100 independent reading activities suitable for 6-7 year olds. Save yourself time and stress with this with these no prep reading printables - enough to last you the whole year.
These reading activities are designed for children to be able to complete independently, as part of a guided reading carousel, as an independent activity whilst the class teacher is reading with a group or even as homework.
This product includes 100 pages of activities that children can do independently whilst still improving their reading skills and their understanding of books and stories.
There is a variety of activities including word work, spellings, grammar, cut and paste, word searches, as well as 42 reading comprehensions. Plenty of variety to keep children engaged, as well as covering plenty of different skills. Simply print and go, no prep required. Print the whole product at the beginning of the year and you will always have reading activities to hand.
Some of the activities are also linked to the year 2 curriculum eg the lifecycle of a frog, materials, plants, recycling, historical figures. Perfest to use them alongside your topic work.
Many aspects of the year 2 reading National Curriculum covered. Also perfect for lower ability children in year 3 and up.
Also includes a reading journal cover and a tick list of National Curriculum reading standards for assessment. This will help you keep on track with assessing children’s reading skills.
Product Includes:
42 Reading Comprehensions
My Reading Journal front cover
National Curriculum Reading Standards Tick List for Year 2
Find the plant words
Find the materials words
Prefix Re
Suffix -less and -est
Build compound words
Alphabetical order x 2
Describe dog and cupcake
Add Adjectives
le at the end of a word - cut and paste activity
el at the end of a word - cut and paste
dge making the j sound - cut and paste
dge making the j sound - drawing activity
r spelt wr - drawing
j/g - cut and paste
c making the s sound - cut and paste
al at the end of a word - word search
ge at the end of a word - word search
n sound spelt with gn/kn - dice game
n spelt with gn/kn - cut and paste
I can read ing words - cut and paste
contractions x 2
recycle materials - cut and paste
materials 2-4 syllables sort - cut and paste
word sort 2-4 syllables - cut and paste
Ordering how to make a pizza - cut and paste
Ordering how to make breakfast - cut and paste
Little Red Riding Hood ordering sentences - cut and paste
Draw fairy tale characters
Goldilocks ordering pictures - cut and paste
Jack And The Beanstalk ordering pictures - cut and paste
3 Little Pigs ordering pictures - cut and paste
Draw a front cover
Design a front cover
Draw the best part of a story
Draw and label characters
Review your favourite book
All about the book
Book review
Read and draw x 2
I can make inferences x 3
Make a healthy me poster
Make a camping poster
Word of the day
Write a book quiz
Draw the characters
Contents page
Independent reading activities. Over 120 pages of guided reading activities to save you time and stress! Suitable for children aged 5-6 years old. Year 1 UK.
These updated reading activities are designed for children to be able to complete independently, as part of a guided reading carousel or even as homework.
I have put together over 120 pages of activities that children can do independently whilst still improving their reading skills and their understanding of books and stories.
There is a variety of activities starting with very simple phonics activities for lower abilities. The activities get more advanced for use throughout the school year.
Some of the activities are also linked to the year 1 curriculum eg the lifecycle of a sunflower, seasons and keeping healthy.
All aspects of the year 1 reading National Curriculum covered.Also perfect for lower ability children in year 2 and up.
Included in this product:
reading journal book cover
year 1 national curriculum statements for assessment
guided reading timetable
35 reading comprehensions
initial sounds cut and stick
b or d cut and stick
m or n cut and stick
c or k cut and stick
missing letters
draw the word x 3
2 syllable words
draw the caption x 3
mixed up sentences x 6
draw the book cover x 2
draw the characters x 2
draw your favourite part x 2
draw the ending x 2
write the tricky words x 2
find the digraph x 2
write the noun x 2
design a new front cover
find the nouns/weather words/plant words
reading questions
all about the book
book review x 2
read and colour x 3
read and draw x 3
describe the setting x 2
draw and describe the character x 2
draw the character x 4
draw the setting x 4
where is cat?
inference questions x 4
sunflower life cycle
make a foldable book
label a snail
make a wanted poster
decode words x 4
word endings x 2
missing words
syllables x 2
sequence story x 2
what happens next?
