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Conflict and Negotiation Lecture (Organizational Behavior)

Conflict and Negotiation Lecture (Organizational Behavior)

Conflict and Negotiation Lecture (Organizational Behavior) Conflict and Negotiation Lecture is a lecture which is covered during Organizational Behavior module. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students what is it Conflict and Negotiation. Conflict and Negotiation resources will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct lecture or class on Conflict and Negotiation. LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: Describe the three types of conflict and the three loci of conflict. Outline the conflict process. Contrast distributive and integrative bargaining. Apply the five steps of the negotiation process. Show how individual differences influence negotiations. Assess the roles and functions of third-party negotiations. By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 Conflict and Negotiation Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Test bank for Conflict and Negotiation with 111 different questions. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources. For more Organizational Behavior teaching resources please press this link!
Power and Politics Lecture (Organizational Behavior)

Power and Politics Lecture (Organizational Behavior)

Power and Politics Lecture (Organizational Behavior) Power and Politics Lecture is a lecture which is covered during Organizational Behavior module. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students what is it Power and Politics. Power and Politics resources will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct lecture or class on Power and Politics. LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: Contrast leadership and power. Explain the three bases of formal power and the two bases of personal power. Explain the role of dependence in power relationships. Identify power or influence tactics and their contingencies. Identify the causes and consequences of abuse of power. Describe how politics work in organizations. Identify the causes, consequences, and ethics of political behavior. By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 Power and Politics Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Test bank for Power and Politics with 110 different questions. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources. For more Organizational Behavior teaching resources please press this link!
Leadership Lecture (Organizational Behavior)

Leadership Lecture (Organizational Behavior)

Leadership Lecture (Organizational Behavior) Leadership Lecture is a lecture which is covered during Organizational Behavior module. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students what is it Leadership. Leadership resources will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct lecture or class on Leadership. LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: Summarize the conclusions of trait theories of leadership. Identify the central tenets and main limitations of behavioral theories. Contrast contingency theories of leadership. Describe the contemporary theories of leadership and their relationship to foundational theories. Discuss the roles of leaders in creating ethical organizations. Describe how leaders can have a positive impact on their organizations through building trust and mentoring. Identify the challenges to our understanding of leadership. By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 Leadership Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Test bank for Leadership with 110 different questions. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources. For more Organizational Behavior teaching resources please press this link!
Communication Lecture (Organizational Behavior)

Communication Lecture (Organizational Behavior)

Communication Lecture (Organizational Behavior) Communication Lecture is a lecture which is covered during Organizational Behavior module. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students what is it Communication. Communication resources will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct lecture or class on Communication. LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: Describe the functions and process of communication. Contrast downward, upward, and lateral communication through small-group networks and the grapevine. Contrast oral, written, and nonverbal communication. Describe how channel richness underlies the choice of communication channel. Differentiate between automatic and controlled processing of persuasive messages. Identify common barriers to effective communication. Discuss how to overcome the potential problems of cross-cultural communication. By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 Communication Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Test bank for Communication with 110 different questions. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources.
Understanding Work Teams Lecture (Organizational Behavior)

Understanding Work Teams Lecture (Organizational Behavior)

Understanding Work Teams Lecture (Organizational Behavior) Understanding Work Teams Lecture is a lecture which is covered during Organizational Behavior module. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students what is it Understanding Work Teams. Understanding Work Teams resources will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct lecture or class on Understanding Work Teams. LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: Analyze the continued popularity of teams in organizations. Contrast groups and teams. Contrast the five types of team arrangements. Identify the characteristics of effective teams. Explain how organizations can create team players. Decide when to use individuals instead of teams. By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 Understanding Work Teams Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Test bank for Understanding Work Teams with 105 different questions. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources. For more teaching resources for Organizational Behavior please press this link!
Motivation From Concepts to Applications Lecture (Organizational Behavior)

Motivation From Concepts to Applications Lecture (Organizational Behavior)

Motivation From Concepts to Applications Lecture (Organizational Behavior) Motivation From Concepts to Applications Lecture is a lecture which is covered during Organizational Behavior module. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students what is it Motivation From Concepts to Applications. Motivation From Concepts to Applications resources will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct lecture or class on Motivation From Concepts to Applications. LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: Describe how the job characteristics model motivates by changing the work environment. Compare the main ways jobs can be redesigned. Explain how specific alternative work arrangements can motivate employees. Describe how employee involvement measures can motivate employees. Demonstrate how the different types of variable-pay programs can increase employee motivation. Show how flexible benefits turn benefits into motivators. Identify the motivational benefits of intrinsic rewards. By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 Motivation From Concepts to Applications Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Test bank for Motivation From Concepts to Applications with 106 different questions. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources. For more teaching resources on Organizational Behavior please press this link!
Foundations of Group Behavior Lecture

