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A long term teacher providing first class Geography, Computing, RE and Philosophy resources as well as whole school assemblies.




A long term teacher providing first class Geography, Computing, RE and Philosophy resources as well as whole school assemblies.
Coastal Management Decision Making Exercise

Coastal Management Decision Making Exercise

A Coastal management decision making exercise suitable for KS3 or KS4. The pupils are asked to protect a coastline with a specific budget. They take into account the opinions of local stakeholders and perform a cost-benefit analysis before reaching their decision.
UK Weather Worksheet for KS3 and KS4

UK Weather Worksheet for KS3 and KS4

A worksheet that covers the major factors that affect the UK weather and climate. This includes the effect of relief, the distance from the sea, latitude, and the North Atlantic Drift.
What is the Difference Between Weather and Climate?

What is the Difference Between Weather and Climate?

This resource acts as a useful introduction to weather. It asks pupils to define the different variables that make up weather, and produce a mind map. The second section provides some statements that pupils must decide if they relate to weather or climate. This in turn leads them to writing their own definition for weather and climate, and identifying the differences between them.
Coastal Defences Wordsearch

Coastal Defences Wordsearch

A word search containing key words for Coastal Management. It would be useful as a lesson starter or filler encouraging pupils to learn key words and spellings.
Coastal Features  - Geography Map Exercise

Coastal Features - Geography Map Exercise

This is an exercise identifying coastal features from a map. In my classes I have exchanged the opensource map for an Ordnance Survey map, so if you have access to OS mapping you may want to exchange the maps.
River Processes for KS3 and KS4

River Processes for KS3 and KS4

River Processes worksheet featuring exercises on Hydraulic Action, Abrasion, Attrition, and Corrosion. There are further questions on discharge, and a labelling of the drainage basin exercise.
GCSE Rivers Fieldwork Recording Worksheets

GCSE Rivers Fieldwork Recording Worksheets

These worksheets take your pupils through the organisation of a fieldwork trip suitable for studying how rivers change from upstream to downstream. This resource is based on the River Caldew in Cumbria, but the maps can be easily adapted to a location near you. The worksheets take the pupils through identifying a hypothesis, locations, and completing a risk assessment for the trip. The data that can be recorded on the sheets are cross sectional area, width, and velocity of river at three different sites. This is a ready made resource that will enable you to complete a fieldwork day in your local area.
Microclimates Worksheet

Microclimates Worksheet

A worksheet that will help your pupils understand the different factors that affect microclimates. It is a fully editable Powerpoint file.
Japanese Earthquake 2011 Case Study Worksheet for KS3 and KS4

Japanese Earthquake 2011 Case Study Worksheet for KS3 and KS4

This resource is a case study of the 2011 Japanese Earthquake and Tsunami that struck the area of Sendai and Japan. The magnitude 9 earthquake could be felt over a large area, and triggered a 40ft Tsunami wave. Due to Japan being a HIC/MEDC/ Developed country the country was well prepared for the event and amazingly only 15000 people died. However the quake caused many other significant economic and environmental problems. This resource uses a BBC News article from the day that is linked from the worksheet. Pupils respond to the video and answer various factual questions and are asked to summarise the events of the day with a tweet. This is a good resource for a cover lesson, home learning, or introduction to the event.
UK Weather - Air Masses

UK Weather - Air Masses

This resources introduces air masses to the weather module. It uses a clip from the Met Office that explains the different air masses, and pupils have to annotate the diagram, match up the definitions and decide which air mass produces different types of weather. It can be set as a standalone homework task or a cover lesson.
River Meanders KS3 and KS4 Worksheet

River Meanders KS3 and KS4 Worksheet

A River Meander Worksheet that helps pupils understand how river meanders are formed. The key terms covered include Erosion, Deposition, Slowest River Flow, Fastest River Flow, River Cliff, Slip Off Slope, and Thalweg. The worksheet starts with a labelling activity on a cross section of a river and a overhead view of a meander. This is followed by a true or false activity where pupils have to consider whether the river would cause a number of different scenarios. Pupils are then asked to consider what would cause the river to increase in sinuosity and jot these ideas down as a mind map. Lastly the higher order thinking question asks pupils to think about the implications of rivers on cities such as London or Nottingham.
Himalayas and Mount Everest for KS2 and KS3

Himalayas and Mount Everest for KS2 and KS3

This resource uses a number of Youtube videos and Powerpoint presentations to present the students with a series of information about the Himlayas. Pupils then have to locate the Himalayas and identify the countries in which they are found. There are further questions based on the climate, before going into a more detailed exploration of Everest and Base Camp. Finally pupils are to write a post card imagining that they are writing from base camp describing the mountain region and its climate.
Settlement Worksheets - Differentiated

Settlement Worksheets - Differentiated

These worksheets are designed as a review of learning during the KS3 and Common Entrance Geography Settlement module. There are a number of activities for the students to do. THe lower ability sheet asks the pupils to use colour to identify reasons why settlements grow, and then problems that can be caused. The next section asks the students to label the Burgess model. Following this there is a true and false section where pupils identify statements that are true or false about the redevelopment of the Olympic park in London. The pupils are then asked to label the Settlement Hierarchy, and as an extension identify typical services at each level. The final task on the lower ability sheet is to identify the odd one out words related to settlement hierarchy, and urban growth. The higher level worksheet follows a similar pattern, but asks the pupils to explain why urban areas grow using the key words used in the lower ability task. The pupils are also asked to explain whether the redevelopment of the olympic park was a success or not. The resource is fully customisable and you can adapt for your own needs. You will probably need to adapt the case study section.
Industry Worksheet

Industry Worksheet

This worksheet recaps the ideas behind a basic industry module. It asks pupils to identify occupations and categorise them into Primary, Secondary, Tertiary and Quarternary activities. It then asks the pupils to identify each economic sector on the demographic transition model. The third element is a true or false case study task about Nike and its development of factors across the glob. This could be easily adapted for Apple or other TNC. The questions should promote an amount of discussion because they are not actually “true or false” and can be debated. The final section is an odd one out task, that I have tried to make difficult based on previous pupils questions and experiences.