This bundle includes:
Over 120 activities for children to complete independently whilst adults are reading with different groups.
These activities are linked to the the standards required by the National Curriculum.
A simple timetable for weekly guided reading sessions with 2 adults.
Spelling activities for children to complete independently using your own class spelling scheme.
Assessment sheets to use during adult led guided reading sessions and sheets to record individual children’s progress.
Arctic and Antarctic Animals Reading Comprehensions
Suitable for year 1, maybe year 2 .
4 differentiated sheets for each animal.
4 different animals - polar bears, penguins, arctic fox, seals
Each sheet had assessment statements from National Curriculum.
Women’s History Month reading passages and comprehension questions. Are you celebrating Women’s History Month with your students? Then these reading comprehensions could be just what you are looking for. Cover history and reading at the same time with these differentiated, print and go reading activities.
This product includes 20 reading passages about significant women throughout history. Each passage is differentiated 2 ways, has a colour and black and white version and answers included.
In addition to the reading passages, why not make a book mark to help children remember these significant women. There is a colour and black and white bookmark for each woman.
Also included is a blank biography sheet and timeline that you can use if you want to research any of these women in more detail.
Keep all you work together in a folder, using the Women In History folder cover.
Included In This Product:
Reading Passages For -
Queen Victoria
Eva Peron
Benazir Bhutto
Carli Lloyd
Gracie Gold
Nadia Comaneci
Serena Williams
Princess Diana
Helen Keller
Queen Elizabeth I
Anne Frank
Marie M Daly
Elizabeth Blackwell
Rosalind Franklin
Kathryn D Sullivan
Jane Austen
Diana Ross
Coco Chanel
Anna Pavlova
Blank biography sheet
Blank timeline
Folder cover
Blank writing frames suitable for Early Writers. Large selection of writing templates and writing frames suitable for children aged 4-6 years old.
Just print out and you’re ready to write!
Product includes:
Story writing -
My story plan - 2 versions
5 sentence story
Story map
My story setting
My character
Writing frames
Book Reviews 2 x fiction 1 x non fiction
Lined and unlined frames -
I Phone
Notepads x 2
Santa Face
Easter Egg
Scroll x 2
My Potion x 2
My diary entry
My healthy lunchbox
Science Investigation
Animal fact sheet
Country fact sheet
Blank fact sheet
Instructions x 2
My Summer Holidays
My Christmas Holidays
Letter to Santa
My Weekend News x 2
Recipe Sheet
All About Me
My Birthday
My New School Year
My Year Review
Grammar activities for year 1.
No prep required - the perfect teacher time saver.
All you need to teach year 1 grammar.
Simply print out and ready to go - 23 activities, each differentiated 2 ways.
Based on the National Curriculum requirements for year 1 grammar.
Activities include:
noun hunt
noun sort - people, place or thing x 2
noun sort - common/proper
noun or verb sort
question mark or exclamation mark
capital letters
capital letters and full stops
plurals add -s/-es x 3
count the syllables x 2
alphabetical order
join words using and
adding -un
adding -ed
adding -ing
adding -er/-est
months of the year
days of the week
Spring reading comprehensions
Suitable for KS1 and northern hemisphere
Each comprehension is differentiated a minimum of 3 ways.
Each comprehension is linked to the topic of spring and begins with easy multiple choice questions.
Subjects included in this product -
Signs of spring - x 4 differentiated texts
Birds in spring - 4 differentiated texts
Animals in Spring -4 differentiated texts
Lambs -4 differentiated texts
Life cycle of a frog -3 differentiated texts
Life cycle of a sunflower -3 differentiated texts
How to plant a seed -3 differentiated texts
instructions to read and follow
William Shakespeare. Learn all about the life of William Shakespeare. This product includes a power point, scavenger hunt, timeline activity, make a leaflet, blank biography planning sheet plus word search and bookmarks for early finishers. Are you learning about William Shakespeare? Then this could be the perfect accompaniment to your studies. Find out about the man behind some of the world’s most famous plays.
