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I have been teaching IGCSE for over 7 years. I have prepared candidates for both O Level and A Level exams with an excellent track record. Over the years I have gathered in depth understanding of the subject. This has enabled me to produce material that is up to CIE standards. The best topical analysis of IGCSE Geography, based on the CIE RAG test. The topics include answered CIE past paper questions arranged topically. Ideal for both teacher and student preparation for O Level exams

I have been teaching IGCSE for over 7 years. I have prepared candidates for both O Level and A Level exams with an excellent track record. Over the years I have gathered in depth understanding of the subject. This has enabled me to produce material that is up to CIE standards. The best topical analysis of IGCSE Geography, based on the CIE RAG test. The topics include answered CIE past paper questions arranged topically. Ideal for both teacher and student preparation for O Level exams
The atmosphere and human activities

The atmosphere and human activities

Professionally prepared slides with quality pictures and relevant links to YouTube videos. Ideal for display in class. strictly follows the IGCSE syllabus for Environmental management 0680. It also has practise questions. By the end of this chapter, you will be able to Explain the composition and structure of the atmosphere Explain the greenhouse effect Describe the causes of atmospheric pollution and the impacts on people and the environment Explain how the effects of atmospheric pollution can be reduced If you need a comprehensive compilation of IGCSE past paper questions from this topic, check my shop


Based on the CIE standards, perfect for both teacher and student, especially those preparing for final IGCSE Geography exams. It is also embeded with well answered CIE past paper questions from the same topic. it contains parts of the river The hydrological cycle River erosion processes River transport processes River erosion features River deposition features River flooding Causes, impacts and solutions to flooding Opportunities of living close to the rivers


Based on the CIE standards, perfect for both teacher and student, especially those preparing for final IGCSE Geography exams. This unit of work includes : Basic migration terminologies Types of migration Causes of migration Push factors Pull Factors International migration Impacts of migration on the area of origin, area of destination and on the migrants
Population structure

Population structure

Based on the CIE standards, perfect for both teacher and student, especially those preparing for final IGCSE Geography exams. It is also embeded with well answered CIE past paper questions from the same topic This unit of work includes ; Basic population pyramid terms The differences between LEDC and MEDC population pyramid shapes and implications The Dependency ratio Issues of ageing populations


Based on the CIE standards, perfect for both teacher and student, especially those preparing for final IGCSE Geography exams. It is also embeded with well answered CIE past paper questions from the same topic; Subtopics; agricultural systems, arable farming, mixed farming, pastoral farming, subsistence farming, commercial farming, intensive farming, extensive farming, organic farming, iorganic farming, factors influencing farming, food shortage, solutions to food shortage, impacts of food shortage. Over 60 neatly designed slides ideal for classroom projection. Assured quality presentation
SLIDES-Earthquakes and volcanoes PowerPoint

SLIDES-Earthquakes and volcanoes PowerPoint

Based on the CIE standards, perfect for both teacher and student, especially those preparing for final IGCSE Geography exams. It is also embeded with well answered CIE past paper questions from the same topic. Subtopics; shield volcanic, cone volcano, types of volcano, distribution of volcanoes, natural hazards, impacts of earthquakes and volcanoes, managing earhquakes and volcanoes. There are 50 well arranged slides with quality images ideal for projection and smartboards. Great for classroom lessons and presentations
Earthquakes and volcanoes

Earthquakes and volcanoes

Based on the CIE standards, perfect for both teacher and student, especially those preparing for final IGCSE Geography exams. It is also embeded with well answered CIE past paper questions from the same topic. Subtopics; shield volcanic, cone volcano, types of volcano, distribution of volcanoes, natural hazards, impacts of earthquakes and volcanoes, managing earhquakes and volcanoes


Based on the CIE standards, perfect for both teacher and student, especially those preparing for final IGCSE Geography exams. It is also embeded with well answered CIE past paper questions from the same topic. Subtopics; industrial system, inputs, outputs and processes, types of industries, secondary industry, manufacturing industry, hi-tech industry, factors affecting location of industry, agglomeration, industrial estates


Based on the CIE standards, perfect for both teacher and student, especially those preparing for final IGCSE Geography exams. It is also embeded with well answered CIE past paper questions from the same topic. Subtopics; Water sources, water shortage, water scarcity,
Human Geography - Migration

Human Geography - Migration

Great material for both teacher and student preparing for As and A-level Geography. It covers evereveryy topic required by the Cambridge syllabus for this unit. Accompanied by pictures. 5 slides in pdf format that can easily be converted back to PowerPoint. The material is still useful for O-Level and IGCSE or generally for the study of human migration. Some of the topics include: Basic terminologies Types of migration Causes of migration Migration theories The role of constraints in migration International migration Internal migration Impacts of migration
Managing water supplies