Foundations of Group Behavior Lecture

Foundations of Group Behavior Lecture (Organizational Behavior) Foundations of Group Behavior Lecture is a lecture which is covered during Organizational Behavior module. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students what is it Foundations of Group Behavior. Foundations of Group Behavior resources will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct lecture or class on Foundations of Group Behavior. LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: Distinguish between the different types of groups. Describe the punctuated-equilibrium model of group development. Show how role requirements change in different situations. Demonstrate how norms exert influence on an individual’s behavior. Show how status and size differences affect group performance. Describe how issues of cohesiveness and diversity can be integrated for group effectiveness. Contrast the strengths and weaknesses of group decision making. By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 Foundations of Group Behavior Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Test bank for Foundations of Group Behavior with 106 different questions. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources. For more teaching resources on Organizational Behavior please press this link!
Motivation Concepts Lecture (Organizational Behavior)

Motivation Concepts Lecture (Organizational Behavior)

Motivation Concepts Lecture (Organizational Behavior) Motivation Concepts Lecture is a lecture which is covered during Organizational Behavior module. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students what is it Motivation Concepts. Motivation Concepts resources will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct lecture or class on Motivation Concepts. LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: Describe the three key elements of motivation. Compare the early theories of motivation. Contrast the elements of self-determination theory and goal-setting theory. Understand the differences among self-efficacy theory, reinforcement theory, and expectancy theory. Describe the forms of organizational justice, including distributive justice, procedural justice, informational justice, and interactional justice. Identify the implications of employee job engagement for managers. Describe how the contemporary theories of motivation complement one another. By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 Motivation Concepts Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Test bank for Motivation Concepts with 106 different questions. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources. For more teaching resources on organizational behavior please press this link!
Perception and Individual Decision Making Lecture (Organizational Behavior)

Perception and Individual Decision Making Lecture (Organizational Behavior)

Perception and Individual Decision Making Lecture (Organizational Behavior) Perception and Individual Decision Making Lecture is a lecture which is covered during Organizational Behavior module. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students what is it Perception and Individual Decision Making. Perception and Individual Decision Making teaching resources will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct lecture or class on Perception and Individual Decision Making. LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: Explain the factors that influence perception. Describe attribution theory. Explain the link between perception and decision making. Contrast the rational model of decision making with bounded rationality and intuition. Explain how individual differences and organizational constraints affect decision making. Contrast the three ethical decision criteria. Describe the three-stage model of creativity. By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 Perception and Individual Decision Making Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Test bank for Perception and Individual Decision Making with 116 different questions. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources.
Personality and Values Lecture (Organizational Behavior)

Personality and Values Lecture (Organizational Behavior)

Personality and Values Lecture (Organizational Behavior) Personality and Values Lecture is a lecture which is covered during Organizational Behavior module. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students what is it Personality and Values. Personality and Values teaching resources will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct lecture or class on Personality and Values. LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: Describe personality, the way it is measured, and the factors that shape it. Describe the strengths and weaknesses of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality framework and the Big Five model. Discuss how the concepts of core self-evaluation (CSE), self-monitoring, and proactive personality contribute to the understanding of personality. Describe how personality affects job search and unemployment. Describe how the situation affects whether personality predicts behavior. Contrast terminal and instrumental values. Describe the differences between person-job fit and person-organization fit. Compare Hofstede’s five value dimensions and the GLOBE framework. By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 Personality and Values Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Test bank for Personality and Values with 116 different questions. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources.
Emotions and Moods Lecture (Organizational Behavior)

Emotions and Moods Lecture (Organizational Behavior)

Emotions and Moods Lecture (Organizational Behavior) Emotions and Moods Lecture is a lecture which is covered during Organizational Behavior module. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students what is it Emotions and Moods. Emotions and Moods teaching resources will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct lecture or class on Emotions and Moods. LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: 1 Differentiate between emotions and moods. 2 Identify the sources of emotions and moods. 3 Show the impact emotional labor has on employees. 4 Describe affective events theory. 5 Describe emotional intelligence. 6 Identify strategies for emotion regulation. 7 Apply concepts about emotions and moods to specific OB issues. By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 Emotions and Moods Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Test bank for Emotions and Moods with 120 different questions. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources.
Attitudes and Job Satisfaction Lecture (Organizational Behavior)

Attitudes and Job Satisfaction Lecture (Organizational Behavior)

