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Detailed Data Analysis
Detailed analysis of progress and attainment in reading, writing and maths by pupil subgroup.
Rich sets of data from your relatively quick and easy data entry!
Video showcases the complete suite, including this tool.

Visual Map Writer
Instant visual maps / MAGs for reading, writing and maths
Enter KS1 outcomes and current KS2 attainment and your visual maps are automatically created for you
Video showcases entire suite, including this tool

Prior Attainment Groups Analysis
This will create PAG datasets for scrutiny, supporting senior leaders produce data for appraisal, strategic planning, inspection and reporting to governors.
Analysis by multiple subgroups for all three subjects.
Instant - it will take you about 15min to enter your pupil data, and the numbers are crunched for you as you type!
Video showcases complete suite, including this tool.

Reading Writing Maths Data Analysis
Analysis of the groups of pupils who attained the expected standard in all three subjects combined at the end of KS1. Grid shows which of these children are on track to attain RWM at end of KS2, and which ones have slipped behind.
Similarly, will identify pupils who did not attain RWM at KS1 who are now on track to attain RWM at KS2.
Detailed analysis by subgroup.
Video showcases complete suite, including this tool.

Active Me - Sports Premium Impact System
***These resources go with my free Active Me user guide. ***
The Active Me tool supports schools address Key Indicator 1 (Sports Premium Funding) by providing a mechanism by which to measure, track, influence and increase pupil engagement in regular physical activity.
Key Features
provides a consistent whole-school approach to measuring pupil engagement with physical activity, both in and out of school
emphasis on pupil engagement rather than fitness
promotes physical activity and sport across the setting
provides insights to pupils’ interests across the setting
framework for evaluating the impact of sports premium funding on pupil participation in physical activity
Doing this each term, or each half term, will give you a clear picture of:
which pupils are active for the recommended 60 minutes or more per day
which pupils have increased their levels of activity since their last review
who should be targeted
what additional activities your pupils would like to try in and out of school

Data Analysis - Visual Maps - Tracking
This file contains ALL of the features in my other tools:
Visual Map Writer
Prior Attainment Group Analysis
Detailed Analysis of All Subjects
Reading, Writing & Maths Combined Analysis
With this tool, you can access all of the features from one set of data.
Two files are included:
V1.2 - this is not a macro enabled file, and does not include any macros
V1.3 - this is a macro enabled file, and if you allow macros, has the added functionality of exporting reports to word documents

UPDATED 2021 PAG Calculator (Prior Attainment Group Calculator)
UPDATED February 2021
This excel sheet will automatically report the PAG group to which a pupil belongs based on KS1 data you enter. It will also:
calculate their expected KS2 score for 2018/2019 (the most recent reportable data as of Feb 2021)
calculate progress (0 being the expected) for each pupil for each subject
calculate overall progress for the school for each subject
“All those working with schools and colleges, such as Ofsted, Department for Education regional teams and local authorities, should use data from previous years when assessing school and college performance, and not the 2020 data.”*

Active Me - Sports Premium System User Guide
The Active Me tool supports schools address Key Indicator 1 (Sports Premium Funding) by providing a mechanism by which to measure, track, influence and increase pupils engagement in regular physical activity.
This free download is the user guide for the Active Me tools, which are available as additional downloads.
Key Features
provides a consistent whole-school approach to measuring pupils engagement with physical activity, both in and out of school
emphasis on pupil engagement rather than fitness
promotes physical activity and sport across the setting
provides insights to pupils interests across the setting
framework for evaluating the impact of sports premium funding on pupil participation in physical activity
Doing this each term, or each half term, will give you a clear picture of:
which pupils are active for the recommended 60 minutes or more per day
which pupils have increased their levels of activity since their last review
who should be targeted
what additional activities your pupils would like to try in and out of school

Prior Attainment Group (PAG) Calculator
This excel sheet will automatically report the PAG group to which a pupil belongs based on KS1 data you enter. It will also return results to show you what the average KS2 result was for pupils in the same PAG in 2017, for Reading, Writing and Maths.