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United States History Worksheets

United States History Worksheets

U.S. History-Presidents, Symbols, States, Famous People 10 worksheets with answer key Topics: Presidents of the USA National Symbols American Heroes The States Activities: 5 cryptograms – famous quotes of presidents 1 unscramble the letters – national symbols 4 match the columns – states , presidents, famous Americans, heroes
American History: 24 Word Search Puzzles for Middle School

American History: 24 Word Search Puzzles for Middle School

American History for Middle School, Grades 6 to 8 24 word search puzzles with answer key 201 key words included Topics include: First people in America Exploration Slavery Regional Differences Parliament and protests Declaration of Independence A new government The Constitution Presidents New American borders Settlers and immigration North vs. South Civil War Transcontinental railroads Second Industrial Revolution Progress Spanish-American War The Great War The Great Depression World war II America after the war Civil rights Movement Nixon’s politics Present day
US History: Since the Civil War Worksheets

US History: Since the Civil War Worksheets

Social Studies: History: USA Since the Civil War for Middle School (Grades 6, 7, 8) 8 Match the Words, 3 Unscramble the letters 11 worksheets with answer key, 132 key terms Topics included: Business, Civil War , Land & Industry, Independence ,Post War ,Slavery, Great Plains , Inhabitants, World War 1, World War 2, Today from 1970
Social Studies: US History: Before the Civil War Worksheets

Social Studies: US History: Before the Civil War Worksheets

Social Studies: History: Before the Civil War Crossword Puzzles for Middle School 10 CROSSWORD PUZZLES WITH ANSWER KEY Colonial Times European Settlers Exploration The Growth of a Nation Immigration, Rights and Citizenship Indigenous People The Industrial Revolution New Nation and Government First Societies The Colonies The Revolutionary War 108 key terms included
Social Studies:  United States of America Word Search Puzzles

Social Studies: United States of America Word Search Puzzles

Third Grade Social Studies: United Stated of America : 12 Word Search puzzles with answer key Topics included: AMERICA, CULTURE, COMMUNITY, MONEY, PATRIOTISM, LAND AND RESOURCES, ECONOMY, IMMIGRATION, RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES 112 Key words included: adapt, ambassador, ancestor, assembly, assembly line, bank, barter, budget, canal, capitol, ceremony, charity, citizen, climate, clothing, coast, colony, community, competition, consumer, council, county, culture, democracy, diversity, earn, economy, election, entrepreneur, environment, erosion, ethnic group, explorer, export, factory and others (see photos for list of words included)
United States of America and Its Neighbors Word Search Puzzles for Fourth Grade

United States of America and Its Neighbors Word Search Puzzles for Fourth Grade

Fourth Grade Social Studies: United States of America and Its Neighbors 13 Word Search Puzzles with Answer Key 122 key terms and places included Topics include: LANDFORMS, REGIONAL CHARACTERISTICS, STATES, NEIGHBORING REGIONS and others Some key words included : Africa ,agriculture, Alabama, Alaska, alliance, Arctic, arid, Arizona, Arkansas Asia, badlands, bayou, boundary, boycott, California, Canada, Caribbean, Chicago, citizen, civil rights, climate, coal, coastal plain,coastline, Colorado, Connecticut, constitution, cotton, culture and others.
Social Studies Word Search Puzzles for Fifth Grade

Social Studies Word Search Puzzles for Fifth Grade

Fifth Grade Social Studies Word Search Puzzles 20 puzzles, 190 key terms and places TOPICS : INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION, CIVIL RIGHTS, GEOGRAPHY, ECONOMICS, WORLD WAR, OTHERS 190 key words included such as: abolitionist, accord, agricultural, alliance, Allies, ally, amendment, annexation, armada, armistice, arms race, artisan, assassination, assembly line, astrolabe, atomic bomb, axis powers, baby boom, banish, barter, boom town, boycott, Cabinet, campaign, cape, capital, capitalist, captives, cash crops, ceasefire, central powers, cession, charter, citizen, citizenship, civil rights, Civil War, claim, clan and others.