There is a power point for you to share with your students - no research needed from you. They can then enjoy a fun scavenger hunt, helping them to learn about the life of William Shakespeare.
Students must then use their answer sheets to complete the timeline activity and make their own leaflet.
There is also a blank biography planning sheet for students to complete for their biography writing.
Early finishers can make a bookmark and complete a word search.
Suitable for KS2
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Included in this product:
15 slide teaching power point
Scavenger hunt with differentiated questions sheets
Make a leaflet
Timeline activity - differentiated 3 ways
Blank biography planning sheet
Word search
Make a bookmark
How to use instructions
Guided reading assessment sheets for year 1 guided reading sessions.
Use these sheets to keep track of your pupils reading achievements and next step targets. Never be stuck again when somebody asks you how little Johnny is doing with his reading and what his reading targets are!
Use the sheets during a guided reading session with class teacher or other adult.
Each reading statement for year 1 has its own individual recording sheet.
Mark off as children meet the statements and record onto the individual or group assessment sheets. These can be used to create individual targets or next steps, inform class teachers, create data and progress reports for SLT and to aid report writing.
Christmas Bundle
Have Christmas sorted this year with this selection of Christmas products.
Feeling overwhelmed with the amount of work whilst dealing with overexcited children?
This selection includes power points, print and go activities and role play/imaginative play resources to help keep your workload down during this busy period.
Grab this bundle of Passover and Easter Story activities and save a whopping 30%
All activities are print and go to make life easier for you! Teaching Power Points included. Both products contain word cards for display, make a book mark, make a story wreath and coloring sheet for early finishers.
This bundle includes the following products:
Passover and The Easter Story.
Passover activities and teaching power point. Are you teaching kindergarten, first grade, KS1 students about Passover? Then this is the product for you! Save valuable time with these print and go, no prep activities. Children will love these fun activities, whilst learning about Passover at the same time. A simple 18 slide teaching power point means that no research or planning is required. There are word cards for display and a fun Passover craft. Color and black and white versions of activities included.
Read on for a full list of included activities.
Included in this product:
An 18 slide teaching power point that explains, in simple terms, how and why Passover is celebrated.
Sequence the Passover story - cut and paste - differentiated x 2
Retell the Passover story - differentiated x 2
Label to Passover items - cut and paste
Label Seder plate - differentiated x 2
Draw Seder food
How Passover is celebrated blank fact sheet for students to complete
Passover coloring sheet for early finishers
Make a bookmark
Make a Passover wreath
The Easter Story
The Easter Story for kindergarten and first grade. Are you teaching your students about the Christian celebration of Easter? Then this is the product for you. It includes a colorful, 10 page Power Point of the Easter story, told in simple terms for young children to understand. No prep, print and go activities, crafts and word cards for your display are also included. No planning or preparation required. Plus FREE bonus product - Easter lotto games!
Product Includes: A small version of the story slides for children to order.
Pictures from the story to color, cut out and order. These can also be used as story writing prompts.
A cut and stick sorting activity - religious/non religious pictures.
Decorate a cross activity.
Make an Easter wreath craft.
Make an Easter bookmark - color and b/w
Word cards for display
Coloring sheet for early finishers
PLUS a bonus product - Easter lotto games - simply print out, laminate and cut out.
Phonics Lotto Game
Help your children learn the different ways of making the ee sound in words.
Game consists of 4 picture boards and 36 word cards.
Each child has a board and children take it in turns to pick a card.
Read the word on the card. If they have the corresponding picture on their board they place the card on top.
The first player to cover all of their pictures is the winner.
Print, laminate and cut out.
A great bundle of Christmas activities to keep your children busy and engaged in the weeks leading up to Christmas.
This Christmas Bundle includes reading, maths, role play and RE activities.
Suitable for KS1
FREE Halloween cut and stick activity.
Download this free Halloween themed cut and stick activity for some Halloween fun in class or at home.
Cut out the pictures and stick in the correct order of how to make a Halloween lantern.