexcel 9-1 History GCSE: Paper 3 Weimar and Nazi Germany
**KT2 Lesson 8: How did Hitler become Chancellor? **
Outstanding fully resourced and differentiated one hour History lesson
Full lesson investigating the different events 1932-33 that led to Hitler becoming Chancellor of Germany
Starter Q1, self-assessment including example answer, contextual information link, video activity, Chancellor reason card activity, exam question Q2, peer assessment, plenary
Includes at least** three levels of differentiation** for activities
All lesson activities and resources included.
Created by Edexcel Paper 3 GCSE Examiner
Please see my other lessons
Feedback welcome!

KS3 What is the History of Christmas Lesson: How has Christmas changed over time?
KS3 What is the History of Christmas Lesson
KS3 How has Christmas changed over time?
Outstanding fully resourced and differentiated one hour History lesson
Full lesson investigating the origins of Christmas, how people celebrated Christmas in five time periods (Neolithic, Roman, Medieval, Tudor and Victorian) why they celebrated in this way and how similar celebrations are to Christmas today.
Lesson includes: Starter, video activity, carousel information sheets about each time period with table activity, Christmas quiz activity, design your own historical festival activity and plenary
Includes a minimum of two levels of differentiation for all activities
All lesson activities and resources included.
Please see my other lessons
Feedback welcome! historella@gmail.com

Edexcel 9-1 History GCSE: Paper 3 Germany: KT2 L6&7: Wall Street Crash / Depression: 3b/c Guidance
Edexcel 9-1 History GCSE: Paper 3 Weimar and Nazi Germany
**KT2 Lesson 6&7: How did the Depression help the Nazis gain votes 1928-32?
Outstanding fully resourced and differentiated two hour History lesson
Full lesson investigating the impact that the Wall Street Crash and Depression had on Germany and how the Nazis used this to gain support
Starter Q1, self assessment including example answer, contextual information link, video activity, radar graph activity, plan answer Q3b, exam question 3b, peer assessment including example answer, plan answer Q3c, exam question 3c, peer assessment including example answer, plenary
Includes at least three levels of differentiation for activities
All lesson activities and resources included.
Created by Edexcel Paper 3 GCSE Examiner
Please see my other lessons
Feedback welcome!

Introduction to new class lesson (New tutor or form group / building relationships / Ice breaker)
Introduction to new class / welcome lesson
Lesson 1: Getting to know my new class
Outstanding fully resourced and differentiated one hour lesson**
Full lesson to welcome a new class and build positive relationships.
Lesson includes: Starter (pair work), name card, mingle bingo (group work), what makes me unique creative activity, all about me activity, review.
All lesson activities and resources included.
Please see my other lessons
Feedback welcome historella@gmail.com

Edexcel 9-1 History GCSE: Paper 2 Superpower Relations & the Cold War Key People Revision Flashcards
Edexcel 9-1 History GCSE: Paper 2 Superpower Relations and the Cold War
30 slide key people flashcard powerpoint
Key people from the Pearson Cold War textbook.
Includes name, image of person, which key topic(s) they relate to and key information about each person.
Fully editable
Created by Edexcel Paper 2 GCSE Examiner.
Please see my other resources
Feedback welcome - Historella@gmail.com

KS3 Medieval Christmas Lesson: How did people in the Medieval Period celebrate Christmas?
KS3 Medieval Christmas Lesson
KS3 How did Medieval people celebrate Christmas?
Outstanding fully resourced and differentiated one hour History lesson
Full lesson investigating the origins of Christmas, how people celebrated Christmas in the Medieval period, why they celebrated in this way and how similar celebrations are to Christmas today.
Lesson includes: Starter, video activity, Christmas information sheet with table activity, Christmas activity points sheet and plenary
Includes a minimum of two levels of differentiation for all activities
All lesson activities and resources included.
Please see my other lessons
Feedback welcome! historella@gmail.com

Edexcel 9-1 History GCSE: Paper 2 Cold War: KT1 Lesson 1: Introduction to the Cold War end of WW2
Edexcel 9-1 History GCSE: Paper 2 Superpower Relations and the Cold War
KT1 Lesson 1: Introduction to the Cold War - What was Europe like at the end of the Cold War?
Outstanding fully resourced and differentiated one hour History lesson
Full lesson investigating the different events 1941-45 that led to the end of WW2 and the start of the Cold War
Recall starter, self-assessment, contextual information link, video activity, self assessment, hinge question, Leader independent activity, WAGOLL, self assessment, Leader meeting peer teaching activity, self assessment, plenary.
Includes at least three levels of differentiation for activities
All lesson activities and resources included.
Created by Edexcel Paper 2 GCSE Examiner.
Please see my other lessons
Feedback welcome - Historella@gmail.com

