Learning Outside the Classroom from LCP is a cross curricular resource providing teachers with fun outdoor activities and great ideas to engage KS2 (years 3, 4, 5 & 6) .
This free outdoor learning resource pack takes a look at some of the subjects covered in Learning Outside the Classroom. A great intro or perfect to use on their own! Download and take a look.
• Local Area as a Learning Environment
• Iron Age
• Collecting Invertebrates
Also see KS1 Learning Outside the Classroom.
The Learning Outside the Classroom resource provides teachers with fun outdoor activities and great ideas to engage KS1 and Early Years.
This free part of the outdoor learning resource takes a look at :-
• Natural Area around School and Local Area
• Health and Safety
• Natual Enviornment Case Study
Also see KS2 Learning Outside the Classroom.
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A worksheet on the Watercycle.
Written for Year 4. Taken from KS2 Geography Resources File.
Downloadable as a PDF
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This resource includes 1 text with activities and questions. Text title:
Niagara Falls
The cards primarily address text-level objectives for each year group and focus specifically on reading comprehension of non-fiction texts. The cards are designed to encourage talk and develop listening and speaking skills.
There is a main text on the front of each of the reading cards. The main text is followed by talk time , where there are open-ended questions, which are designed to stimulate a personal response to the issues raised and encourage children to think about the card’s theme.
The questions encourage discussion between two to six people. Talk time questions that are preceded by a require children to refer back to the text and are suitable for prompting children’s written responses. The box contains an interesting fact related to the card’s theme. This should appeal to the children’s sense of wonder and fascination for the remarkable.
The reverse side of each card carries things to do box. This contains activities and challenges that are designed to enable children to pursue the main theme still further. The activities are mainly practical in nature, so that all children can succeed, whatever their levels of literacy
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Taken from our Geography Flipbook Activities Keystage 2 Years5&6
This unit contains
Investigating rivers Flipbook :The water cycle
The resource includes one page of teacher’s notes for every page in the flipbook,and each one includes learning objectives and outcomes,key questions and activity ideas.There are many suggestions on how to use the relevant flipbook page and associated activity sheet.
Learning objectives Children should learn: • about the features of the water cycle • to sequence the components of the water cycle
Learning outcomes Children will be able to: • identify and explain each stage in the water cycle
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Based on a theme, LCP’s daily home learning plans are here to help give parents ideas for fun and engaging activities for their children. Each day includes a mixture of independent and working with adult activities and a timetable to help structure the day.
It includes all resources and hyperlinks.
Day 7 Africa- The Gambia includes links to Geography, Reading, Writing, Spelling, Science and Art.
DISCLAIMER: Website addresses are provided in this resource in order to offer additional information sources for teachers. It is not unknown for unscrupulous individuals or organisations to place highly
unsuitable materials on websites to which children might have access. It is essential that teachers check the content of websites before allowing pupils to have access to them. In addition, although we try to suggest reliable sources, websites and the individual pages within them can sometimes be removed or have their website addresses changed by their owners. LCP cannot be held responsible for other organisations’ websites which are removed or changed, nor for the content of such websites.
Lesson Plan: How to identify different types of buildings
Learning objectives
Children should learn:
• that a locality includes a range of types of
• about the function or significance of some
buildings in their own locality;
• how to annotate maps.
Success criteria
Children can:
• annotate a simple route map
Taken from LCP’s KS1 Geography Resource File
Get all five sheets from our TES shop
Encourage your child’s natural curiosity with this River Investigation.
Links to measure in Maths
Taken from the KS2 Geography Resources File. Available in PDF
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Based on a theme, LCP’s daily home learning plans are here to help give parents ideas for fun and engaging activities for their children. Each day includes a mixture of independent and working with adult activities and a timetable to help structure the day.
Day 3 Water includes links to Science, Art, English and Geography
DISCLAIMER: Website addresses are provided in this resource in order to offer additional information sources for teachers. It is not unknown for unscrupulous individuals or organisations to place highly
unsuitable materials on websites to which children might have access. It is essential that teachers check the content of websites before allowing pupils to have access to them. In addition, although we try to suggest reliable sources, websites and the individual pages within them can sometimes be removed or have their website addresses changed by their owners. LCP cannot be held responsible for other organisations’ websites which are removed or changed, nor for the content of such websites.
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Based on a theme, LCP’s daily home learning plans are here to help give parents ideas for fun and engaging activities for their children. Each day includes a mixture of independent and working with adult activities and a timetable to help structure the day.
It includes all resources and hyperlinks.
Day 7 Africa- The Gambia includes links to Geography, Reading, Writing, Spelling, Science and Art.
DISCLAIMER: Website addresses are provided in this resource in order to offer additional information sources for teachers. It is not unknown for unscrupulous individuals or organisations to place highly
unsuitable materials on websites to which children might have access. It is essential that teachers check the content of websites before allowing pupils to have access to them. In addition, although we try to suggest reliable sources, websites and the individual pages within them can sometimes be removed or have their website addresses changed by their owners. LCP cannot be held responsible for other organisations’ websites which are removed or changed, nor for the content of such websites.
