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English Beginner Lesson 1 - Introductions (Taster Worksheet)- ESL - TEFL - EFL
Introductory lesson. Taster Worksheet with grammar and vocabulary - available as part of a class BUNDLE in the store.
Getting to know you questions
Verb TO BE
Other verbs + auxiliary
Possessive adjectives
Writing Homework
Perfect for online and in-class teaching or even for hybrid lessons. It can be used as a complement to a book, a revision or stand alone lessons. Find more at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/interalialanguage

This infographic is designed to cover the main areas of Media Language and Representation for the OMO washing powder advertising CSP for the AQA GCSE Media Studies.
It is designed to provide a visually engaging revision tool of many of the key areas of the curriculum, but it is not comprehensive.
It includes an A3 full-colour poster as well as a print-ready version to be printed as a personal revision sheet.
The infographic covers the following areas of the curriculum:
Genre conventions
Todorov’s Narrative Theory
Propp’s characters
Media Language and Representation Anlaysis
Look out for future bundles of my infographics!

I, Daniel Blake Film CSP - INFOGRAPHIC POSTER and REVISION SHEET - AQA Media Studies
You can find a number of INFORGRAPHIC BUNDLE deals below:
* 8x INFOGRAPHIC BUNDLE - Magazines, Advertising, Film and Apple Beats CSPs
5x INFOGRAPHIC BUNDLE - Magazine and Advertising CSPs
3x INFOGRAPHIC BUNDLE - All Advertising CSPs
This infographic is designed to cover the main area of Industry for the I, Daniel Blake film CSP for the AQA GCSE Media Studies.
It is designed to provide a visually engaging revision tool of many of the key areas of the curriculum, but it is not comprehensive.
It includes an A3 full-colour poster as well as a print-ready version to be printed as a personal revision sheet.
The infographic covers the following areas of the curriculum:
Marketing and Film Festivals
Industry Evolution
Film Fact File
Look out for future bundles of my infographics!

This infographic is designed to cover the main areas of Media Language and Representation for the Tatler magazine CSP for the AQA GCSE Media Studies.
It is designed to provide a visually engaging revision tool of many of the key areas of the curriculum, but it is not comprehensive.
It includes an A3 full-colour poster as well as a print-ready version to be printed as a personal revision sheet.
The infographic covers the following areas of the curriculum:
Todorov’s Narrative Theory
Propp’s characters
Media Language and Representation Anlaysis
Look out for future bundles of my infographics!

NHS Represent Ft Leshurr Advertising CSP - INFOGRAPHIC POSTER and REVISION SHEET - AQA Media Studies
This infographic is designed to cover the main areas of Media Language and Representation for the NHS Give Blood, Represent Ft Lady Leshurr advertising CSP for the AQA GCSE Media Studies.
It is designed to provide a visually engaging revision tool of many of the key areas of the curriculum, but it is not comprehensive.
It includes an A3 full-colour poster as well as a print-ready version to be printed as a personal revision sheet.
The infographic covers the following areas of the curriculum:
Genre conventions
Narrative structure
Media Language and Representation anlaysis
Also available as a bundle with the other Advertising CSPs!

Galaxy Chocolate Advertising CSP - INFOGRAPHIC POSTER and REVISION SHEET - AQA Media Studies
This infographic is designed to cover the main areas of Media Language and Representation for the Galaxy Chocolate ‘Chauffeur’ advertising CSP for the AQA GCSE Media Studies.
It is designed to provide a visually engaging revision tool of many of the key areas of the curriculum, but it is not comprehensive.
It includes an A3 full-colour poster as well as a print-ready version to be printed as a personal revision sheet.
The infographic covers the following areas of the curriculum:
Genre conventions
Todorov’s Narrative Theory
Propp’s characters
Media Language and Representation Anlaysis
This is the first of a number of infographics that I will publish over the next few months and will be bundled in the future. Enjoy!

This infographic is designed to cover the main areas of Media Language and Representation for the Reveal magazine CSP for the AQA GCSE Media Studies.
It is designed to provide a visually engaging revision tool of many of the key areas of the curriculum, but it is not comprehensive.
It includes an A3 full-colour poster as well as a print-ready version to be printed as a personal revision sheet.
The infographic covers the following areas of the curriculum:
Genre conventions
Todorov’s Narrative Theory
Propp’s characters
Media Language and Representation Anlaysis
Look out for future bundles of my infographics!

Apple Beats 1 Radio CSP - INFOGRAPHIC POSTER and REVISION SHEET - AQA Media Studies
This infographic is designed to cover the main area of Industry for the Apple Beats 1 Radio CSP for the AQA GCSE Media Studies.
It is designed to provide a visually engaging revision tool of many of the key areas of the curriculum, but it is not comprehensive.
It includes an A3 full-colour poster as well as a print-ready version to be printed as a personal revision sheet.
The infographic covers the following areas of the curriculum:
Industry Evolution and Technological Convergence
Audience Demographics and Psychographics
Uses and Gratifications Theory
Reception Theory
Look out for future bundles of my infographics!

