1 lesson covering the distinction between human and physical features
Includes Worksheets
Learning objectives
Children can:
• distinguish human from physical features in the
• begin to understand that the distinction between
human and physical is not always clear.
Success criteria
Children should be able to
• recognise physical and human features in the
• use geographical vocabulary to describe physical
and human features
Taken from LCP’s KS1 Geography Resource File
3 worksheets focuses on the teaching of adverbs
Sheet 1: to revise adverbs of manner
Sheet 2: to revise adverbs of time, frequency and place.
Sheet 3: to investigate how adverbs can affect adjectives
Taken from Grammar and Creativity Year 6 (by LCP)
Clear sheets that have instructions so easily to follow.
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4 worksheets and 1 poster
Designed to support the teaching of Commas.
Sheet 1: to revise commas and full stops.
Sheet 2: to explore the ways commas help to create meaning in a sentence.
Sheet 3: to use commas to avoid ambiguity
Sheet 4: to use commas to punctuate speech
Taken from LCP’s Grammar and Creativity Year 5 book.
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Who were the Celts?
Learning objectives Learning outcomes
The purpose of this lesson is:
for the children to develop a clear understanding of who the Celtic people
Children should learn:
• to select and record information about Celtic ways
of life;
• about aspects of life in Celtic Britain, using a variety
of sources.
Class objective:
• to find out about the Celts
Children should be able to:
• select relevant information from a number of
• record relevant information about the Celtic way of
Includes Lessons Plan and resources for activities
5 activity sheets to encourage Mathematical learning for children aged between 4 and 5 years old.
Taken from our resource Building Blocks. Building Blocks is a modular series of resources offering Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) practitioners a source of fresh, fun activities linked to inspirational, child-centred themes, and providing comprehensive coverage of the different aspects of the Early Learning Goals.
Activity 1: Who’s the tallest? Farm animal activity.
Activity 2: Shape Town.
Activity 3: Counting Raisins
Activity 4: Bigger or Smaller
Activity 5: Is it fair? Sharing activity.
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2 Lessons with worksheets, lesson plans and flip book.
1st Lesson
Learning objectives
Children should learn: • that plants need water but not unlimited water, for healthy growth • to use results to draw conclusions
Learning outcomes
Children will be able to: • state that plants need water to grow but too much or too little water may kill them • describe differences in the way the plants grew
Lesson centered around an investigation to find out how the amount of water a runner bean seedling is given affects how much it grows.
2nd Lesson
Learning objectives
Children should learn: • to suggest how a fair test could be carried out • that in experiments with living things, using just one plant in each set of conditions does not give sufficient evidence
Learning outcomes
Children will be able to: • recognise the correct order in which to undertake a simple investigation • describe factors that contribute to the test being fair • suggest why one sample may not be adequate in each set of conditions
Science lesson centered around an investigation- Does soil type affect the height to which seedlings grow?
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1 lesson Plan: The geography of the United Kingdom and its surrounding sea
All worksheets included.
Learning objectives
Children should learn:
• the names of the countries of the UK;
• the names of the four capital cities of the UK;
• to identify characteristics of the four countries
and capital cities.
Success criteria
Children should be able to:
• name the countries of the UK;
• name the four capital cities of the UK;
• identify characteristics of the four countries and
capital cities
Lesson taken from LCP’s KS1 Geography Resource File
1x lesson with worksheets
Learning objectives
Children should learn:
• about the physical and human features of the
• further develop their map and atlas skills.
Success criteria
Children can:
• identify human and physical features of the
seaside;use geographical vocabulary to talk
about the seaside;
• use maps/atlases/Internet to locate seaside
Taken from LCP’s KS1 Geography Resource File
2 part lesson covering contours and relief specifically aimed at Year 3 pupils.
Includes lesson plans and resource sheets
Lesson 1:
Learning objectives
Children should understand:
• contours show the shape of the land (relief);
• how sea level is measured.
Success criteria
Children can:
• begin to understand how relief (the shape of the
land) is shown on OS maps;
• understand how sea level is assessed.
