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Active Science

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A specialist science shop featuring hands-on and minds-on activities all designed to promote both thinking and learning. I'm a very experienced teacher with advanced skills teacher (AST) and specialist leader of education (SLE) accreditation under my belt.




A specialist science shop featuring hands-on and minds-on activities all designed to promote both thinking and learning. I'm a very experienced teacher with advanced skills teacher (AST) and specialist leader of education (SLE) accreditation under my belt.
Photosynthesis limiting factors simulation

Photosynthesis limiting factors simulation

Your students can use this simulation, written in excel, to investigate the factors that can limit the rate of photosynthesis. Move the sliders to adjust light levels, temperature or carbon dioxide levels before recording the length of the oxygen bubble produced. It's great for collecting data and then drawing graphs. There is also an accompanying planning sheet to help students think through the entire investigation. Remember to click on "enable content" when you open the spreadsheet.
Nervous and Endocrine System Comparison

Nervous and Endocrine System Comparison

This interactive activity encourages students to discuss similarities and differences between the nervous system and endocrine system. A number of statements are provided for students who then stand in the correct place of the Venn diagram. Also provided are two different worksheets comparing the two systems, choose which is most appropriate for your students.


A fun role play activity to help students understand the concept of bioaccumulation. There's also a worksheet for students to complete which consolidates the concept. Students of all abilities will be able to take part
Sampling with virtual quadrats

Sampling with virtual quadrats

In this fun simulation, written in excel, students find out how many hamsters live in Hamster Land. After releasing the hamsters, students are presented with data from a set of randomly placed virtual quadrats. By working through the accompanying worksheet, both foundation and higher versions are provided, they calculate the population of hamsters. Remember to click on "enable content" when opening the spreadsheet.


There are three worksheets here all designed to promote thinking and understanding rather than rote learning and copying.
Equations for AQA GCSE physics

Equations for AQA GCSE physics

This set of resources provides teachers and students with helpful summaries of the equations they will need to learn and use when sitting the AQA GCSE physics exams. Helpfully, the equations are separated by the exam paper in which they will feature. The simplified sheet is less wordy and more suitable for foundation students. The equation cue cards are designed for student use and will help them not only learn the equations but also how to re-arrange them. There are some student instructions on the final card. The sheets will also be of use to those sitting the double science exams as they can be easily edited to remove the few equations not needed by these students.
antibiotics and antibiotic resistance

antibiotics and antibiotic resistance

Here are some activities most suitable for foundation students. The role play where the student playing the doctor has to decide on the most suitable treatment for a variety of patients. There are also two worksheets that examine antibiotic resistance, the second of which is built around data handling.
Diabetes role play

Diabetes role play

This role play is designed to help students more fully understand the body's normal response to sugar and the difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes
Mitosis and Meiosis

Mitosis and Meiosis

These three resources are intended to help students be clear about the differences between the two types of cell division. The Venn diagram activity should promote thinking and discussion and will allow teachers to spot misconceptions. There is also a colouring in worksheet where students identify the types of cells in each division and a simple fill in the gaps sheet. These would also be good revision tools
Balancing Equations

Balancing Equations

In my experience (over 20 years!) this method of explaining how to balance equations has never failed. That's a bold claim but students unfailingly enjoy this activity and find it really helpful . Note that a molymod molecular model kit (or similar) is required. Also included are a two worksheets which allow students to practise writing equations without the models.
Ions, Ionic Formulae and Ionic Bonds

Ions, Ionic Formulae and Ionic Bonds

This suite of materials is designed to lead students through the details of ionic compounds The atoms and ions worksheet helps students understand how ions are formed from atoms. Follow it up with formulae activity where students where pairs of students have to work out the formula and the name of a compound formed from two ions randomly drawn from a pack. Finally, there's a worksheet with a structured, step wise approach to develop students ideas about ionic bonding.
Understanding rates of reaction and collision theory

Understanding rates of reaction and collision theory

This Venn diagram activity is ideal for diagnosing student misconceptions and helping them gain a really good understanding of collision theory. The statements that need placing have been chosen to prompt debate and discussion and it makes a great whole class activity. Although it was written for keystage 4 students it is also useful to use with keystage 5 students at the start of the topic. A second sheet gives the answers. There's a follow up worksheet to consolidate important concepts and a further colour in sheet exploring why chemists want to control reaction rates.
Selective breeding

Selective breeding

This activity models selective breeding in cows. Following simple genetic rules, a herd of cows (in picture form!) are change from being a mixture of colours to all being brown. Students then use the selective breeding rules to produce their own selective breeding example. This is followed up by identifying the differences between selective breeding in dogs and natural selection in giraffes. The activity was written with foundation students in mind but it works just as well with more able students.
Solids, Liquids and Gases

Solids, Liquids and Gases

This is a fundamental area of science that students really need to understand well. There are two lots of sorting to complete in the Venn diagram activity along with a student worksheet to consolidate the key ideas. It's accompanied by a teacher sheet providing details of demonstrations designed to bring home the properties of gases.


These resources are all based around BMI with an emphasis on data and handling. This is a sensitive subject and there are some teacher note to suggest how best to manage students as they measure their own BMI . There is a worksheet for students to record their findings along with some follow up work where they measure the BMI of some famous people - all fictitious data!
genotype and phenotype

genotype and phenotype

A simple worksheet designed for foundation students to help them distinguish between genotype and phenotype. No writing required!
Thermal Equilibrium Circus

Thermal Equilibrium Circus

The circus of experiments that students carry out is accompanied by a worksheet for them to record their thinking. The activity is designed to help students think more critically about ideas of heat and energy transfer.
Introduction to Force Pairs

Introduction to Force Pairs

Force pairs are a key concept in physics yet for most of the population, they are not intuitive. This resource starts with thinking about the forces that send balloons flying. It's followed by a circus of acclivities that provide cognitive conflict to help students understand where forces are acting, even if it isn't obvious. The activity is accompanied by a worksheet for students for students to record their thinking
Craters Investigation

Craters Investigation

A great context for some investigative work and a fun experiment to carry out. There are background notes for teachers along with a link to a great website. For students there is a worksheet to help them think through all aspects of the investigation. Ideal for keystage 3 students to develop their skills.