Attitudes and Job Satisfaction Lecture (Organizational Behavior) Attitudes and Job Satisfaction Lecture is a lecture which is covered during Organizational Behavior module. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students what is it Attitudes and Job Satisfaction. Attitudes and Job Satisfaction teaching resources will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct lecture or class on Attitudes and Job Satisfaction. LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: 1 Contrast the three components of an attitude. 2 Summarize the relationship between attitudes and behavior. 3 Compare the major job attitudes. 4 Define job satisfaction. 5 Summarize the main causes of job satisfaction. 6 Identify three outcomes of job satisfaction. 7 Identify four employee responses to dissatisfaction. By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 Attitudes and Job Satisfaction Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Test bank for Attitudes and Job Satisfaction with 120 different questions. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources. For more teaching resources for Organizational Behavior please press this link!
Diversity in Organizations Lecture (Organizational Behavior)

Diversity in Organizations Lecture (Organizational Behavior)

Diversity in Organizations Lecture (Organizational Behavior) Diversity in Organizations Lecture is a lecture which is covered during Organizational Behavior module. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students what is it Diversity in Organizations. Diversity in Organizations teaching resources will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct lecture or class on Diversity in Organizations. LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: Describe the two major forms of workplace diversity. Demonstrate how workplace discrimination undermines organizational effectiveness. Describe how the key biographical characteristics are relevant to Organizational Behavior (OB). Explain how other differentiating characteristics factor into OB. Demonstrate the relevance of intellectual and physical abilities to OB. Describe how organizations manage diversity effectively. By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 Diversity in Organizations Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Test bank for Diversity in Organizations with 110 different questions. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources. More teaching resources for Organizational Behavior you may find by pressing this link!
What Is Organizational Behavior Lecture (Organizational Behavior)

What Is Organizational Behavior Lecture (Organizational Behavior)

What Is Organizational Behavior Lecture (Organizational Behavior) What Is Organizational Behavior Lecture an introductory lecture for Organizational Behavior module. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students what is it Organizational Behavior. Organizational Behavior Responsibility teaching resources will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct lecture or class on Introduction to Organizational Behavior. LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: 1 Demonstrate the importance of interpersonal skills in the workplace. 2 Define organizational behavior (OB). 3 Show the value to OB of systematic study. 4 Identify the major behavioral science disciplines that contribute to OB. 5 Demonstrate why few absolutes apply to OB. 6 Identify managers’ challenges and opportunities in applying OB concepts. 7 Compare the three levels of analysis in this text’s OB model. 8 Describe the key employability skills gained from studying OB applicable to other majors or future careers. By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 What Is Organizational Behavior Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Test bank for What Is Organizational Behavior with 115 different questions. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources.
Global Information Systems and Market Research Lecture

Global Information Systems and Market Research Lecture

Information technology (IT) refers to an organization’s processes for creating, storing, exchanging, using, and managing information. A management information system (MIS) provides managers and other decision makers with a continuous flow of information about company operations. MIS is a broad term that can be used to refer to a system of hardware and software that a company uses to manage information. An MIS should provide a means for gathering, analyzing, classifying, storing, retrieving, and reporting relevant data. The term big data refers to extremely large data sets that can be subjected to computation analysis to reveal patterns and trends. That is why Global Information Systems and Market Research is very important. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students what is it Global Information Systems and Market Research. This Global Information Systems and Market Research teaching resources will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct Global Information Systems and Market Research Lecture or Seminar. LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: 1 Discuss the roles of IT, MIS, and big data in a global company’s decision-making processes. 2 Describe the various sources of market information, including direct perception. 3 Identify the individual steps in the traditional market research process and explain some of the ways global marketers adapt them. 4 Compare the way a multinational firm organizes the marketing research effort with the way a global or transnational firm approaches the organizing issue. 5 Explain how information’s role as a strategic asset affects the structure of global corporations. By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 Global Information Systems and Market Research Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Test bank for Global Information Systems and Market Research with 91 different questions. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources. Instant download after payment.
Leadership Organization and Corporate Social Responsibility Lecture

Leadership Organization and Corporate Social Responsibility Lecture

Leadership Organization and Corporate Social Responsibility Lecture Leadership Organization and Corporate Social Responsibility Lecture is very important in the field of Global/International Marketing. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students what is it Leadership Organization and Corporate Social Responsibility. Leadership Organization and Corporate Social Responsibility teaching resources will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct lecture or class on Leadership Organization and Corporate Social Responsibility. LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: 1 Identify the names and nationalities of the chief executives at five global companies discussed in the text. 2 Describe the different organizational structures that companies can adopt as they grow and expand globally. 3 Discuss the attributes of lean production and identify some of the companies that have been pioneers in this organizational form. 4 List some of the lessons regarding corporate social responsibility that global marketers can take away from Starbucks’ experience with Global Exchange. By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 Leadership Organization and Corporate Social Responsibility Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Test bank for Leadership Organization and Corporate Social Responsibility with 102 different questions. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources. You may find more teaching resources by pressing this link.
Strategic Elements of Competitive Advantage Lecture

