My shop is a non profit making concern & it supports homeless charities (Crisis, The Salvation Army & The Berwick Youth Project). Teaching has been my life & I continue to support learning around the World. My subjects were: History, Geography and Physical Education. I have competed in a wide variety of sports inc.: Gymnastics, Badminton, Rugby, Football, Athletics & many others. Check out my recent bundle with 11 of my best publications. A vast amount of support material on offer.
My shop is a non profit making concern & it supports homeless charities (Crisis, The Salvation Army & The Berwick Youth Project). Teaching has been my life & I continue to support learning around the World. My subjects were: History, Geography and Physical Education. I have competed in a wide variety of sports inc.: Gymnastics, Badminton, Rugby, Football, Athletics & many others. Check out my recent bundle with 11 of my best publications. A vast amount of support material on offer.
This timeline gives a chronological summary of WW1 in 1914 with useful links to videos and web resources for further study. It is the first part of a five part document. This revision aid has been created for my students who are studying History with the Edexcel Exam Board. All secondary resources are credited to the original authors by inclusion in the bibliography and serve as a direct link.
A time line of resources with notes, pictures, links to video clips and web sites. Suitable for Edexcel IGCSE History Unit A3. Can be the basis for a full programme of lessons or use as a revision document. This resource takes you on a journey from the end of WW1 to the end of WW2. Update 3/11/2023.
Any income from this resource will go to Homeless Charities in the UK
A selection of basic skills for learning about maps. Topics covered include: Use of symbols, Directions and Bearings, Grid References, Contours, Scales and Distances on maps.
This resource offers introduction to map skills and gives the opportunity for students to complete work challenges. This resource unit is best suited to students from 10 years through to 16 years of age.*
Another free Quiz this time it has been compiled by (Nanna) Lynne Patterson. This is the third in a series of quiz challenges. General Knowledge Quiz prepared for my two grand-daughters Emilia and Florence. They are 9 and 11 years old. It will be suitable for children between the age of 9 and 15 years. Free to all for use as a home study exercise. Try answering them without assistance for 3 points and then receive 1 point for finding the answers using the internet or other sources. I hope you have some family fun.
This is the eleventh in a series of quiz challenges. A General Knowledge Quiz prepared for my two grand-daughters Emilia and Florence. They are 9 and 11 years old. It will be suitable for children between the age of 9 and 15 years. Free to all for use as a home study exercise. Try answering them without assistance for 3 points and then receive 1 point for finding the answers using the internet or other sources. I hope you have some family fun.
This is a quiz with a difference. There are 20 images on offer with the answers given as an anagram. The topics include: People from the past, Living things, Buildings, Physical features from Geography, Bridges and monuments. This challenge is probably best suited to children between the ages of 10 and 16. The quiz involves two parts, firstly try to identify the pictures and secondly unscramble the anagram and complete with the correct spelling of each answer. A little bit different. I hope the children are up to this challenge and enjoy it.
A 268 page document with over 50 outline maps from around the World. This resource book is to be used in conjunction with a school atlas. There are a multitude of exercises and challenges for students to use as homework or in the classroom with or without guidance from the teacher. Also included, there are over 180 photographs from the UK and around the World that can be used individually for lesson starters or as topic slide shows.This resource work book can be used with a wide range of age groups. The outline maps and questions are suitable for children between the age of 9 to 16 years. The content has a wide degree of differentiation for more and less able children. The many pictures included in this document are ideal as introductions to new topics. Although the main focus of this resource is on Geography, much of the content can be linked to, Travel and Tourism, History, English and Social Studies. Special featured sections: China, London, Spain, Bristol and WW1 Flanders. All income from this resource will be donated to 3 Homeless Charities in 2021 . The Salvation Army, Crisis and The Berwick Project.
THIS SYSTEM ONLY TO BE USED WITH RIBBON TAILED PRACTICE JAVELINS OR AN ALTERNATE SAFE PRACTICE JAVELIN. ON NO ACCOUNT TO BE USED WITH THE CONVENTIONAL METAL JAVELINS!! Throwing the javelin with groups of children has always been a challenge for some teachers of Physical Education. My safety system for groups is aimed at making lessons more successful as well as safer. Ian Patterson (Vice Principal at Benalmadena International College, Spain - Retired)
Learning at home or in the classroom - British Cities - Geography at home - Parents and teachers can easily set their children mini projects using this resource.