Lesson 2:
Learning objectives
Children should understand:
• there are two ways of representing height on an
OS map;
• contours show the shape of the land (relief);
• layer colouring is a third way of showing relief on
Success criteria
Children can:
• state how high above sea level a particular
feature is on an OS map;
• begin to understand how height and relief are
shown on OS maps.
Taken from LCP’s LKS2 Geography Resource File
Get the whole book via our TES shop
15 sheets with Answers
Alphabet – to put words into alphabetical order.
Compound Words – to investigate compound words.
Thesaurus – to use a thesaurus to improve my vocabulary.
Nouns – to revise word classes – nouns.
Nouns – to recognise abstract nouns.
Suffixes – to use suffixes: ship, ment, hood, ness.
Pronouns – to revise word classes – pronoun.
Possessive Pronouns – to use possessive pronouns correctly.
Determiners – to explore determiners.
Verbs – to revise word classes – verbs.
Verbs – to choose the correct form of a verb.
Verbs Challenge – to correct past tense verb endings.
Prefixes – to use the prefix: re.
Adjectives – to revise word classes – adjectives. .
Adjectives Challenge – to revise word classes – adjectives
Taken from: Grammar and Creativity for Year 4
Good writing may start with an exciting idea, but it needs structure to make sense to a reader. Grammar provides a framework on which to display the imagination.
Writing brings together individual expression and an understanding of the rules that allow our language (any language) to make sense. This book has been written with the view that grammar and creativity go hand in hand to produce good writing. Developing children’s understanding of the basics of English will encourage their literary adventures. The range of activities here has been designed to excite interest as well as guide children and teachers through the rules.
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All five questions link to:
Understand the effect of and relationships between the four operations, and the principles (not the names) of the arithmetic laws as they apply to multiplication.Begin to use brackets.
Includes 4 pages with strategies to help problem solve
Problem 1: Eating Sweets
Problem 2: Shopping Trip
Problem 3: On the Scales
Problem 4:Passengers
Problem 5: Coloured Cubes
Problem 6: Darts Scores
Taken from Problem Solving Year 5&6
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Links to the objective: Reasoning about numbers or shapes
Solve mathematical problems or puzzles,recognise simple patterns and relationships,generalise and predict.Suggest extensions by asking ‘What if…?’
Explain methods and reasoning orally and,where appropriate, in writing.
5 Sheets with Answers and example strategies to solve the problem.
The overall aim is to help pupils to apply in a variety of situations the mathematics they have already learnt.The programme seeks to achieve this by teaching the strategies that will enable pupils to approach a variety of problems in a more logical and systematic way. The more specific aims of the programme are to promote the following:
• willingness to attempt problems and to persevere;
• confidence in one’s ability to solve problems;
• awareness of problem-solving strategies;
• awareness of the value of approaching problems in a systematic manner;
• ability to select appropriate solution strategies;
• ability to apply solution strategies accurately;
• ability to monitor and evaluate one’s thinking whilst solving problems.
The problems included:
1: Football Kit
2.Striped Shirts
3. Mountain Biking
4. Bike Tracks
5. On Target
Taken from Problem Solving Years 3&4
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Links to the objective: Measure
• Understand and use the vocabulary related to length, mass and capacity. Compare two lengths, masses or capacities by direct comparison; extend to more than two. Measure using uniform non-standard units (e.g. straws, wooden cubes, plastic weights, yogurt pots), or standard units (e.g. metre sticks, litre jugs).
Shape and space
• Use everyday language to describe features of familiar 3-D and 2-D shapes, including the cube, cuboid, sphere, cylinder, cone…, circle, triangle, square, rectangle…, referring to properties such as the shapes of flat faces, or the number of faces or corners… or the number and types of sides.
• Talk about things that turn. Make whole turns and half turns. Use one or more shapes to make, describe and continue repeating patterns…
The overall aim is to help pupils to apply in a variety of situations the mathematics they have already learnt.The programme seeks to achieve this by teaching the strategies that will enable pupils to approach a variety of problems in a more logical and systematic way. The more specific aims of the programme are to promote the following:
• willingness to attempt problems and to persevere;
• confidence in one’s ability to solve problems;
• awareness of problem-solving strategies;
• awareness of the value of approaching problems in a systematic manner;
• ability to select appropriate solution strategies;
• ability to apply solution strategies accurately;
• ability to monitor and evaluate one’s thinking whilst solving problems.
