All resources

A Collection of GCSE Short Stories (Grades 6-9)
A collection of GCSE short stories written by students for their exam. All were marked between Grade 6-9.
Some have strong voices, some effective description or unusual settings/situations, some are well structured, some convey intense emotion whilst others are plot-driven. A real range.
They could be used to inspire other GCSE stories or as reading tasks (analysing the writer’s craft).

Julius Caesar: Full Scheme & Resources
A full scheme of work with resources on Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar. 15 lessons. Text included. KS3.

Beowulf: Full Scheme & Resources
A twelve lesson scheme of work on Beowulf. The text and all resources included. Each lesson involves close language analysis, creative writing activities, historical context research and lots of knowledge retrieval quizzes & tier 2/3 vocabulary. (KS3)

Letter Writing Challenge Booklet
Letter writing tasks (with models and advice). Useful for KS3 or GCSE.

Gothic Literature: Full Scheme & Resources
A 20 lesson scheme on Gothic Literature with modern and classic texts. A range of reading and writing tasks. All resources and texts included. (KS3)

English Literature & Language Bar-Chart Feedback Sheets
A feedback method that speeds up marking - workload reducing, yay! - whilst focusing on key assessment criteria. Useful for literature or language. KS3 or KS4. Easy to adapt to suit your exam board/KS3 assessments. See picture for model of use.

Sentence Upgrades
A collection of worksheets pupils can use to upgrade their sentences. An example is filled out and their is a blank space on the back.

Emotion Wheel
An emotion wheel for improving the vocabulary of pupils and helping them to explore the feelings of characters in literature. Example of how I use it included.

Animal Farm: Full Scheme & Resources (KS3)
A full scheme of work (PowerPoint) and resources (workbook) for ‘Animal Farm’ (KS3).

Exploring the Witches: GCSE 'Macbeth' Revision
A revision PowerPoint for the witches in ‘Macbeth’ (KS4).

Romeo & Juliet: KS3 Workbook
A workbook for Romeo & Juliet (KS3). A series of extracts and reading & writing activities to complete. I watch the Baz Lurhmann version alongside this workbook and contrast it with the Zeffirelli version.

70 Non-Fiction Writing Prompts
70 non-fiction writing prompts for KS3/KS4: letters (formal/informal), speeches, articles, leaflets/guides and a review included.

KS3 Writing Challenges
A collection of fortnightly writing challenges for all of KS3. They alternate between fiction & non-fiction and follow a GCSE style.

Non-Fiction Writing Challenge Booklet
A booklet of letters, speeches, articles and reviews for GCSE English Language. Contains writing advice, model answers and a range of questions. It could be used as a homework booklet or in class.

Macbeth: Exploring Paired Quotations
A revision lesson (after the play has been read) for 'Macbeth'. Pupils must link evidence in a table and explore the relationship in the imagery/explain the character development. Useful for practising the skill of synthesis. There is also a grid for a detailed, exam-style paragraph (model included). The worksheet is designed to be printed A3.

Macbeth: Revising the Main Characters
PowerPoints for revising the main characters in ‘Macbeth’ (GCSE). Not recommended if pupils haven’t already studied the plot.