All income on this resource will go to Homeless Charities.
British Cities Fact File Challenge
This project offers a research opportunity to find out more about the cities of Aberdeen, Belfast, Birmingham, Bristol, Cardiff, Dublin, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Liverpool and London.
The resource is aimed at children from Years 5 to Year 9 and it provides an opportunity to combine Information Technology with Geography. It is an ideal opportunity to use a presentation to introduce the topic of British Cities. This can be extended to perhaps 4 introductory lessons with a collection of smaller challenges. After an initial introduction the students can then gather their own selected information about all ten of the cities included in the study. At the end of the project they should have a document consisting of 10 fact files and a much better knowledge of cities in both the United Kingdom and The Republic of Ireland.
Lock Down Picture Quiz prepared for youngsters between the ages of 9 and 16 years of age. Clues have been added to give them every chance of answering most of them. The answer page includes a fact file for additional learning whilst checking the answers.The pictures include famous people from History as well as familiar faces from 2020’s.
This resource is a two lesson powerpoint presentation that tracks the developments of the Weimar Republic from its conception (1918) to its final demise (1933). In particular it features the political rise of Adolf Hitler from Lance Corporal to Fuhrer. It takes the form of a timeline of events and the frames can be reduced to create a pack of 48 revision cards. This presentation is ideal for students of History between the ages of 14 and 16. Frames 52 and 53 can be printed for students to compile brief notes on the two presentations. This is a quick fix exercise to help students to put the key events of the Weimar Republic into chronological order. All abilities can learn from the images and discussions inspired by this resource.
A Field Sketch Library.
12 side document with 11 photographs of landscapes and exercises with writing skills related to Geography. Best suited to children between the ages of 10 and 14 (May be useful for Key Stage 4 revision work on field sketching and landscape observations). All text, sketches and photographs the property of the author of this document … Ian Patterson
Field sketch drawing. How to draw a field sketch + 10 extra practice photographs for students to develop their drawing and geographical knowledge.
Topics include: Coastlines, beaches, cliffs, tourism, agriculture, road, rail, highlands and river valleys.
This folder can be used as a revision document or as a resource for teaching topics about WW1 from the year 1918. Resources include topics like: German Spring Offensive, 100 Days Offensive and the End of the War. There are a number of links to web sites and video footage for delivering lessons to both KS 3 and KS 4 History students. Year 11 History examination students will be able to use specific sections of this folder to revise from. Note … hyperlinks have been disabled but can be easily restored.
This Powerpoint Presentation is specifically targeting 13 to 16 year old students of History. There are 22 slides with a selection of appropriate pictures, fact files and maps included. It is an introductory part of a wider document about “The Development of a Dictatorship – Adolf Hitler”. The resource documents the early years of Hitler up to the end of World War One and it looks more closely at the experiences that shaped his life. Who and what influenced him as he was growing up in Austria and how did being part of an Infantry Regiment in WW1 mould his character. The critical question is asked, how and why did Hitler take his chosen path to infamy?
In terms of historical understanding, many National Curriculum prerequisites have been covered and include evidence, continuity, change, cause and effect, perspectives, empathy, significance and contestability. However in short, the most important content is evidence of how and why Adolf Hitler turned into a cruel demagogue. A key element in the presentation is the chronological nature of the study. The World War 1 years also offer an ideal opportunity to learn more about the advances in technology.
There are 22 slides with images that are followed by suggested challenges for students to complete. The slides containing maps are available for printing and use in lessons.
Slide 25 offers suggested ways in which the presentation can be managed in the classroom.
Slide 26 to 38 contains sets of quiz questions that are differentiated for a wide range of abilities.
Slide 39 offers writing challenges that are aimed at helping 13 year old students to extend their writing skills from a basic level to advanced levels in preparation for higher examination targets in the future.
Slides 40 to 45 are script notes for use by students who can take part in the presentation if directed by the teacher. This unit of work is ideal for between 3 and 6 hours of commitment in the classroom and possibly for use as a homework challenge.
This resource is aimed at giving Geography, Travel and Tourism and Business Studies students from Years 9 through to 11 the experience of handling data related to service industries. The work serves to satisfy the type of work associated with field studies and research. The data is presented on a spreadsheet that highlights the Service Industry of Poole in Dorset. Using the information, students will be able to propose a hypothesis and then attempt to prove or refute the chosen statement.