Strategic Elements of Competitive Advantage Lecture

Strategic Elements of Competitive Advantage Lecture Strategic Elements of Competitive Advantage Lecture is very important in the field of Global/International Marketing. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students what is it Strategic Elements of Competitive Advantage. Strategic Elements of Competitive Advantage teaching resources will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct lecture or class on Strategic Elements of Competitive Advantage. LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: 1 Identify the forces that shape competition in an industry and illustrate each force with a specific company or industry example. 2 Define competitive advantage and identify the key conceptual frameworks that guide decision makers in the strategic planning process. 3 Explain how a nation can achieve competitive advantage, and list the forces that may be present in a national “diamond.” 4 Define hypercompetitive industry and list the key arenas in which dynamic strategic interactions take place. By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 Strategic Elements of Competitive Advantage Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Test bank for Strategic Elements of Competitive Advantage with 102 different questions. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources. You may find more teaching resources for International Marketing by pressing this link.
Global Marketing and the Digital Revolution Lecture

Global Marketing and the Digital Revolution Lecture

Global Marketing and the Digital Revolution Lecture Global Marketing and the Digital Revolution Lecture is very important in the field of Global/International Marketing. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students what is it Global Marketing and the Digital Revolution. Global Marketing and the Digital Revolution teaching resources will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct lecture or class on Global Marketing and the Digital Revolution. LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: 1 List the major innovations and trends that contributed to the digital revolution. 2 Define “convergence” and give an example. 3 Define value network and explain the differences between sustaining technologies and disruptive technologies. 4 Identify current trends in global e-commerce and explain how global companies are expanding their presence on the Web. 5 Explain the key issues facing a company when designing and implementing a Web site. 6 Identify the most important new products and services that have been introduced in the past decade. By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 Global Marketing and the Digital Revolution Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Test bank for Global Marketing and the Digital Revolution with 96 different questions. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources. You may find more teaching resources for International Marketing by pressing this link.
Global Marketing Communication Decision Lecture

Global Marketing Communication Decision Lecture

Global Marketing Communication Decision Lecture Global Marketing Communication Decision Lecture is very important in the field of Global/International Marketing. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students what is it Global Marketing Communication Decision teaching resources will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct lecture or class on Global Marketing Communication Decision. LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: 1 Define global advertising and identify the top-ranked companies in terms of worldwide ad spending. 2 Explain the structure of the advertising industry, and describe the difference between agency holding companies and individual agency brands. 3 Identify key ad agency personnel and describe their respective roles in creating global advertising. 4 Explain how media availability varies around the world. 5 Compare and contrast publicity and public relations and identify global companies that have recently been impacted by negative publicity. 6 Define sales promotion and identify the most important promotion tactics and tools used by global marketers. 7 List the steps in the strategic/consultative personal selling model. 8 Explain the contingency factors that must be considered when making decisions about sales force nationality. 9 Explain direct marketing’s advantages and identify the most common types of direct marketing channels. 10 Describe how global marketers integrate support media, sponsorships, and product placement into the overall promotion mix. By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 2 Global Marketing Communication Decision Lecture PowerPoint Presentation (Part 1 and 2) 2 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 2 Test bank for Global Marketing Communication Decision with 219 different questions. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources. You may find more teaching resources for International Marketing by pressing this link!
Global Marketing Channels and Physical Distribution Lecture

Global Marketing Channels and Physical Distribution Lecture

Global Marketing Channels and Physical Distribution Lecture Marketing channels exist to create utility for customers. The major categories of channel utility are place utility (the availability of a product or service in a location that is convenient to a potential customer), time utility (the availability of a product or service when desired by a customer), form utility (the availability of the product processed, prepared, in proper condition, and/or ready to use), and information utility (the availability of answers to questions and general communication about useful product features and benefits). Because these utilities can be a basic source of competitive advantage and comprise an important element of a firm’s overall value proposition, choosing a channel strategy is one of the key policy decisions management must make. For example, the Coca-Cola Company’s global marketing leadership position is based in part on its ability to put Coke “within an arm’s reach of desire”; in other words, to create place utility. From the above it is clear that Global Marketing Channels and Physical Distribution Lecture is very important. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students what is it Global Marketing Channels and Physical Distribution teaching resources will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct Global Marketing Channels and Physical Distribution Lecture or Seminar. LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: 1 Identify and compare the basic structure options for consumer channels and industrial channels. 2 List the guidelines companies should follow when establishing channels and working with intermediaries in global markets. 3 Describe the different categories of retail operations that are found in various parts of the world. 4 Compare and contrast the six major international transportation modes and explain how they vary in terms of reliability, accessibility, and other performance metrics. By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 Global Marketing Channels and Physical Distribution Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Test bank for Global Marketing Channels and Physical Distribution with 105 different questions. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources.