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Building a New-Venture Team Lecture (Entrepreneurship)

Building a New-Venture Team Lecture (Entrepreneurship)

Building a New-Venture Team Lecture (Entrepreneurship) This lecture focuses on the important task of building a new-venture team. The point that is emphasized is that a firm’s new-venture team doesn’t consist merely of its founders and its initial employees, but consists of its board of directors (if it is incorporated), its board of advisors, its lenders and investors (if applicable), and other professionals that the firm does business with. Building a New-Venture Team Lecture is a lecture which is covered during Entrepreneurship module. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students how to Build a New-Venture Team. Building a New-Venture Team Lecture will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct lecture or seminar on Building a New-Venture Team and moreover assess students with the help of attached test bank. **LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: ** 1 Explain the concept called liability of newness. 2 Describe a new-venture team and discuss the primary elements that form such a team. 3 Identify professional advisers and explain their role with a new-venture team. 4 Explain why a new-venture team might use consultants to obtain advice. By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 Building a New-Venture Team Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Test bank for Building a New-Venture Team with 75 different questions. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources. More teaching resources for Entrepreneurship you may find by pressing this link!
Getting Financing or Funding Lecture (Entrepreneurship)

Getting Financing or Funding Lecture (Entrepreneurship)

Getting Financing or Funding Lecture (Entrepreneurship) This lecture focuses on the important topic of getting financing or funding. The lecture begins by describing why most new ventures need funding. The lecture then transitions to discuss sources of personal financing, which includes an entrepreneur using his or her personal funds, bootstrapping, and borrowing from friends and family, which are common occurrences in start-up firms. Strategies for preparing to raise debt or equity financing are discussed. The concept of an elevator speech is introduced. An elevator speech is a brief, carefully constructed statement that outlines the merits of a business opportunity. Getting Financing or Funding Lecture is a lecture which is covered during Entrepreneurship module. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students how to Get Financing or Funding. Getting Financing or Funding Lecture will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct lecture or seminar on Getting Financing or Funding and moreover assess students with the help of attached test bank. LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: 1 Describe the importance of financing for entrepreneurial success. 2 Explain why most entrepreneurial ventures need to raise money during their early life. 3 Identify and describe the three sources of personal financing available to entrepreneurs. 4 Identify and explain the three steps involved in properly preparing to raise debt or equity financing. 5 Explain the three most important sources of equity funding that are available to the entrepreneurial firm. 6 Describe common sources of debt financing entrepreneurial firms use. 7 Describe several creative sources of financing entrepreneurial firms may choose to use. By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 Getting Financing or Funding Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Test bank for Getting Financing or Funding with 75 different questions. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources. More teaching resources for Entrepreneurship you may find by pressing this link!
Unique Marketing Issues Lecture (Entrepreneurship)

Unique Marketing Issues Lecture (Entrepreneurship)

Unique Marketing Issues Lecture (Entrepreneurship) This lecture focuses on the marketing issues facing entrepreneurial firms. The lecture begins by discussing how firms define and select their target markets. Next, we discuss an issue that is particularly important for new firms: establishing a brand. Unique Marketing Issues Lecture is a lecture which is covered during Entrepreneurship module. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students different Unique Marketing Issues. Unique Marketing Issues Lecture will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct lecture or seminar on Unique Marketing Issues and moreover assess students with the help of attached test bank. **LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: ** 1 Explain the three steps (segmenting the market, selecting a target market, and establishing a unique market position) entrepreneurial firms use to identify their customers. 2 Define a brand and explain why it is important to an entrepreneurial firm’s marketing efforts. 3 Identify and explain the 4Ps of marketing activities (product, price, promotion, and place) used by entrepreneurial firms. 4 Describe the seven-step sales process an entrepreneurial firm uses to identify prospects and close sales. By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 Unique Marketing Issues Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Test bank for Unique Marketing Issues with 75 different questions. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources. More teaching resources for Entrepreneurship you may find by pressing this link!
Franchising Lecture (Entrepreneurship)

Franchising Lecture (Entrepreneurship)