Within the folder there is a powerpoint presentation that can be used independently as a collection of Geography topics about the English County of Dorset. Specifically it addresses the concepts of Site, Situation and Function of a settlement. The powerpoint presentation alone can be used to support up to 10 contrasting lessons. The photographs can be used for introductions to a number of Human and Physical Geography topics including the following specifics and links:
Poole Port, Service Industry, Tourism, Shopping Streets, Spreadsheet statistics, Bays and Headlands, Lulworth Cove, Lulworth Village, Swanage Bay, Groynes, Stair Hole, Durdle Door, Corfe Castle, Dorset Geology, Settlements, Site, Situation, Function and finally a number of excellent photographs that can be converted to field sketch diagrams.
This resource would be ideal for an organiser of a PTA social evening and targets both the Primary and Secondary sector. In my opinion it is perfect for a family night out courtesy of the PTA. I am adding an extra resource with higher level quiz material about WW1. This includes 4 quizzes and 2 power point presentations about WW1, worth £3 in my TES Shop (Times Educational Supplement).
My TES shop can be found on a TES search with “IanPCostaDelSol”. All my resources will support charity this year and beyond.
In total there are at least 650 quiz questions and all with answers and fact sheets to support the content. Content includes: General knowledge, people, places, History, Geography and a host of other topics, too many to mention. The target age group was 9 to 16 but I am sure they would be ideal for a family quiz night in a school hall.
More detail about the offer follows:
2020 has been a challenging year and perhaps when we get to 2021 the Schools and Colleges will get back to having social functions in support of all of the young people in the UK and around the World. This resource is everything in the way of quizzes that I have created over the last 6 months. I offered them free of charge during the Covid crisis specifically for home learning. This time I ask that you donate £2 for my Homeless Charity Appeal so that you may download this sizeable resource. My chosen charities include Crisis, Salvation Army Homeless Fund and the Berwick Project. The latter helps keep young people off the streets and gives the children much needed support, hope and ambition for their future.
This Salvation Army Charity Quiz targets children between the ages of 10 and 16 years but may also be suitable as a pub quiz. The Charity quiz includes general knowledge questions, pictures and a few puzzles. The file also includes 10 free general knowledge quizzes also targetting young school students. For a small donation of £2 toward the Salvation Army Homeless Charity, I hope that with your help we can make a difference to a few people who have fallen on difficult times. Perhaps some of the Primary Schools out there might consider running a Family Charity Quiz Social Evening using this resource when the World gets back to some kind of social normality. Thank you for your support. Ian Patterson (August 2020).
This resource is a Tudor timeline covering the main people and events that took place between 1485 and 1603. It is ideal for teachers delivering information about the reign of the Tudors. The resource covers a little more than 118 years of History and would be an ideal support for teachers of History in both the Primary and Secondary sectors. Included are 90 images of people, documents, castles, maps, battles and many other connected visual aids that can support the delivery of History lessons. Throughout this year (2020 - 2021) all of my resources support homeless charities and I hope that with your help we can give a few people on the streets much needed support in getting their lives back on track. Good luck in your Schools and Colleges this coming year 2020 - 2021.
Ian Patterson (IanPCostaDelSol).
Adolf Hitler 1889 to 1918 – His Early Years and WW1 - This resource comes in the form of a fact file and a selection of classroom exercises that are aimed at 13 to 16 year old students of 20th Century History. In addition to this there is a small section (images) that would be suitable for the PSHE programme especially in the month of November. The material in this 21 page resource documents the birth of Adolf Hitler through to the conclusion of WW1. It contains written information, pictures, maps, quiz questions and research challenges. The research challenges are ideal for perhaps two internet sessions where students need to search for extra information. The contents are best suited for Key Stage 3 and students in Key Stage 4 preparing for History examinations, particularly the topics “The Rise of Adolf Hitler”, “Development of a Dictatorship” and “The Events of WW1”. The resource materials offered should satisfy between 4 and 8 hours of work in the classroom. As an alternative it may also be offered as a home research project in preparation for GCSE examinations.
This resource can be linked and used alongside - Adolf Hitler - Early Years (Powerpoint Presentation created by this same author).