Introduction to PSHE Lesson - What is PSHE? - KS3 / KS4 - PSHE / RSE / Citizenship
Introduction to PSHE Lesson
What is PSHE?
Outstanding fully resourced and differentiated one hour PSHE lesson
Full lesson investigating what PSHE stands for, what pupils will study in PSHE and why PSHE is important to study.
Lesson includes: Starter, definitions of PSHE, What they will study in PSHE activities, why PSHE is important poster activity, plenary
All lesson activities and resources included.
Please see my other lessons
Feedback welcome historella@gmail.com

Edexcel 9-1 History GCSE: Paper 3 Germany: KT3 Lesson 5: Nazi Opposition : Q3d Guidance
Edexcel 9-1 History GCSE: Paper 3 Weimar and Nazi Germany
**KT3 Lesson 5: How successful was opposition to the Nazis 1933-39? **
Outstanding fully resourced and differentiated **one hour **History lesson
Full lesson investigating the different forms of opposition to the Nazis and how successful this opposition was.
Starter Q1 exam question including self assessment and example answer, contextual information link, Opposition source analysis activity and table (x8 sources), Q3d guidance, Q3d quick plan activity, Q3d comprehensive plan activity, exam question Q3d, peer assessment, plenary
Includes at least** three levels of differentiation** for activities
All lesson activities and resources included.
Created by Edexcel Paper 3 GCSE Examiner
Please see my other lessons
Feedback welcome! Contact information: Historella@gmail.com

KS3 Introduction to History Lesson: Lesson 1: What is History and why do we study it? Y7 Y8 Y9
KS3 Introduction to History Lesson
**Lesson 1: What is History?
Outstanding fully resourced and differentiated one hour History lesson
Full lesson investigating what History is, why we study History today and what different Historical skills pupils will use when studying History
Lesson includes: Starter, , video activity, Historical skills activity sheets, peer assessment feedback activity, How to be an Historian poster activity, plenary
Includes a minimum of three levels of differentiation for all activities
All lesson activities and resources included.
Please see my other lessons
Feedback welcome historella@gmail.com

Edexcel 9-1 History GCSE: Paper 3 Germany: KT3 Lesson 3: Nazi Propaganda: Q3a Guidance
Edexcel 9-1 History GCSE: Paper 3 Weimar and Nazi Germany
**KT3 Lesson 3: What impact did different types of Nazis propaganda have on German people? **
Outstanding fully resourced and differentiated one hour History lesson
Full lesson investigating the different forms of Nazi propaganda
Starter Q1 exam question including self assessment and example answer, contextual information link, video activity, Extent-o-meter activity, Q3a guidance, Q3a practice planning activity, exam question Q3a, peer assessment, plenary
Includes at least** three levels of differentiation** for activities
All lesson activities and resources included.
Created by Edexcel Paper 3 GCSE Examiner
Please see my other lessons
Feedback welcome! Contact information: Historella@gmail.com

Edexcel 9-1 History GCSE: Paper 3 Germany: KT3 Lesson 4: Nazi control of the church: Q3b Guidance
Edexcel 9-1 History GCSE: Paper 3 Weimar and Nazi Germany
**KT3 Lesson 4: How far did the Nazis control the church? **
Outstanding fully resourced and differentiated one hour History lesson
Full lesson investigating the different Nazi policies towards the church and how effective they were in controlling the church
Starter Q1 exam question including peer assessment and example answer, contextual information link, video activity, colour-coding information activity and self assessment, Q3b guidance, Q3b planning activity, exam question Q3b, peer assessment, plenary
Includes at least** three levels of differentiation** for activities
All lesson activities and resources included.
Created by Edexcel Paper 3 GCSE Examiner
Please see my other lessons
Feedback welcome! Contact information: Historella@gmail.com

Edexcel 9-1 History GCSE: Paper 3 Germany: KT3 Lesson 2: Nazi Police State Terror State: Q2 Guidance
Edexcel 9-1 History GCSE: Paper 3 Weimar and Nazi Germany
**KT3 Lesson 1: How did the Nazis create a police state? **
Outstanding fully resourced and differentiated **one hour **History lesson
Full lesson investigating the different features of the Nazi police state - including: informers, Gestapo, SD, SS, law courts, concentration camps
Lesson includes: Starter, contextual information link, police state information sheet, radar graph activity including example graph, Q2 example answers peer assessment activity (x3 example answers - 5/12, 9/12, 12/12), Q2 exam question Q2 peer assessment, plenary
Includes at least** three levels of differentiation** for activities
All lesson activities and resources included.
Created by Edexcel Paper 3 GCSE Examiner
Please see my other lessons
Feedback welcome! Contact information:** Historella@gmail.com**