Franchising Lecture (Entrepreneurship) This lecture focuses on franchising. The lecture begins by discussing what franchising is and describes the steps entrepreneurs can take to establish a franchise system. The distinction between a product and trademark franchise and a business format franchise is explained. The different types of franchise agreements (e.g., individual franchise agreement, area franchise agreement, master franchise agreement) are also explained and discussed. Franchising Lecture is a lecture which is covered during Entrepreneurship module. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students Franchising. Franchising Lecture will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct lecture or seminar and moreover assess students with the help of attached test bank. LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: 1 Explain franchising and how this form of business ownership works. 2 Describe steps entrepreneurs can take to establish a franchise system. 3 Become familiar with the advantages and disadvantages of establishing a franchise system. 4 Describe actions and issues associated with a decision to buy a franchise. 5 Explain the steps an entrepreneur goes through to buy a franchise. 6 Identify and explain the various legal aspects associated with the franchise relationship. 7 Discuss two additional issues—franchise ethics and international franchising—entrepreneurs should think about when considering franchising. By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 Franchising Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Test bank for Franchising Lecture with 75 different questions. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources. More teaching resources for Entrepreneurship you may find by pressing this link!
The International Monetary and Financial Environment Lecture (International Business)

The International Monetary and Financial Environment Lecture (International Business)

The International Monetary and Financial Environment Lecture (International Business) The International Monetary and Financial Environment Lecture is a lecture which is covered during International Business module. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students The International Monetary and Financial Environment. The International Monetary and Financial Environment Lecture will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct lecture or seminar and moreover assess students with the help of attached test bank. **LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: ** Learn about exchange rates and currencies in international business. Explain how exchange rates are determined. Understand the emergence of the modern exchange rate system. Describe the monetary and financial systems. Identify the key players in the monetary and financial systems. Understand the global debt crisis. By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 The International Monetary and Financial Environment Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Test Bank for The International Monetary and Financial Environment with 89 different questions. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources. More teaching resources for Business you may find by pressing this link!
Financial Management and Accounting in the Global Firm Lecture (International Business)

Financial Management and Accounting in the Global Firm Lecture (International Business)

Financial Management and Accounting in the Global Firm Lecture is a lecture which is covered during International Business module. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students Financial Management and Accounting in the Global Firm. Financial Management and Accounting in the Global Firm Lecture will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct lecture or seminar and moreover assess students with the help of attached test bank. **LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: ** Understand how to choose a capital structure. Understand how to raise funds for the firm. Explain how to manage working capital and cash flow. Describe how to perform capital budgeting. Explain how to manage currency risk. Understand how to manage the diversity of international accounting and tax practices. By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 Financial Management and Accounting in the Global Firm Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Test Bank for Financial Management and Accounting in the Global Firm with 102 different questions. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources. More teaching resources for Business you may find by pressing this link!
Test Bank for What is International Business?

Test Bank for What is International Business?

This What is International Business Test Bank contains 75 different multiple-choice questions with all answers to them. All questions will evaluate following learning objectives of the topic: 1 Describe the key concepts in international business. 2 Understand how international business differs from domestic business. 3 Identify major participants in international business. 4 Describe why firms internationalize. 5 Appreciate why you should study international business. 6 Learn the CKR Intangible Soft Skills™ and the CKR Tangible Process Tools™ to improve your employability and success in the workplace. Once you will purchase it please write comments.
What is International Business Lecture (International Business)

What is International Business Lecture (International Business)

What is International Business Lecture (International Business) Introduction – What is International Business Lecture is a lecture which is covered during International Business module. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students What is International Business. Introduction – What is International Business Lecture will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct lecture or seminar and moreover assess students with the help of attached test bank. **LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: ** 1 Describe the key concepts in international business. 2 Understand how international business differs from domestic business. 3 Identify major participants in international business. 4 Describe why firms internationalize. 5 Appreciate why you should study international business. 6 Learn the CKR Intangible Soft Skills™ and the CKR Tangible Process Tools™ to improve your employability and success in the workplace. By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 Introduction – What is International Business Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Test bank for Introduction – What is International Business with 75 different questions. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources. More teaching resources for Business you may find by pressing this link!
The Cultural Environment of International Business Lecture (International Business)

The Cultural Environment of International Business Lecture (International Business)

The Cultural Environment of International Business Lecture (International Business) The Cultural Environment of International Business Lecture is a lecture which is covered during International Business module. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students The Cultural Environment of International Business. The Cultural Environment of International Business Lecture will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct lecture or seminar and moreover assess students with the help of attached test bank. **LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: ** 1 Understand culture and cross-cultural risk. 2 Learn the dimensions of culture. 3 Describe the role of language and religion in culture. 4 Describe culture’s effect in international business. 5 Learn models and explanations of culture. 6 Understand managerial implications of culture. By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 The Cultural Environment of International Business Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Test bank for The Cultural Environment of International Business with 100 different questions. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources. More teaching resources for Business you may find by pressing this link!
Theories of International Trade and Investment Lecture (International Business)

Theories of International Trade and Investment Lecture (International Business)

Theories of International Trade and Investment Lecture (International Business) Theories of International Trade and Investment Lecture is a lecture which is covered during International Business module. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students Theories of International Trade and Investment. Theories of International Trade and Investment Lecture will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct lecture or seminar and moreover assess students with the help of attached test bank. **LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: ** Explain why nations trade. Learn about how nations can enhance their competitive advantage. Understand why and how firms internationalize. Explain the strategies internationalizing firms use to gain and sustain competitive advantage. By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 Theories of International Trade and Investment Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Theories of International Trade and Investment with 100 different questions. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources. More teaching resources for Business you may find by pressing this link!
Political and Legal Systems in National Environments Lecture (International Business)

Political and Legal Systems in National Environments Lecture (International Business)

Political and Legal Systems in National Environments Lecture (International Business) Political and Legal Systems in National Environments Lecture is a lecture which is covered during International Business module. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students Political and Legal Systems in National Environments. Political and Legal Systems in National Environments Lecture will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct lecture or seminar and moreover assess students with the help of attached test bank. **LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: ** Describe political and legal environments in international business. Understand political systems. Understand legal systems. Describe the participants in political and legal systems. Identify types of country risk produced by political systems. Identify types of country risk produced by legal systems. Know about managing country risk. By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 Political and Legal Systems in National Environments Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Political and Legal Systems in National Environments with 100 different questions. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources. More teaching resources for Business you may find by pressing this link!
Government Intervention and Regional Economic Integration Lecture (International Business)

Government Intervention and Regional Economic Integration Lecture (International Business)

Government Intervention and Regional Economic Integration Lecture (International Business) Government Intervention and Regional Economic Integration Lecture is a lecture which is covered during International Business module. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students Government Intervention and Regional Economic Integration. Government Intervention and Regional Economic Integration Lecture will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct lecture or seminar and moreover assess students with the help of attached test bank. **LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: ** Understand the nature of government intervention. Know the instruments of government intervention. Explain the evolution and consequences of government trade intervention. Describe how firms can respond to government trade intervention. Understand regional integration and economic blocs. Identify the leading economic blocs. Understand and explain the advantages and implications of regional integration. By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 Government Intervention and Regional Economic Integration Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Government Intervention and Regional Economic Integration with 100 different questions. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources. More teaching resources for Business you may find by pressing this link!
Understanding Emerging Markets Lecture (International Business)

Understanding Emerging Markets Lecture (International Business)

Understanding Emerging Markets Lecture (International Business) Understanding Emerging Markets Lecture is a lecture which is covered during International Business module. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students Understanding Emerging Markets. Understanding Emerging Markets Lecture will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct lecture or seminar and moreover assess students with the help of attached test bank. **LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: ** Understand advanced economies, developing economies, and emerging markets. Know what makes emerging markets attractive for international business. Learn how to assess the true potential of emerging markets. Evaluate the risks and challenges of emerging markets. Learn the success strategies for emerging markets. Understand corporate social responsibility, sustainability, and the crisis of global poverty. By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 Understanding Emerging Markets Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Test Bank for Understanding Emerging Markets with 97 different questions. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources. More teaching resources for Business you may find by pressing this link!
Preparing the Proper Ethical and Legal Foundation Lecture (Entrepreneurship)

Preparing the Proper Ethical and Legal Foundation Lecture (Entrepreneurship)