Managing water supplies

Strictly follows the A-level Cambridge Environmental management new syllabus for examinations from 2022. A great resource for both teachers and students- a remedy since Cambridge has no resource yet for this syllabus. It is also useful for any environmental studies, Biology and even Geography at all levels. Contains high quality pictures and relevant Youtube links. This resource covers- Water scarcity Global water distribution Water security Major Causes of Water Scarcity Impacts of Water Scarcity Factors to Reduce Water Scarcity
Managing Climate Change

Managing Climate Change

Strictly follows the A-level Cambridge Environmental management new syllabus for examinations from 2022. A great resource for both teachers and students- a remedy since Cambridge has no resource yet for this syllabus. It is also useful for any environmental studies, Biology and even Geography at all levels. Contains quality pictures with relevant Youtube links. This resource covers- Define greenhouse gases the major sources of greenhouse gas emissions from human activities how increased concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere cause the enhanced greenhouse effect leading to global warming the difficulties of monitoring and predicting climate change The impacts of climate change the impacts of climate change on the environment the impacts of climate change on human populations Managing climate change strategies for managing climate change through the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions geoengineering strategies to counteract climate change Aerosol injection Marine cloud brightening High-albedo crops and buildings Ocean mirror Cloud thinning Space sunshades
Managing the atmosphere

Managing the atmosphere

Chapter 7 of the As Environmental management syllabus. Strictly following all the areas required by CIE examination and syllabus. Great source to compensate for the lack of printed material by Cambridge. Contains quality pictures and relevant Youtube links. This unit contains the following information Acid deposition Types of acid deposition Formation of acid deposition Impacts of acid deposition Photochemical smog and its impacts Managing air pollution Ozone depletion OZone hole Ozone depletion over Antarctica Impacts of ozone depletion International agreements to reduce ozone depletion Impacts of alternatives to ozone depleting substances The Rowland-Molina theory
Managing ecosystems and biodiversity

Managing ecosystems and biodiversity

Strictly follows the A-level Cambridge Environmental management new syllabus for examinations from 2022. A great resource for both teachers and students- a remedy since Cambridge has no resource yet for this syllabus. It is also useful for any environmental studies, Biology and even Geography at all levels. Contains high quality pictures which relevant direct links to Youtube videos. This resource covers- Ecosystems the world’s major terrestrial biomes in terms of their climate, soil type and vegetation characteristics of primary and secondary succession from pioneer species through intermediate stages to a climax community gross primary productivity and net primary productivity ecosystem productivity as the rate of production of biomass for an ecosystem Productivity within trophic levels the efficiency of energy transfer between trophic levels Interpret and draw ecological pyramids based on numbers, biomass and energy the shapes of ecological pyramids Types of Ecological Pyramids Managing the conservation of biodiversity native species and invasive species the impacts of invasive species on biodiversity the benefits of conserving biodiversity legislation and protocols as methods of conserving biodiversity the role of the Evolutionarily Distinct and Globally Endangered species (EDGE) programme in the conservation of biodiversity captive breeding and release as a method of conserving biodiversity habitat conservation and creation as methods of conserving biodiversity explain the impacts of human activity on tropical rainforests strategies for managing the impacts of human activity on tropical rainforests impacts of human activity on Antarctica strategies for managing the impacts of human activity on Antarctica
Managing Natural Hazards [PowerPoint]

Managing Natural Hazards [PowerPoint]

Expertly prepared slides following the new IGCSE syllabus 0680 with quality links and links to relevant videos The slides cover; Describe different types of natural hazard including earthquakes volcanic eruption and tropical cyclones, flooding and drought explain the causes and global distribution of this natural hazards and relate them to the Earth’s structure explain the impact these natural hazards can have on people and environment explain different strategies for managing this natural hazards
Energy and the environment

Energy and the environment

Expertly prepared slides, with quality pictures and relevant links to YouTube videos to make the slides more interactive covering the new syllabus content for environmental management IGCSE 0680. It contains; Fossil fuels and describe how they are formed. Classification of energy into renewable and non renewable How different energy sources make electricity Environmental, economic and social impacts of different energy sources Different demands for energy How energy sources can be managed efficiently Current research into possible new energy sources The impact of oil pollution How impacts of oil pollution can be minimised
Slides Population Dynamics PowerPoint

Slides Population Dynamics PowerPoint

Well summarized and arranged, based on the CIE standards embedded with properly answered past paper questions. The slides include topics such as; basic terminologies causes of population increase Causes and impacts of underpopulation Causes and impacts of overpopulation HIV/AIDS pandemic Population policies Demographic transition model etc over 64 neatly arranged slides with quality pictures and tables ideal for projection and teaching in the classroom
Urban Settlements Slides

Urban Settlements Slides

What are the characteristics of urban land use? How does urban land use vary between countries at different levels of development? What is the effect of change in land use and rapid urban growth? the slides are well designed with pictures and links to relevant videos