Edexcel 9-1 History GCSE: Paper 3 Germany: KT3 Lesson 1: How Hitler became Fuhrer: Q3a Guidance
Edexcel 9-1 History GCSE: Paper 3 Weimar and Nazi Germany
**KT3 Lesson 1: How did Hitler become Fuhrer? **
Outstanding fully resourced and differentiated one hour History lesson
Full lesson investigating the different events 1933-34 that led to Hitler becoming Fuhrer of Germany
Starter sorting activity, starter self-assessment, contextual information link, video activity and self assessment, Q3a guidance, Q3a practice planning activity, exam question Q3a, peer assessment, plenary
Includes at least** three levels of differentiation** for activities
All lesson activities and resources included.
Created by Edexcel Paper 3 GCSE Examiner
Please see my other lessons
Feedback welcome! Contact information: Historella@gmail.com

Edexcel 9-1 History GCSE: Paper 3 Germany: KT2 Lesson 5: Nazi Support Lean Years: 3b Guidance
Edexcel 9-1 History GCSE: Paper 3 Weimar and Nazi Germany
**KT2 Lesson 5: How did the Nazis deal with the ‘Lean Years’ 1924-28? **
Outstanding fully resourced and differentiated one hour History lesson
Full lesson investigating the changes in Nazi tactics during the lean years 1924-1928
Starter Q1, self assessment including example answer, contextual information link, video, lean years extent-o-meter activity plan answer Q3b, exam question, peer assessment including example answer, plenary
Includes at least three levels of differentiation for activities
All lesson activities and resources included.
Created by Edexcel Paper 3 GCSE Examiner
Please see my other lessons
Feedback welcome!

Edexcel 9-1 History GCSE: Paper 3 Germany: KT2 Lesson 3&4: The Munich Putsch 1923: 3d Guidance
Edexcel 9-1 History GCSE: Paper 3 Weimar and Nazi Germany
**KT2 Lesson 3 and 4: Was the Munich Putsch really a failure for the Nazis? **
Outstanding fully resourced and differentiated two hour History lesson
Full double lesson investigating the causes, events and consequences of the Munich Putsch 1923
Starter, contextual information link, video, video answers, plan answer Q3b, example peer assessment colour coding paragraph activity, exam question, peer assessment, plenary
Includes at least** three levels of differentiation **for activities
All lesson activities and resources included.
Created by Edexcel Paper 3 GCSE Examiner
Please see my other lessons
Feedback welcome!

Edexcel 9-1 History GCSE: Paper 3 Germany: KT1 Lesson 7: Stresemann Recovery: 3c Guidance
Edexcel 9-1 History GCSE: Paper 3 Weimar and Nazi Germany
KT1 Lesson 7: Did Stresemann really help Germany recover?
Outstanding fully resourced and differentiated one hour History lesson
Full lesson investigating how far Gustav Stresemann helped Germany recover 1923-29
Starter, contextual information link, video, card sort activity, plan Q3b, guidance how to answer Q3c, plan answer Q3c, exam question, peer assessment, plenary
Includes three levels of differentiation for activities
All lesson activities and resources included.
Please see my other lessons
Feedback welcome!

Edexcel 9-1 History GCSE: Paper 2 Early Elizabethan England 1558-1588 WTM: How to answer the exam Qs
**Edexcel 9-1 History GCSE: Paper 2 Early Elizabethan England 1558-1588
Outstanding fully resourced Paper 2: Early Elizabethan England WTM created by Edexcel Paper 1 GCSE Examiner**
Guidance on how to answer all of the Paper 2 Early Elizabethan England questions
Example answers for each question
Sentence starters for each question
Practise exam questions for each question
Markscheme for each question
Please see my other lessons and resources
Feedback welcome!

Edexcel 9-1 History GCSE: Paper 3 Germany: KT1 Lesson 0: Introduction to Paper 3 Germany
Edexcel 9-1 History GCSE: Paper 3 Weimar and Nazi Germany
KT1 Lesson 0: Introduction to Paper 3 Weimar and Nazi Germany
Outstanding fully resourced and differentiated one hour History lesson
Full lesson investigating the big picture of Germany and what knowledge pupils require for Paper 3
Lesson includes: Starter, contextual information link, video, timeline activity, create your own knowledge organiser activity, plenary
Includes three levels of differentiation for all activities
All lesson activities and resources included.
Please see my other lessons
Feedback welcome!

Edexcel 9-1 History GCSE: Paper 2 Elizabeth: KT1 Introduction to Elizabeth - Who was Elizabeth I?
KS4 Edexcel 9-1 History GCSE: Paper 2 Early Elizabethan England: Introduction to Elizabeth I
KT1: Lesson 1: Introduction - Who was Elizabeth I?
Outstanding fully resourced and differentiated one hour History lesson
Full lesson investigating who Elizabeth I was and how successful she was as queen
Lesson includes: Starter, video activity, research activity, Facebook page activity + two differentiated templates, plenary
Includes a minimum of two levels of differentiation for all activities
All lesson activities and resources included.
Please see my other lessons
Feedback welcome!