Preparing the Proper Ethical and Legal Foundation Lecture (Entrepreneurship) This lecture focuses on the ethical and legal challenges involved with starting a firm. Most entrepreneurs overestimate their knowledge of the legal issues involved with starting and running a business. As a result, it is necessary for an entrepreneur to thoroughly review the legal issues involved to make sure that a costly mistake isn’t made. The lecture begins by discussing the most important ethical and legal issues facing a new firm, including establishing a strong ethical culture for the firm, choosing an attorney, drafting a founder’s (or shareholder’s) agreement, and avoiding legal disputes. The lecture next discusses the licenses and permits that businesses need before they can start conducting business. The lecture ends with a discussion of the different forms of business organization available to new firms, including sole proprietorships, partnerships, corporations, and limited liability companies. Writing a Preparing the Proper Ethical and Legal Foundation Lecture is a lecture which is covered during Entrepreneurship module. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students how to Prepare the Proper Ethical and Legal Foundation in the company. Preparing the Proper Ethical and Legal Foundation Lecture will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct lecture or seminar on Preparing the Proper Ethical and Legal Foundation and moreover assess students with the help of attached test bank. LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: 1 Discuss the actions founders can take to establish a strong ethical culture in their entrepreneurial ventures. 2 Describe actions taken in new firms to effectively deal with legal issues. 3 Provide an overview of the business licenses and permits that a start-up must obtain before it begins operating. 4 Identify and describe the different forms of organization available to new firms. By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 Preparing the Proper Ethical and Legal Foundation Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Test bank for Preparing the Proper Ethical and Legal Foundation with 75 different questions. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources. More teaching resources for Entrepreneurship you may find by pressing this link!
The Importance of Intellectual Property Lecture (Entrepreneurship)

The Importance of Intellectual Property Lecture (Entrepreneurship)

The Importance of Intellectual Property Lecture (Entrepreneurship) This lecture focuses on the important topic of intellectual property. The lecture begins by talking about the importance of intellectual property, and discusses how to determine which intellectual property to legally protect. The four key forms of intellectual property are then introduced, including patents, trademarks, copyright, and trade secrets. The Importance of Intellectual Property Lecture is a lecture which is covered during Entrepreneurship module. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students The Importance of Intellectual Property. The Importance of Intellectual Property Lecture will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct lecture or seminar on The Importance of Intellectual Property and moreover assess students with the help of attached test bank. **LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: ** 1 Define the term intellectual property and describe its importance. 2 Explain what a patent is and describe different types of patents. 3 Describe a trademark and explain the process entrepreneurs use to obtain one. 4 Describe a copyright and identify what a copyright can protect. 5 Describe a trade secret and understand the common causes of trade secret disputes. 6 Explain what an intellectual property audit is and identify the two primary reasons entrepreneurial firms should complete this type of audit. By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 Unique Marketing Issues Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Test bank for Unique Marketing Issues with 75 different questions. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources. More teaching resources for Entrepreneurship you may find by pressing this link!
Strategies for Firm Growth Lecture (Entrepreneurship)

Strategies for Firm Growth Lecture (Entrepreneurship)

Strategies for Firm Growth Lecture (Entrepreneurship) This lecture focuses on the growth strategies that are available to entrepreneurial firms. The strategies are divided into internal growth strategies and external growth strategies. The internal growth strategies include new product development, other product-related strategies, and international expansion. The external growth strategies include mergers and acquisitions, licensing, strategic alliances and joint ventures, and franchising. Strategies for Firm Growth Lecture is a lecture which is covered during Entrepreneurship module. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students Strategies for Firm Growth. Strategies for Firm Growth Lecture will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct lecture or seminar and moreover assess students with the help of attached test bank. **LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: ** 1 Identify and discuss the core internal growth strategy for entrepreneurial firms. 2 Describe additional internal product-growth strategies entrepreneurial firms can use. 3 Examine international expansion as a growth strategy. 4 Discuss different types of external growth strategies. By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 Strategies for Firm Growth Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Test bank for Strategies for Firm Growth with 75 different questions. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources. More teaching resources for Entrepreneurship you may find by pressing this link!
Preparing for and Evaluating the Challenges of Growth Lecture (Entrepreneurship)

Preparing for and Evaluating the Challenges of Growth Lecture (Entrepreneurship)