The problems included:
1:Shape and Sizes
2. Obstacle Race
3. Scarves
4. Rabbits
Taken from Problem Solving Years KS1
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Invaders and settlers
The purpose of
this lesson is: to establish that the Anglo-Saxons both invaded and settled in Britain.
Children should learn:
• to use the terms ‘invade’ and ‘settle’;
• to place the Anglo-Saxon period in a chronological
Class objective:
• to discover the difference between invaders and
Learning Outcomes
Children should be able to:
• use a dictionary to find the meanings of the words
‘invade’ and ‘settle’;
• sort words or phrases correctly under the headings
‘invade’ and ‘settle’;
• locate the Anglo-Saxon period on a time line;
• discuss ideas associated with invasion and
Includes Lesson Plan and Activity Sheets
See full unit available on TES
The purpose of this lesson is:
to develop a clear understanding of where the Vikings came from
and where they settled.
Children should learn:
• about the Viking homelands;
• the places that the Vikings visited;
• where the Vikings settled when they came to Britain.
Class objective:
• to find out where the Vikings came from and where
they settled
Children should be able to:
• locate the Viking homelands on a map;
• locate countries in the world that the Vikings
• identify Viking settlements on a modern map.
Includes Lesson Plan and Activity Sheets
Would you like the full unit? Purchase on TES or on our website
The purpose of this lesson is: to consider a map of ancient Greece and to investigate city states and the way they were governed.
Children should learn:
• about the geography of ancient Greece;
• that ancient Greece consisted of city states;
• that different city states were governed in different
Class objective:
• to discover how ancient Greece was organized.
Children should be able to:
• recognize that ancient Greece was organized into
city states;
• know that Athens and Sparta were city states;
• understand that there are different models of
Includes Lesson Plans and Sheets for activities
5 worksheets to inspire learning and encourage geographical curiosity both at home or at school.
Available as PDF to print. Designed for Year 3.
These worksheets include:
Instructions and templates to make a cardboard contours island (2 sheets)
River bend investigation
River speed investigation
Understanding Cities in the UK.
5 worksheets to inspire learning and encourage geographical curiosity both at home or at school.
Available as PDF to print. Designed for Year 4.
These worksheets include:
Mapping Puddles Invesitagion
Soaking up Water Investigation
Regional Study: East Anglia
The Water Cycle
Rainfall in the UK
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2 full lessons includes lesson plans resources and flipbook.
1st lesson: Learning objectives
Children should learn: • that humans grow and change as they become older
Learning Outcome: Children will be able to: • sequence pictures of people from youngest to oldest, giving reasons for their choices
Children look at different stages of a humans life from baby to the elderly
2nd Lesson
Learning objective: Children should learn: • that there are differences between humans • to collect and organise data and present it in a chart
Learning outcomes
Children will be able to: • count how many children have a particular feature and represent this information in a chart • interpret the chart
Children create block graphs to focus on the similarities and difference of physical apperances. Such as ‘brown eyes’ and ‘blonde hair’
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Taken from our Geography Flipbook Activities Keystage 2 Years5&6
This unit contains 2 full lessons with lesson plan and resources.
Investigating rivers Flipbook
The water cycle Flipbook :The Amazon
The resource includes one page of teacher’s notes for every page in the flipbook,and each one includes learning objectives and outcomes,key questions and activity ideas.There are many suggestions on how to use the relevant flipbook page and associated activity sheet.
Learning Objective:
Learning outcomes: Children will be able to:
• appreciate some of the problems associated with water supply
• understand that important decisions about water use have to be made
• about the River Amazon and its characteristics
Learning outcomes Children will be able to: • identify and explain each stage in the water cycle
Locate the Amazon on a map and identify some of its features (size,meanders,sediment,tributaries, environment through which it flows)