This infographic is designed to cover the main area of Industry for the Doctor Strange film CSP for the AQA GCSE Media Studies.
It is designed to provide a visually engaging revision tool of many of the key areas of the curriculum, but it is not comprehensive.
It includes an A3 full-colour poster as well as a print-ready version to be printed as a personal revision sheet.
The infographic covers the following areas of the curriculum:
Industry Evolution
Film Facts
Synergy with the MCU
Look out for future bundles of my infographics!

¡FELIZ NAVIDAD! Cancionero de Villancicos Navideños con Actividades
**Cancionero de Villancicos Navideños con Actividades **para la clase de español.
4 Famosos villancicos con letra, links para escucharlos y actividades para la clase.
Diferentes niveles y tipos de actividades en cada canción. Incluye notas explicativas para el/la profesor/a.
Book of Christmas Carols with Activities for the Spanish class. 4 famous Spanish carols with lyrics, links to listen to them and activities. Different levels and activity types. Including Teacher’s notes.

Clase de español con tema navideño para hablar del Subjuntivo. Incluye Notas para el/la profesor/a y Gramática de la clase.
Navidad y Año Nuevo
Subjuntivo para expresar deseos
Subjuntivo para expresar opiniones
Gramática: cómo formar el presente del Subjuntivo
Verbos regulares e Irregulares
Spanish lesson about the Subjunctive, using Christmas and New Year’s celebrations as a conversation point to use the Subjunctive. It includes Teacher’s notes and Grammar explanations.

This infographic is designed to cover all of the main areas of Media Language, Representation, Industry and Audience for the Class TV CSP for the AQA GCSE Media Studies.
It is designed to provide a visually engaging revision tool of many of the key areas of the curriculum, but it is not comprehensive.
It includes an A3 full-colour poster as well as a print-ready version to be printed as a personal revision sheet.
The infographic covers the following areas of the curriculum:
Genre conventions
Todorov’s Narrative Theory
Propp’s characters
Uses and Gratifcations Theory
Look out for future bundles of my infographics!

This infographic is designed to cover all of the main areas of Media Language, Representation, Industry and Audience for the Class TV CSP for the AQA GCSE Media Studies.
It is designed to provide a visually engaging revision tool of many of the key areas of the curriculum, but it is not comprehensive.
It includes an A3 full-colour poster as well as a print-ready version to be printed as a personal revision sheet.
The infographic covers the following areas of the curriculum:
Genre conventions
Todorov’s Narrative Theory
Propp’s characters
Media Language and Representation Anlaysis
Uses and Gratifcations Theory
Reception Theory
Look out for future bundles of my infographics!

Noticias en español - Brexit - B1/ B2 / C1 / C2 (DELE) (news in Spanish)
Clase de español sobre actualidad con material audiovisual. BREXIT: 3 ASPECTOS QUE CAMBIARÁN LA VIDA DE EUROPEOS Y BRITÁNICOS:
Comprensión del video
Reflexión y debate
Frases para debatir en español
Incluye Respuestas.
Video about 3 aspects that will change after Brexit. Conversation, video comprehension questions, vocabulary, debate and list of useful phrases. With Answer Keys. Follow us and find more Spanish lessons at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/interalialanguage

Noticias en español - Ciencia y Espacio - B2 / C1 / C2 (DELE) (news in Spanish)
Clase de español sobre Ciencia y Espacio: Las fotos del telescopio Euclid. Texto y video educativo sobre misiones espaciales y las imágenes que capturó el telescopio Euclid. Ideal para hablar del espacio en un contexto interesante.
Video y escucha activa
Vocabulario: sistema solar, misiones espaciales, galaxias, descubrimientos
Lectura de texto sobre el espacio
Actividades de opción múltiple y completar espacios
Esta clase de español necesita NO PREP y se puede usar tanto en clase presencial, como para distance learning, digital classroom y mezclas de ambos.
Sigue nuestra tienda para encontrar más Noticias en español de temas variados.
In this Spanish class we watch a video about the photos captured by Euclid telescope. Ideal to talk about space in an interesting context and to encourage students to research other space missions and discoveries.
Conversation, video, active listening, vocabulary (related to the solar system, space missions, galaxies, discoveries), reading, multiple choice and fill-in tasks. With Answer Keys.
This is a NO PREP Spanish lesson. It can be used in the classroom and/or for distance learning, remote learning hybrid or blended learning.