Preparing for and Evaluating the Challenges of Growth Lecture (Entrepreneurship) This lecture focuses on the important topic of preparing for and evaluating the challenges of growth. The lecture begins with a section focused on preparing for growth, and includes sections on appreciating the nature of business growth, staying committed to a core strategy, and planning for growth. The lecture then focuses on the reasons for growth. The lecture transitions to a section on managing growth. The lecture ends with a discussion on challenges of growth, including a discussion of the managerial capacity problem and the day-to-day challenges of growing a firm. Preparing for and Evaluating the Challenges of Growth Lecture is a lecture which is covered during Entrepreneurship module. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students how to Prepare for and Evaluate the Challenges of Growth. Preparing for and Evaluating the Challenges of Growth Lecture will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct lecture or seminar and moreover assess students with the help of attached test bank. **LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: ** 1 Define the term intellectual property and describe its importance. 2 Explain what a patent is and describe different types of patents. 3 Describe a trademark and explain the process entrepreneurs use to obtain one. 4 Describe a copyright and identify what a copyright can protect. 5 Describe a trade secret and understand the common causes of trade secret disputes. 6 Explain what an intellectual property audit is and identify the two primary reasons entrepreneurial firms should complete this type of audit. By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 Preparing for and Evaluating the Challenges of Growth Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Test bank for Preparing for and Evaluating the Challenges of Growth with 75 different questions. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources. More teaching resources for Entrepreneurship you may find by pressing this link!
Segmentation Targeting and Positioning in Global Marketing Lecture

Segmentation Targeting and Positioning in Global Marketing Lecture

Segmentation Targeting and Positioning in Global Marketing Lecture is very important. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students what is it Segmentation Targeting and Positioning in International Marketing. This Segmentation Targeting and Positioning in Global Marketing teaching resources will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct Segmentation Targeting and Positioning Lecture or Seminar. LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: 1 Identify the variables that global marketers can use to segment global markets and give an example of each. 2 Explain the criteria that global marketers use to choose specific markets to target. 3 Understand how global marketers use a product-market grid to make targeting decisions. 4 Compare and contrast the three main target market strategy options. 5 Describe the various positioning options available to global marketers. By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 Segmentation Targeting and Positioning Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Test bank for Segmentation Targeting and Positioning in Global Marketing with 101 different questions. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources.
Assessing a New Venture’s Financial Strength and Viability Lecture (Entrepreneurship)

Assessing a New Venture’s Financial Strength and Viability Lecture (Entrepreneurship)

Assessing a New Venture’s Financial Strength and Viability Lecture (Entrepreneurship) This lecture focuses on the important task of assessing a new venture’s financial strength and viability. For the purpose of completeness, we look at how both existing ventures and start-up firms assess their financial strength and viability. Assessing a New Venture’s Financial Strength and Viability Lecture is a lecture which is covered during Entrepreneurship module. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students how to Assess a New Venture’s Financial Strength and Viability. Assessing a New Venture’s Financial Strength and Viability Lecture will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct lecture or seminar on Assessing a New Venture’s Financial Strength and Viability and moreover assess students with the help of attached test bank. **LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: ** 1 Learn about the importance of understanding the financial management of an entrepreneurial firm. 2 Identify the four main financial objectives of entrepreneurial firms. 3 Describe the process of financial management as used in entrepreneurial firms. 4 Explain the difference between historical and pro forma financial statements. 5 Describe the different historical financial statements and their purpose. 6 Discuss the role of forecasts in projecting a firm’s future income and expenses. 7 Explain the purpose of pro forma financial statements. By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 Assessing a New Venture’s Financial Strength and Viability Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Test bank for Assessing a New Venture’s Financial Strength and Viability with 75 different questions. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources. More teaching resources for Entrepreneurship you may find by pressing this link!
Test Bank The U.S. Business Environment

Test Bank The U.S. Business Environment

This test bank contains 146 test bank questions as well as open ended questions (essay type questions) with all answers. Test Bank the U.S. Business Environment will help you to assess following learning objectives of students: Define the nature of U.S. business, describe the external environments of business, and discuss how these environments affect the success or failure of organizations. Describe the different types of global economic systems according to the means by which they control the factors of production. Show how markets, demand, and supply affect resource distribution in the United States, identify the elements of private enterprise, and explain the various degrees of competition in the U.S. economic system. Explain the importance of the economic environment to business and identify the factors used to evaluate the performance of an economic system. Please leave comment after payment so we will be able to improve our products.