Jamescumberworth13's ShopAverage Rating5.00(based on 3 reviews)I provide notes on the A level Geography OCR exam boardEdit shopAdd a resource
jamescumberworth13Erosion landforms- Glaciated landscapes OCR(0)Provides a list of all the erosional landforms from the specification.
jamescumberworth13Global Migration OCR A level Geography all notes(0)Covers the whole specification of Global Migration. Includes all case studies.
jamescumberworth13Changing spaces; making places-OCR A level Geography(0)Refined notes on this topic that is linked clearly to the specification. Includes all case studies needed.
jamescumberworth13TOPIC TEST FOR OCR A LEVEL GEOGRAPHY - Changing spaces; making places(0)Review questions on all content for this topic as well as unseen essay questions. Covers all content from this part of the course.