Noticias en español - Medio Ambiente - B2 / C1 / C2 (DELE) (news in Spanish)
Clase de español sobre Medio ambiente: Animales en peligro de extinción en Argentina. Video educativo sobre las amenazas y causas de la extinción de animales. Ideal para hablar de animales en un contexto interesante.
Video y escucha activa
Vocabulario: relacionado con animales, medio ambiente, cambio climático, caza y animales en extinción
Actividades de investigación
Presentación en clase
Lectura y escritura extra
Esta clase de español necesita NO PREP y se puede usar tanto en clase presencial, como para distance learning, digital classroom y mezclas de ambos.
In this Spanish class we watch a video about the environment and endangered animals in Argentina. Ideal to talk about animals in an interesting context and to encourage students to research other endangered species.
Conversation, video, active listening, vocabulary (related to animals, the environment, climate change, hunting and endangered species), research activities, class presentation, extra reading and writing. With Answer Keys.
This is a NO PREP Spanish lesson. It can be used in the classroom and/or for distance learning, remote learning hybrid or blended learning.

BUNDLE! - English Beginner Lesson 1 - Introductions - ESL - TEFL - EFL
BUNDLE! Introductory lesson with links to extra resources. PowerPoint Presentation + PDF Worksheet with grammar and vocabulary. Find more resources in the store.
15 slide PPT and 4 page PDF cover:
Getting to know you questions
Verb TO BE
Other verbs + auxiliary
Possessive adjectives
Writing Homework
Presentation with teacher’s notes and Worksheet, perfect for online and in-class teaching or even for hybrid lessons. It can be used as a complement to a book, a revision or stand alone lessons. Find more at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/interalialanguage

Noticias en español - Inversiones - B1 / B2 / C1 / C2 (DELE) (news in Spanish)
Clase de español con noticias sobre actualidad y actividades relacionadas con la lectura de la noticia. Tema de la clase: Inversiones y Proyectos de Crowdfunding: Los proyectos de crowdfunding que más han recaudado en España
Esta clase de español incluye:
Presentación de un proyecto
Luego de leer y reflexionar sobre las campañas y proyectos que más dinero recaudaron en España a través de plataformas de Crowdsourcing o Micromecenazgo, los estudiantes aprenden vocabulario y expresiones útiles para presentar su propio proyecto a la clase. Esta actividad comunicativa es excelente para compartir ideas y usar el lenguaje aprendido en clase.
Incluye Respuestas. Se puede usar tanto en clase presencial, como para distance learning, digital classroom y mezclas de ambos.
News in Spanish is a Spanish lesson with activities revolving around a current news topic. The topic of this lesson is: Investment and Projects: The Crowdfunding projects that raised the most money in Spain.
This Spanish lesson includes:
Project presentation
Students read and talk about crowdfunding campaigns and projects that raised the most money in Spain. They use the new vocabulary and useful expressions to present their own project to the class. This communicative activity is a great way to share ideas and use the language learnt in the lesson.
With Answer Keys. This resource can be used in the classroom and/or for distance learning, remote learning hybrid or blended learning.
Follow us and find more Spanish lessons at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/interalialanguage

Noticias en español - Viajes y Turismo + Subjuntivo B2 / C1 / C2 (DELE) (news in Spanish)
Clase de español sobre vacaciones, viajes, turismo, salud mental y estilo de vida. Análisis de un texto sobre Turismo Slow y uso del Subjuntivo para dar opiniones. Ideal para empezar el año escolar hablando de las vacaciones (BACK TO SCHOOL):
Lectura y Comprensión del texto
Vocabulario: relacionado con el texto y con la salud mental y física
Subjuntivo para expresar opiniones
Actividades de gramática
INCLUYE: Tabla de conjugación de Subjuntivo y Respuestas.
Esta clase de español necesita NO PREP y se puede usar tanto en clase presencial, como para distance learning, digital classroom y mezclas de ambos.
Sigue nuestra tienda para encontrar más Noticias en español de temas variados.
In this Spanish class we read a text about Slow Tourism. Ideal as a Back to School activity to talk about the summer holidays.
Conversation, reading comprehension, vocabulary (related to the text and to mental health and healthy lifestyles), grammar activities, debate. With Answer Keys. Includes: Subjunctive conjugation table.
This is a NO PREP Spanish lesson. It can be used in the classroom and/or for distance learning, remote learning hybrid or blended learning.

BUNDLE - English Beginner Lesson 10 - Course Revision - ESL - TEFL - EFL
BUNDLE! Grammar and vocabulary lesson with links to extra resources. PowerPoint Presentation + PDF Worksheet with grammar and vocabulary. Find more resources in the store.
14 slide PPT and 4 page PDF cover:
Vocabulary revision game (food, clothes, free time, jobs)
Informal e-mail structure and vocabulary
Grammar revision: spot grammar mistakes covering most topics in the course
Writing an informal e-mail (guided)
Revision Quiz Show
Extra resources
Writing Homework
Presentation with teacher’s notes and Worksheet, perfect for online and in-class teaching or even for hybrid lessons. It can be used as a complement to a book, a revision or stand alone lessons. Find more at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/interalialanguage