Based on a theme, LCP’s daily home learning plans are here to help give parents ideas for fun and engaging activities for their children. Each day includes a mixture of independent and working with adult activities and a timetable to help structure the day.
It includes all resources and hyperlinks.
Day 3 Water includes links to Science, Literacy, Geography and Art
DISCLAIMER: Website addresses are provided in this resource in order to offer additional information sources for teachers. It is not unknown for unscrupulous individuals or organisations to place highly
unsuitable materials on websites to which children might have access. It is essential that teachers check the content of websites before allowing pupils to have access to them. In addition, although we try to suggest reliable sources, websites and the individual pages within them can sometimes be removed or have their website addresses changed by their owners. LCP cannot be held responsible for other organisations’ websites which are removed or changed, nor for the content of such websites.
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7 activities to support the understanding of the Naples and Campania Region as part of a location study aimed at Keystage 2 children.
Activity 1: Where is Italy?
Activity 2: The Regions of Italy
Activity 3: Base Map of Naples and the Campania Region
Activity 4: Reading Train Timetables: Circumvesuviana line table (The train around the Bay of Naples).
Activity 5: Holiday Brochure
Activity 6: Understanding Volcanoes- The Vesuvius Crater
Activity 7: A Section Through a Volcano.
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2 lessons covering UK Counties and Major Cities
Lesson 1: Counties in the UK
Learning objectives
Children should learn:
• the UK is divided into countries and counties.
Success criteria
Children can:
• understand that the countries in the UK are
divided into counties and can name some of the
Lesson 2: Major Cities in the UK
Learning objectives
Children should learn:
• about the major cities in the UK.
Success criteria
Children can:
• understand that there are a number of major
cities in the UK and can name and locate them.
Taken from LCP’s LKS2 Geography Resource File
This pack includes 6 worksheets:
Understanding the difference between the British Isles, United Kingdom and Great Britain.
Make Your Own Wind Vane
Investigating Weather
Physical or Human features
Understanding where food comes from
From LCP KS1 Geography Resource File
The purpose of Geography is:
• to develop a knowledge and understanding of place on a local, regional and global scale, of the interconnections between places, of the significance of location, of human and physical environments, of people–environment relationships, and of the causes and consequences of change;
• to develop the skills needed to undertake geographical investigations (enquiry, map work, photographs and image interpretation
• to stimulate interest in, and to encourage an appreciation of, the world around us (environmental, social and cultural awareness); • to develop an informed concern for the world around us and an ability to take positive action (citizenship and sustainability).
1 lesson covering the distinction between human and physical features
Includes Worksheets
Learning objectives
Children can:
• distinguish human from physical features in the
• begin to understand that the distinction between
human and physical is not always clear.
Success criteria
Children should be able to
• recognise physical and human features in the
• use geographical vocabulary to describe physical
and human features
Taken from LCP’s KS1 Geography Resource File
1 lesson Plan: The geography of the United Kingdom and its surrounding sea
All worksheets included.
Learning objectives
Children should learn:
• the names of the countries of the UK;
• the names of the four capital cities of the UK;
• to identify characteristics of the four countries
and capital cities.
Success criteria
Children should be able to:
• name the countries of the UK;
• name the four capital cities of the UK;
• identify characteristics of the four countries and
capital cities
Lesson taken from LCP’s KS1 Geography Resource File
1x lesson with worksheets
Learning objectives
Children should learn:
• about the physical and human features of the
• further develop their map and atlas skills.
Success criteria
Children can:
• identify human and physical features of the
seaside;use geographical vocabulary to talk
about the seaside;
• use maps/atlases/Internet to locate seaside
Taken from LCP’s KS1 Geography Resource File
2 part lesson covering contours and relief specifically aimed at Year 3 pupils.
Includes lesson plans and resource sheets
Lesson 1:
Learning objectives
Children should understand:
• contours show the shape of the land (relief);
• how sea level is measured.
Success criteria
Children can:
• begin to understand how relief (the shape of the
land) is shown on OS maps;
• understand how sea level is assessed.
Lesson 2:
Learning objectives
Children should understand:
• there are two ways of representing height on an
OS map;
• contours show the shape of the land (relief);
• layer colouring is a third way of showing relief on
Success criteria
Children can:
• state how high above sea level a particular
feature is on an OS map;
• begin to understand how height and relief are
shown on OS maps.
Taken from LCP’s LKS2 Geography Resource File
5 worksheets to inspire learning and encourage geographical curiosity both at home or at school.
Available as PDF to print. Designed for Year 3.
These worksheets include:
Instructions and templates to make a cardboard contours island (2 sheets)
River bend investigation
River speed investigation
Understanding Cities in the UK.
5 worksheets to inspire learning and encourage geographical curiosity both at home or at school.
Available as PDF to print. Designed for Year 4.
These worksheets include:
Mapping Puddles Invesitagion
Soaking up Water Investigation
Regional Study: East Anglia
The Water Cycle
Rainfall in the UK
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